13 Dec 2017 | 11:00 AM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Department of Health - WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network and WA Country Health Service ) | Dr Keiron Bradley (Palliative Care Clincial Lead),
Ms Amanda Bolleter (Program Manger),
Mr Luke Hays (Senior Policy Officer, Aged Care, Purchasing and Contracting),
Ms Marie Baxter, Executive Director, Nursing Services)
and Ms Marianne Slattery (Nurse Director) | Yes | |
13 Dec 2017 | 01:30 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Department of Health | Professor Gary Geelhoed (Chief Medical Officer) | Yes | |
13 Dec 2017 | 02:30 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Department of Health - WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network | Dr David Ransom (Co-Director Medical Adviser) | Yes | |
13 Dec 2017 | 03:30 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Department of Health - WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network | Dr Lisa Miller (Psycho-Oncology Collaborative Lead) | Yes | |
13 Dec 2017 | 04:30 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Department of Health - WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network | Mr Kim Greeve (Project Officer, Advanced Care Planning) | Yes | |
14 Dec 2017 | 11:00 AM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Ltd WA | Dr Timothy Koh (Chair) | Yes | |
14 Dec 2017 | 12:00 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Palliative Care Nurses Australia | Ms Grace Buchanan (Committee Member) | Yes | |
14 Dec 2017 | 01:15 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Silver Chain Group | A/Professor Keith Evans (Group Advisory Public Policy) and
Mr Mark Cockayne (General Manager) | Yes | |
14 Dec 2017 | 02:15 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Palliative Care WA | Dr Elissa Campbell (Vice President),
Ms Lana Glogowski (Executive Officer),
Ms Natalie Panizza (Nurse Practitioner Palliative Care, Royal Perth Hospital) and
Ms Caitlin Calcutt (Project Officer) | Yes | |
14 Dec 2017 | 03:15 PM | Legislative Council Committee Office (Ground Floor 18-32 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 1 | Chief Psychiatrist for Western Australia | Dr Nathan Gibson | Yes | |
26 Feb 2018 | 09:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | CarersWA | | Yes | |
26 Feb 2018 | 10:30 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Professor Lindy Willmott, Professor Ben White and Ms Penny Neller | Yes | |
26 Feb 2018 | 12:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Associate Professor Meredith Blake and Dr Craig Sinclair | Yes | |
26 Feb 2018 | 03:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Doctors for Assisted Dying Choice (Specialist Group) | | Yes | |
27 Feb 2018 | 09:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Director of Public Prosecutions and WA Police | | Yes | |
27 Feb 2018 | 11:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Braemar Presbyterian Care | | Yes | |
27 Feb 2018 | 12:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | IdentityWA | Mrs Gaye Matthews | Yes | |
27 Feb 2018 | 02:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Office of the Public Advocate | | Yes | |
27 Feb 2018 | 04:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Western Australian Palliative Medicine Specialist Group | | Yes | |
27 Feb 2018 | 05:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | People with disabilities and Australian Federation of Disability Organisations | | Yes | |
28 Feb 2018 | 09:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Catholic Healthcare Australia; St John of God and Catholic Homes WA | | Yes | |
28 Feb 2018 | 11:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Australian Medical Association (WA) | | Yes | |
28 Feb 2018 | 01:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Chief Psychiatrist | | Yes | |
28 Feb 2018 | 02:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Avant | | Yes | |
28 Feb 2018 | 03:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists | | Yes | |
28 Feb 2018 | 04:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | State Administrative Tribunal | | Yes | |
01 Mar 2018 | 09:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | State Coroner | | Yes | |
01 Mar 2018 | 11:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Brightwater Care Group | | Yes | |
01 Mar 2018 | 12:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UWA | | Yes | |
01 Mar 2018 | 03:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Professor Michael Quinlan | Yes | |
02 Mar 2018 | 09:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Medicine with Morality | | Yes | |
02 Mar 2018 | 10:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Motor Neuron Disease Association WA | | Yes | |
02 Mar 2018 | 11:30 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Doctors for Assisted Dying Choice (GP group) | | Yes | |
02 Mar 2018 | 01:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Aboriginal Health Council of WA | | Yes | |
02 Mar 2018 | 02:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Council of The Aging WA | | Yes | |
07 Mar 2018 | 12:30 PM | Centennial Stadium
(156 Lockyer Avenue Albany WA 6330) - Meeting Room (Bottom Storey) | | Ms Patricia Marshall and Ms Kathleen Trendall | | |
07 Mar 2018 | 01:40 PM | Centennial Stadium
(156 Lockyer Avenue Albany WA 6330) - Meeting Room (Bottom Storey) | | Ms Tracy Endersly and Ms Irene Montefiore | | |
07 Mar 2018 | 02:15 PM | Centennial Stadium
(156 Lockyer Avenue Albany WA 6330) - Meeting Room (Bottom Storey) | | Ms Jenny Rickerby | | |
07 Mar 2018 | 02:50 PM | Centennial Stadium
(156 Lockyer Avenue Albany WA 6330) - Meeting Room (Bottom Storey) | | Ms Marija Rosa | | |
08 Mar 2018 | 10:30 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Victory Life Centre | | Yes | |
08 Mar 2018 | 11:30 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Chief Rabbi Perth Synagogue | | Yes | |
08 Mar 2018 | 01:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Association for Reformed Political Action | | Yes | |
08 Mar 2018 | 02:30 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Coalition for Defence of Human Life | | Yes | |
08 Mar 2018 | 04:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Dignitas | | Yes | |
08 Mar 2018 | 05:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth and LJ Goody Bioethics Centre | | Yes | |
09 Mar 2018 | 09:00 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Defend Human Life | | Yes | |
09 Mar 2018 | 10:30 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Australian Christian Lobby | | Yes | |
09 Mar 2018 | 11:30 AM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Family Voice Australia | | Yes | |
09 Mar 2018 | 01:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Right to Life WA | | Yes | |
09 Mar 2018 | 02:00 PM | Legislative Assembly Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Professor Doug Bridge | Yes | |
09 Apr 2018 | 12:30 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Dying for Choice | Mr Neil Francis | Yes | |
09 Apr 2018 | 03:00 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Dignitas | | Yes | |
09 Apr 2018 | 04:10 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Ms Cait Calcutt | Yes | |
13 Apr 2018 | 09:00 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Exit International | Dr Phillip Nitschske | Yes | |
13 Apr 2018 | 10:30 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Marshall Perron | Yes | |
13 Apr 2018 | 11:30 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Christians Supporting Choice for Voluntary Euthanasia | Mr Ian Wood | Yes | |
13 Apr 2018 | 01:30 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Dr Rodney Syme | Yes | |
13 Apr 2018 | 02:30 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Dying with Dignity WA | Mr Murray Hindle | Yes | |
13 Apr 2018 | 04:00 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Go Gentle Australia | Mr Andrew Denton | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 09:15 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Dr Brien Hennesy (Anaesthetist) | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 10:15 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Ms Grytsje Doust | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 11:10 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr John Ireland | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 12:20 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Nigel Haines | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 01:55 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Ms Gillian Henderson | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 02:30 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Warnar Spyker | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 04:15 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr William (Bill) Spanbroek | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 04:50 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Dr John Hayes | Yes | |
30 Apr 2018 | 05:25 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Andrew Devitt | | |
01 May 2018 | 09:45 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Michael Walker | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 10:20 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Dr Megan Best | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 11:10 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Ms Beverley Macri | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 11:45 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Ms Marcelle van Soest | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 12:20 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Ms Noreen Fynn | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 01:55 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Paul and Ms Lisa Byl | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 02:30 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr William (Bill) Philip | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 03:05 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Professor Margaret Somerville | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 04:15 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Bruce Buchanan | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 04:50 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Mr Andrew Vermeulen | Yes | |
01 May 2018 | 05:25 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | | Ms Margo Beilby and Mr Gary Beilby | Yes | |
18 May 2018 | 10:00 AM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Australian Medical Association | Dr Omar Khorshid (President WA Branch) and Dr Katherine Noonan (Executive Officer, Policy and Research Lead) | Yes | |
18 May 2018 | 01:00 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Department of Health | Professor David Forbes (Chief Medical Officer), Ms Amanda Bolleter (WACPCN Program Manager), Dr Keiron Bradley (WACPCN Clinical Lead), Ms Marianne Slattery (WACHS South West Nurse Director) and Ms Marie Baxter (Executive Director of Nursing WACHS) | Yes | |
18 May 2018 | 03:30 PM | Committee Office
(Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace West Perth WA 6005) - Meeting Room 2 | Department of Health | Professor David Forbes (Chief Medical Officer), Ms Amanda Bolleter (WACPCN Program Manager), Dr Keiron Bradley (WACPCN Clinical Lead), Ms Marianne Slattery (WACHS South West Nurse Director) and Ms Marie Baxter (Executive Director of Nursing WACHS) | Yes | |