12 Aug 2020 | 10:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 1 | The Educational Computing Association of Western Australia Inc | Mr Michael King (President) and Ms Shaloni Naik (Secondary School Coordinator) | | |
12 Aug 2020 | 10:45 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 1 | Department of Education | Ms Lisa Rodgers (Director General), Ms Melesha Sands (Executive Director, Recovery) Mr Martin Clery (Assistant Executive Director, Teaching and Student Support Services), Mr David Dans (Chief Information Officer), Mr Stuart Percival (Principal, School of Special Educational Needs: Disability), Mr Caleb Jones (Principal, School of Special Education Needs: Medical and Mental Health) and Mr Allan Blagaich (Executive Director, School Curriculum and Standards Division) | | |
19 Aug 2020 | 10:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 1 | Catholic Education Western Australia | Dr Debra Sayce (Executive Director), Mr Matthew Ferrinda (Digital Learning Coordinator) and Dr Edward Simons (Director of Governance, Strategy and Digital Technology) | | |
19 Aug 2020 | 11:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office - Meeting Room 1 | Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia | Ms Valerie Gould (Executive Director | | |