21 Jun 2017 | 09:15 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 4 | Western Australian Electoral Commission | Mr David Kerslake (Electoral Commissioner), Mr Chris Avent (Deputy Electoral Commissioner) and Mr Louis Gargan (Manager, Policy, Compliance and Human Resources) | | |
01 Nov 2017 | 10:15 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 1 | Department of Fire and Emergency Services | Mr Darren Klemm (Commissioner), Mr Lloyd Bailey AFSM (Deputy Commissioner Operations), Mr Malcolm Cronstedt AFSM (Executive Director, Office of Emergency Management), Mr Murray Carter (Director of Bushfire Risk Management)
| | |
13 Feb 2019 | 10:30 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 4 | Road Safety Commission | Mr Simon Grieve (Acting Commissioner of Road Safety), Ms Teresa Williams (Director Strategy and Policy) and Mr David Slack-Smith (Principal Intelligence Analyst) and Mr Iain Cameron (Acting Managing Director, Department of Transport) | | |
03 Apr 2019 | 09:45 AM | Parliament House (South Entrance) Legislative Assembly Meeting Room | Mental Health Commission | Ms Judi Stone (Acting Director - Prevention Services) and Ms Sue Jones (Assistant Commissioner - Alcohol, Other Drug and Prevention Services) | | |
10 Apr 2019 | 10:15 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 5 | Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries | Mr Duncan Ord (Director General) and Ms Narrell Lethorn (Director, Industry and Sector Regulation) | | |
26 Jun 2019 | 10:15 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 4 | Department of Justice | Mr Antony Hassall (Commissioner) | | |
09 Sep 2020 | 10:15 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 4 | Department of Communities | Ms Michelle Andrews (Director General), Mr Phil Payne (Executive Director, Regulation & Quality), Ms Melanie Samuels (Acting Executive Director, Statewide and South East) and Ms Renee Gioffre (General Manager, Implementation Team Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse) | | |
14 Oct 2020 | 10:15 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 2 | Western Australian Electoral Commission | Mr Robert Kennedy (Electoral Commissioner for Western Australia) and Mr Christopher Avent (Deputy Electoral Commissioner) | | |
04 Nov 2020 | 10:15 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 1 | Corrective Services Western Australia | Mr Tony Hassall (Commissioner), Mr Mike Reynolds (Deputy Commissioner), Mr Dave Brampton (Deputy Commissioner), Mr Andy Beck (Deputy Commissioner), Mr Gary Budge (Deputy Commissioner Operational Support) | | |