Abbey, Hon Charles RoyAbbey, Charles Roy, Inaugural Speech 1958.pdfAbbott, Mr Arthur Valentine RutherfordAbbott, Arthur Inaugural Speech.pdfAckland, Mr John HughAckland, John Hugh, Inaugural Speech.pdfAirey, Hon Diane PhyllisChapter 28. Diane Airey Making a Difference.pdfAlexander, Dr Ian ChristopherAlexander, Ian, Inaugural Speech.pdfAlexander, Hon WilliamAlexander, William, Inaugural Speech.pdfAllen, Mr Ebenezer (Eben)Allen, Ebenezer, Inaugural Speech.pdfAllen, Hon Joseph FrancisAllen, Joseph Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfAllsop, Frederick WilliamAllsop, Frederick William, Inaugural Speech.pdfAmherst, Hon Josceline George HerbertAmherst, Josceline George, Inaugural Speech.pdfAndrew, Mr Hugh DavidAndrew, Hugh, Inaugural Speech.pdfAngelo, Mr Edward HoughtonAngelo, Edward Houghton, Inaugural Speech.pdfAngwin, Mr William CharlesAngwin, William, Inaugural Speech.pdfAnwyl, Ms Megan IreneAnwyl, Megan, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 36. Megan Anwyl Making a Difference.pdfArcher, Hon Shelley FrancesATTQ391Z.pdf
Chapter 58. Shelley Archer Making a Difference.pdfArdagh, Hon Richard GeorgeArdagh, Richard, Inaugural Speech.pdfAtkins, Mr WilliamAtkins, William, Inaugural Speech.pdfAtkinson, Hon William GordonAtkinson, William Gordon, Inaugural Speech.pdfBaglin, Hon Frederick ArthurBaglin, Frederick Arthur, Inaugural Speech.pdfBaker, Mr Christopher (Chris) JohnInaugural Speech, Baker, Chris 1997.pdf
Baker, Christopher John, Condolence Motion, Assembly.pdfBaker, Ms Lisa LoraineChapter 67. Lisa Baker revised Making a Difference.pdfBarker, Hon Charles William DonaldBarker, Charles William (Donald), Inaugural Speech.pdfBarnard, Mr George WilliamBarnard, George William, Inaugural Speech.pdfBarnett, Mr Edward CharlesBarnett, Edward Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfBarnett, Mr Michael19860611_Assembly_SpeakerStatement_Barnett.pdf
Barnett, Michael, Valedictory Speech, 1996.pdf
Barnett, Michael, Inaugural Speech, 1974.pdf
Barnett, Mike, Condolence Motion, Assembly, 2024.pdf
Vale Mike Barnett.pdfBateman, Mr Thomas (Tom) HenryBateman, Thomas Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfBath, Mr Thomas HenryBath, Thomas Henry, First Address-in-Reply, 1903.pdfBaxter, Hon Charles FarquharsonBaxter, Charles Farquharson, Inaugural Speech.pdfBaxter, Hon Norman EricBaxter, Norman Inaugural Speech.pdfBeggs, Mrs Pamela AnneBeggs, Pamela Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 14. Pam Beggs Making a Differencepdf.pdfBehjat, Hon Elizabeth (Liz) LloydChapter 72. Elizabeth Behjat Making a Difference.pdf
Behjat, Elizabeth Lloyd, Valedictory Speech.pdfBell, Hon Colin JohnBell, Colin John, Inaugural Speech.pdfBennetts, Hon GeorgeBennetts, George Inaugural Speech.pdfBenson-Lidholm, Hon Matthew (Matt) FrancisBenson-Lidholm, Inaugural Speech.pdfBerinson, Hon Joseph MaxBerinson, Joseph Inaugural Speech.pdf
Berinson, Joseph Max, Condolence Motion.pdfBerry, Hon George WilliamBerry, George William, Inaugural Speech.pdfBerry, Mr Horace ThurstonBerry, Horace Thurston, Inaugural Speech.pdfBertram, Mr Ronald (Ron) EdwardBertram, Ronald Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfBickerton, Mr Arthur WilliamBickerton, Arthur William, Inaugural Speech.pdfBickley, Wallace (Samuel) AlexanderBickley, Wallace (Samuel) Alexander, Inaugural Speech.pdfBirch, EdmundBirch, Edmund, First Address-in-Reply.pdfBlaikie, Mr Barry RoyBlaikie, Barry Roy, Inaugural Speech.pdfBloffwitch, Mr Robert (Bob) ClydeBloffwitch, Robert Clyde, Inaugural Speech.pdfBoan, Hon HenryBoan, Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfBoard, Mr Michael (Mike) FrancisBoard, Michael Francis, Valedictory Speech.pdfBolton, Mr Harry EdwardBolton, Harry Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfBolton, Hon Leonard BurlingtonBolton, Leonard Burlington, Inaugural Speech.pdfBovell, Sir William StewartBovell, William Stewart, Inaugural Speech.pdfBowler, Mr John James MansellBowler, John James Mansell, Valedictory speech.pdfBoyland, Mr JohnBoyland, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfBoyle, Mr Ignatius GeorgeBoyle, Ignatius George, Inaugural Speech.pdfBoylen, Hon Robert JosephBoylen, Robert Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrady, Mr John JosephBrady, John Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrand, Sir DavidBrand, David, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrand, Hon George Edmund DowdBrand, George Edmund Dowd, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Brand, George Edmund Dowd, Oral History.pdfBrebber, Mr JamesBrebber, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfBridge, Mr Ernest FrancisBridge, Ernest Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Bridge, Ernest Francis, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Bridge, Ernest Francis, Oral History.pdfBriggs, Hon HenryBriggs, Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrimage, Hon Thomas Frederick OutridgeBrimage, Thomas Frederick Outridge, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrockman, Mr Edmund RalphBrockman, Edmund Ralph, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrockman, Mr Edmund VernonBrockman, Edmund Vernon, Inaugural Speech.pdfBroun, Mr Frank TyndallBroun, Frank Tyndall, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrown, Mr HarryBrown, Harry, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrown, Henry JamesBrown, Henry James, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrown, Hon James McMillanBrown, James McMillan, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrown, Hon John ReidBrown, John Reid, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrown, MaitlandBrown, Maitland, Inaugural Speech.pdfBrown, Hon Paul JohnBrown, Paul John, Valedictory Speech.pdfBrown, Mr Samuel McConnellBrown, Samuel McConnell, Inaugural Speech.pdfBryce, Mr Malcolm JohnBryce, Malcolm John, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Bryce, Malcolm John, Valedictory Speech.pdfBuchanan, Mrs Pamela AnnBuchanan, Pamela Ann, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 15. Pam Buchanan Making A Difference.pdfBullock, Hon Helen Hong HuiChapter 73. Helen Bullock Making a Difference.pdfBurges, Lockier ClereBurges, Lockier Clere, First Address-in-Reply.pdfBurges, Hon Richard GoldsmithBurges, Richard Goldsmith, Inaugural Speech.pdfBurges, Hon ThomasBurges, Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfBurke, Mr Brian ThomasATTIKQX0.pdf
Burke, Brian Thomas, Valedictory Speech.pdfBurke, Mr Terence JosephBurke, Terence Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfBurkett, Mr Graham JohnBurkett, Graham John, Inaugural Speech.pdfBurt, Richard Paull SeptimusBurt, Richard Paull Septimus, Inaugural Speech 1959.pdfBurt, Hon SeptimusBurt, Septimus, Inaugural Speech.pdfBurton, Hon Carolyn AnneBurton, Carolyn Anne, Making a Difference.pdfBurvill, Hon AlfredBurvill, Alfred, Inaugural Speech.pdfBush, Hon Robert EdwinBush, Robert Edwin, Inaugural Speech.pdfButcher, Mr Noel AlbertButcher, Noel Albert, Inaugural Speech.pdfButcher, Mr William James (Burchell)Butcher, William James (Burchell) Inaugural Speech.pdfButler, Hon Thomas GeorgeButler, Thomas George, Inaugural Speech.pdfCaldwell, Hon John NormanCaldwell, John Norman, Inaugural Speech.pdfCanning, Mr Marinus Frederick AlfredCanning, Marinus Frederick Alfred, Inaugural Speech.pdfCardell-Oliver, Florence (Annie) GilliesCardell-Oliver, Florence (Annie) Gillies, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 7. Florence Cardell-Oliver Making a Difference.pdfCarles, Ms Adele SimoneChapter 77. Adele Carles Making a Difference.pdfCarpenter, Mr William HenryCarpenter, William Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfCarr, Mr Jeffrey PhillipCarr, Jeffery Phillip, Inaugural Speech.pdfCarroll, Hon WilliamCarroll, William, Inaugural Speech.pdfCarson, Hon HenryCarson, Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfCarstairs, Hon Alan MacMillanCarstairs, Alan MacMillan, Inaugural Speech.pdfCarter, Lionel LewinCarter, Lionel Lewin, Inaugural Speech.pdfCash, Mr Earl DouglasCash, Earl Douglas, Inaugural Speech.pdfCash, Hon Samuel (George) ErnestCash, Samuel George Ernest, Inaugural Speech, LC.pdf
ATT7R9TP.pdfCastrilli, Mr Giovanni (John) MarioCastrilli, Giovanni (John) Mario, Valedictory Speech.pdfCatania, Mr Nicholas (Nick) MarkCatania, Nicholas Mark, Inaugural Speech.pdfChance, Hon Kimberley (Kim) MauriceATTL42I7.pdf
Chance, Kimberley Maurice, Oral History.pdfCharlton, Hon Eric JamesCharlton, Eric James, Inaugural Speech.pdfChesson, Mr ThomasChesson, Thomas Inaugural Speech.pdfChurch, Mr John HerbertChurch, John Herbert, Inaugural Speech.pdfClarke, Hon Ephraim MayoClarke, Ephraim Mayo, Inaugural Speech.pdfClarko, Mr James GeorgeClarko, James George, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Clarko, James George, Inaugural Speech.pdfClarkson, Barnard DrummondClarkson, Barnard Drummond, Inaugural Speech.pdfClaughton, Roy FrederickClaughton, Roy Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfClothier, Robert ErnestClothier, Robert Ernest Inaugural Speech.pdfClydesdale, Alexander McAllisterClydesdale, Alexander McAllister, Inaugural Speech.pdfCockburn-Campbell, ThomasCockburn-Campbell, Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Cockburn-Campbell, Thomas, Inaugural Speech, 1891.pdfColebatch, Hal PateshallColebatch, Hal Pateshall, Inaugural Speech.pdfCollier, PhilipCollier, Philip, Inaugural Speech.pdfCongdon, Daniel KeenCongdon, Daniel Keen, Inaugural Speech.pdfConnolly, James DanielConnolly, James Daniel, Inaugural Speech.pdfConnor, FrancisConnor, Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfConolly, John Richard ArthurConolly, John Richard Arthur, Inaugural Speech.pdfConstable, Dr ElizabethConstable, Elizabeth, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Chapter 27. Elizabeth Constable Making a Difference.pdfCookworthy, JosephCookworthy, Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfCooley, Donald WalterCooley, Donald, Inaugural Speech.pdfCorboy, Edwin WilkieCorboy, Edwin Wilkie, Inaugural Speech.pdfCornell, George MeredithCornell, George Meredith, Inaugural Speech.pdfCornell, JamesCornell, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfCornish, Cyril RichardCornish, Cyril Richard, Inaugural Speech.pdfCourt, Charles Walter MichaelCourt, Charles Walter Michael, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Court, Charles Walter Michael, Oral History.002.pdfCourt, Mr Richard FairfaxCourt, Richard Fairfax, Inaugural Speech.pdfCoverley, Aubrey Augustus MichaelCoverley, Aubrey Augustus Michael, Inaugural Speech.pdfCowan, Edith DirckseyCowan, Edith Dircksey, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Making a Difference chapter 5. Edith Cowan.pdfCowan, Mr Hendy JohnCowan, Hendy John, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Cowan, Hendy John, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Cowan, Hendy John, Oral History.pdfCowan, Peter ErnestCowan, Peter Ernest, Inaugural Speech.pdfCowdell, Hon John AlexanderCowdell, John Alexander, Valedictory Speech.pdfCoyne, Peter Joseph AloysiusCoyne, Peter Joseph Aloysius, Inaugural Speech.pdfCraig, James FrederickCraig, James Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfCraig, Margaret JuneCraig, Margaret June, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 10. June Craig Making a Difference .pdfCrane, Albert VictorCrane, Albert Victor, Inaugural Speech.pdfCriddle, Hon Murray JohnCriddle, Murray, John, Valedictory Speech.pdfCrommelin, Harold WilliamCrommelin, Harold William, Inaugural Speech.pdfCross, CharlesCross, Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfCrowder, Frederick ThomasCrowder, Frederick Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfCullen, Joseph FrancisCullen, Joseph Francis, First Address-in-Reply speech.pdfCunningham, Mr Edward (Ted) JosephCunningham, Edward Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Cunningham, Edward Joseph, Valedictory Speech.pdfCunningham, JamesCunningham, James, First Address-in-Reply Speech.pdfCunningham, John Michael AdrenneCunningham, John Michael Adrenne, Inaugural speech.pdfCurran, HenryCurran, Henry, Inaugural speech.pdfDadour, Gabriel ThomasDadour, Gabriel Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfDaffen, Harold Arthur CharlesDaffen, Harold Arthur Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfDaglish, HenryDaglish, Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfDans, Desmond KeithDans, Desmond Keith, Inaugural Speech.pdfDavenport, Hon Cheryl MayDavenport, Cheryl May, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Davenport, Cheryl May, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Chapter 24. Cheryl Davenport Making a Difference.pdfDavies, Hon Dexter MelvynDavies, Dexter, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Davies, Dexter Melvyn, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Davies, Dexter, Condolence Motion LC.pdfDavies, Edward WilliamDavies, Edward William, Inaugural Speech.pdfDavies, Evan MorrisDavies, Evan Morris, Inaugural Speech.pdfDavies, Joseph ThomasDavies, Joseph Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfDavies, Ms Mia JaneChapter 74. Mia Davies Making a Difference.pdfDavies, Reginald (Reg) ElliottDavies, Reginald Elliott, Inaugural Speech.pdfDavies, RonaldDavies, Ronald, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Davies, Ronald, Oral History.pdfDavis, FrederickDavis, Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfDavy, Thomas Arthur LewisDavy, Thomas Arthur Lewis, Inaugural Speech.pdfDe Hamel, Lancel VictorDe Hamel, Lancel Victor, Inaugural speech.pdfDellar, David PeterDellar, David Peter, Inaugural Speech.pdfDellar, Stanley JamesDellar, Stanley James, Inaugural Speech.pdfDempster, AndrewDempster, Andrew, Inaugural Speech.pdfDempster, Charles EdwardDempster, Charles Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfDenton, James SamuelDenton, James Samuel, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Report of Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon war relief funds.pdfDermer, Hon Edmund (Ed) Rupert JosephDermer, Edmund Rupert Joseph, Valedictory Speech.pdfDiamond, Arthur JamesDiamond, Arthur James, Inaugural Speech.pdfDimmitt, James AlbertDimmitt, James Albert, Inaugural Speech.pdfDiver, Leslie CharlesDiver, Leslie Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfDodd, Jabez EdwardDodd, Jabez Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfDoherty, Denis JosephDoherty, Denis Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfDolan, John (Jerry)Dolan, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfDoland, James AlfredDoland, James Alfred, Inaugural Speech.pdfDonaldson, Hon Bruce KirwanDonaldson, Bruce Kirwan, Valedictory Speech.pdfDoney, VictorDoney, Victor, Inaugural Speech.pdfDonovan, Francis AnthonyDonovan, Francis Anthony, Inaugural Speech.pdfDooley, Bronterre WashingtonDooley,Bronterre Washington, Inaugural Speech.pdfDoust, Hon Catherine (Kate) EstherChapter 49. Kate Doust Making a Difference.pdfDoust, Clarence IsaacDoust, Clarence Isaac, Inaugural Speech.pdfDowding, Peter M'CallumDowding, Peter M'Callum, Inaugural Speech.pdfDraper, Thomas PercyDraper, Thomas Percy, Inaugural Speech.pdfDrew, John MichaelDrew, John Michael, Inaugural Speech.pdfDrummond, JamesDrummond, James, Address-in-Reply.pdfDuff, ThomasDuff, Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfDuffell, JosephDuffell, Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfDuncan, Ms Wendy MaxineChapter 64. Wendy Duncan Making a Difference.pdf
Duncan, Wendy Maxine, Inaugural Speech, 26 February 2008.pdf
Duncan, Wendy Maxine, Valedictory Speech.pdfDunn, Kenneth WathenDunn, Kenneth Wathen, Inaugural Speech.pdfDurack, Michael PatrickDurack, Michael Patrick, Inaugural Speech.pdfDurack, Peter DrewDurack, Peter Drew, Inaugural Speech.pdfDwyer, WalterDwyer, Walter, Inaugural Speech.pdfEaton, Hon Shelley ElizabethEaton, Shelley Elizabeth, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Chapter 66. Shelley Eaton Making a Difference.pdfEddy, William TresizeEddy, William Tresize, Inaugural Speech.pdfEdwardes, Mrs Cheryl LynnChapter 22. Cheryl Edwardes Making a Difference.pdfEdwards, Hon Graham JohnEdwards, Graham John, Inaugural Speech 1983.pdfEdwards, Dr Judith (Judy) MaryChapter 26. Judy Edwards Making a Difference.pdf
Edwards, Judith Mary, Valedictory Speech.pdfEllery, Hon Suzanne (Sue) MaryChapter 50. Sue Ellery Making a Difference.pdfElliott, Charles GeorgeElliott, Charles George, Inaugural Speech 1936.pdfElliott, Lyla DaphneElliott, Lyla Daphne, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 9. Lyla Elliott Making a Difference.pdf
Elliott, Lyla Daphne, Oral History.pdfElliott, Ross MewburnElliott, Ross Mewburn, Inaugural Speech.pdfElliott, Samuel Richard Lewes (Lewis)Elliott, Samuel Richard Lewes, Inaugural Speech.pdfEllis, Hon Brian CharlesEllis, Brian Charles, Valedictory Speech.pdfEllis, Henry AugustusEllis, Henry Augustus, Inaugural Speech.pdfEmbry, Hon Patrick (Paddy) Paul ElliotEmbry, Patrick Paul Elliot, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Embry, Patrick Paul Elliot, Inaugural Speech.pdfEvans, Edward ThomasEvans, Edward Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfEvans, Hon George (Max) MaxwellEvans, George Maxwell, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Inaugural Speech, Evans, George Maxwell.pdfEvans, Hywel DavidEvans, Hywel David, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Evans, Hywel David, Vale.pdfEvans, Thomas DanielEvans, Thomas Daniel, Inaugural Speech.pdfEwing, JohnEwing, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfEwing, Norman KirkwoodEwing, Norman Kirkwood, Inaugural Speech.pdfFaragher, Hon Donna Evelyn MaryChapter 59. Donna Faragher Making a Difference.pdfFarina, Hon AdeleChapter 51. Adele Farina Making a Difference.pdfFarrer, Ms Josephine (Josie)Farrer, Josephine, Valedictory Speech.002.pdfFels, Hon Anthony JamesATTZFON0.pdfFerguson, Hon John (Jock) KildayFerguson, John Kilday, Condolence Motion.pdf
Ferguson, Jock, Condolence Motion LC.pdfFerguson, Percy DouglasFerguson, Percy Douglas, Inaugural Speech.pdfFerguson, Hon Valma (Val) EileenChapter 29. Val Ferguson Making a Difference.pdf
Ferguson, Valma Eileen, Inaugural Speech.pdfFerry, Victor JasperFerry, Victor Jasper, Inaugural Speech.pdfFischer, Hon John DuncombeFischer, John Duncombe, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Fischer, John Duncombe, Oral History.pdfFletcher, Harry ArthurFletcher, Harry Arthur, Inaugural Speech.pdfFoley, George JamesFoley, George James, Inaugural Speech.pdfForrest, AlexanderForrest, Alexander, Inaugural Speech.pdfForrest, DavidForrest, David, Inaugural Speech.pdfForrest, JohnForrest, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfForrest, Robert MervynForrest, Robert Mervyn, Inaugural Speech.pdfFoulkes, John Charles GriffithsFoulkes, John Charles Griffiths, Inaugural Speech.pdfFox, ThomasFox, Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfFranklin, James ThomasFranklin, James Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfFraser, GilbertFraser, Gilbert, Inaugural Speech.pdfFraser, MalcolmFraser, Malcolm, Address-in-Reply, 1872.pdfFreeman, Ms Janine MarieChapter 68. Janine Freeman Making a Difference.pdf
Valedictory Speech, Freeman, Janine.pdfGaffy, William James (Frederick)Gaffy, William James (Frederick), Inaugural Speech.pdfGardiner, JamesGardiner, James, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Gardiner, James, Valedictory Speech.pdfGardiner, Joseph PeterGardiner, Joseph Peter, Inaugural Speech.pdfGardiner, Hon Philip WarrenGardiner, Philip Warren, Valedictory Speech.pdfGarrigan, James JosephGarrigan, James Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfGawler, Douglas GeorgeGawler, Douglas George, Inaugural Speech.pdfGayfer, Harry WalterGayfer, Harry Walter, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Gayfer, Harry Walter, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Gayfer, Harry Walter, Condolence Motion, Assembly.pdf
Gayfer, Harry Walter, Condolence Motion, Council.pdfGeorge, William JamesGeorge, William James, Inaugural Speech.pdfGibson, Frank ErnestGibson, Frank Ernest, Inaugural Speech.pdfGilchrist, ArchibaldGilchrist, Archibald, Inaugural speech.pdfGill, FrederickGill, Frederick, Inaugural speech.pdfGlasheen, William ThomasGlasheen, William Thomas, Inaugural speech.pdfGlowrey, John ThomasGlowrey, John Thomas, Address-in-Reply, 1901.pdfGoldsworthy, Roger TuckfieldGoldsworthy, Roger Tuckfield, Inaugural Speech.pdfGordon, William BeattieGordon, William Beattie, Inaugural speech.pdfGourley, Hugh AlexanderGourley, Hugh Alexander, Inaugural speech.pdfGraham, Herbert ErnstGraham, Herbert Ernst, Inaugural speech.pdfGraham, Mr LarryGraham, Larry, Valedictory Speech.pdfGrant, McKenzieGrant, McKenzie, Inaugural Speech.pdfGray, Edmund HarryGray, Edmund Harry, Inaugural Speech.pdfGrayden, DavidGrayden, David, Inaugural Speech.pdfGrayden, William LeonardGrayden, William Leonard, Inaugural Speech.pdfGreen, Albert ErnestGreen, Albert Ernest, Inaugural Speech.pdfGregory, HenryGregory, Henry Inaugural Speech.pdfGreig, James AlexanderGreig, James Alexander, Inaugural Speech.pdfGreig, Robert WilliamGreig, Robert William, Inaugural.pdfGrewar, Geoffrey RoydenGrewar, Geoffrey Royden, Inaugural Speech.pdfGriffith, Arthur FrederickGriffith, Arthur Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfGriffiths, Clive EdwardGriffiths, Clive Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Griffiths, Clive Edward, Speakers & Presidents.pdf
Griffiths, Clive Edward, Valedictory Speech.002.pdf
Griffiths, Clive Edward, Condolence Motion, Council.pdfGriffiths, Harry Albert (Craven)Griffiths, Harry Albert (Craven), Inaugural Speech.pdfGriffiths, Hon Nicholas (Nick) DavidATT5IRW4.pdfGrill, Mr Julian FletcherGrill, Julian Fletcher, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Grill, Julian Fletcher, Valedictory Speech.pdfGrills, Hon DaveGrills, Dave, Valedictory Speech.pdfGuise, Ms Dianne JoyATT3RM0O.pdfGull, Arthur CourthopeGull, Arthur Courthope, Inaugural Speech.pdfGull, Thomas CourthopeGull, Thomas Courthope, Address-in-Reply, 1871.pdfGuthrie, FrankGuthrie, Frank, Inaugural Speech.pdfGuthrie, Hugh NormanGuthrie, Hugh Norman, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Guthrie, Hugh Norman, Oral History.002.002.pdfHackett, John WinthropHackett, John Winthrop, Inaugural Speech.pdfHalden, Hon Stanley (John) JohnHalden, Stanley John, Inaugural Speech.pdfHall, Edmund Henry HartleyHall, Edmund Henry Hartley, Inaugural Speech.pdfHall, Henry LyallHall, Henry Lyall, Inaugural Speech.pdfHall, JackHall, Jack, Inaugural Speech.pdfHall, William ReaperHall, William Reaper, Inaugural Speech.pdfHallahan, Mrs Elsie (Kay) KayHallahan, Elsie Kay, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 18. Kay Hallahan Making a Difference.002.pdf
Hallahan, Elsie Kay, Oral History.002.002.pdfHalligan, Hon Raymond JamesHalligan, Raymond James, Inaugural Speech.pdfHamersley, EdwardHamersley, Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfHamersley, VernonHamersley, Vernon, Inaugural Speech.pdfHames, Dr Kim DesmondHames, Kim Desmond, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Hames, Kim Desmond, Inaugural Speech, 1993.pdfHardey, Richard WatsonHardey, Richard Watson, Inaugural Speech.pdfHardwick, John EdwardHardwick, John Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfHarman, John JosephHarman, John Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfHarper, CharlesHarper, Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfHarper, Nathaniel WhiteHarper, Nathaniel White, Inaugural Speech.pdfHarris, Edgar HenryHarris, Edgar Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfHarrison, Thomas HamletHarrison, Thomas Hamlet, Inaugural Speech.pdfHart, Thomas GeorgeHart, Thomas George, Inaugural Speech.pdfHartrey, Thomas AugustineHartrey, Thomas Augustine, Inaugural Speeches.pdfHarvey, Mrs Liza MaryChapter 69. Liza Harvey Making a Difference.pdfHassell, Albert YoungHassell, Albert Young, Inaugural Speech.pdfHassell, William Ralph BoucherHassell, William Ralph Boucher, Inaugural Speech.pdfHastie, Robert (Stewart)Hastie, Robert, Inaugural Speech.pdfHawke, Albert Redvers George*Hawke, Albert Redvers George, Inaugural Speech.pdfHayden, Hon Alyssa KathleenChapter 75. Alyssa Hayden Making a Difference.pdf
Hayden, Alyssa Kathleen, Valedictory Speech.pdfHaynes, Richard SeptimusHaynes, Richard Septimus, Inaugural Speech.pdfHaynes, Samuel JohnsonHaynes, Samuel Johnson, Inaugural Speech.pdfHayward, ThomasHayward, Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfHeal, StanleyHeal, Stanley, Inaugural Speech.pdfHearman, John MerrifieldHearman, John Merrifield, Inaugural Speech.pdfHearn, HarryHearn, Harry, Inaugural Speech.pdfHeenan, Eric MichaelHeenan, Eric Michael, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Heenan, Eric Michael, Oral History.pdfHegney, JamesHegney, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfHegney, WilliamHegney, William, Inaugural Speech 1939.pdfHeitman, JackHeitman, Jack, Inaugural Speech.pdfHeitmann, Edward ErnestHeitmann, Edward Ernest, Address-in-Reply.pdfHelm, Hon Thomas (Tom) RichardHelm, Thomas Richard, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Helm, Thomas Richard, Valedictory Speech.pdfHenderson, Ms Yvonne DaphneHenderson, Yvonne Daphne, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 16. Yvonne Henderson biography and reflections.pdfHenn, Guy GavinHenn, Guy Gavin, Inaugural Speech.pdfHenning, Andrew HarriotHenning, Andrew Harriot, Inaugural Speech.pdfHenning, Charles HarriotHenning, Charles Harriot, Inaugural Speech.pdfHenshaw, Ernest PercivalHenshaw, Ernest Percival, Inaugural Speech.pdfHenty, Ernest GeorgeHenty, Ernest George, Inaugural Speech.pdfHeron, Thomas JohnHeron, Thomas John, Inaugural Speech.pdfHerzfeld, Thomas Alexander AlbertHerzfeld, Thomas Alexander Albert, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Herzfeld, Thomas Alexander Albert, Condolence Motion, Assembly.pdf
Vale Tom Herzfeld.pdfHetherington, RobertHetherington, Robert, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Hetherington Robert, Oral History.pdfHickey, James WilliamHickey, James William, Inaugural Speech.pdfHickmott, Henry EdwardHickmott, Henry Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfHicks, John SydneyHicks, John Sydney, Inaugural Speech.pdfHigham, Edward HenryHigham, Edward Henry, Address-in-Reply, 1881.pdfHigham, John JosephHigham, John Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfHill, Gordon LeslieHill, Gordon Leslie, Inaugural Speech.pdfHill, Leonard LouisHill, Leonard Leslie, Inaugural Speech.pdfHislop, James GordonHislop, James Gordon, Inaugural Speech.pdfHoar, Ernest KnightHoar, Ernest Knight, Inaugural Speech.pdfHodge, Barry JamesHodge, Barry James, Inaugural Speech.pdfHodgson, Hon Helen MargaretHodgson, Helen Margaret, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Hodgson, Helen Margaret, Oral History.pdf
Hodgson, Helen Margaret, Making a Difference.pdfHodson-Thomas, Ms Katina (Katie)Chapter 37. Katie Hodson-Thomas Making a Difference.pdfHolman, Edward Joseph FrederickHolman, Edward Joseph Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfHolman, Mary (May) AliceHolman, Mary Alice, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 6. May Holman Making a Difference .pdfHolmes, Joseph JohnHolmes, Joseph John, Inaugural Speech.pdfHolmes, Mrs Monica RoseHolmes, Monica Rose, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 38. Monica Holmes Making a Difference.pdfHooley, Edward TimothyHooley, Edward Timothy, Inaugural Speech.pdfHopkins, John MarquisHopkins, John Marquis, Inaugural Speech.pdfHoran, Austin AlvisHoran, Austin Alvis, Inaugural Speech.pdfHough, Hon Francis (Frank) CarsonHough, Francis Carson, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Hough, Francis Carson, Oral History.pdfHouse, Edward CharlesHouse, Edward Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfHubble, George YorkeHubble, George Yorke, Inaugural Speech.pdfHudson, Charles ArthurHudson, Charles Arthur, Inaugural Speech.pdfHughes, Clive MatthewHughes, Clive Matthew, Inaugural Speech.pdfHughes, Mrs Judith (Judy)Chapter 57. Judith Hughes Making a Difference.pdfHughes, Thomas John "Diver"Hughes, Thomas John, Inaugural Speech.pdfHunt, John LeslieHunt, John Leslie, Inaugural Speech.pdfHutchinson, Robert DavidHutchinson, Robert David, Inaugural Speech.pdfHutchinson, RossHutchinson, Ross, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Hutchinson, Ross, Oral History.pdfHutchison, Ruby FlorenceChapter 8. Ruby Hutchison Making a Difference.pdf
Hutchison, Ruby Florence, Inaugural Speech, 1954.pdf
Hutchison, Ruby Florence, Valedictory Speech, 1970.pdfIllingworth, FrederickIllingworth, Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfIsdell, JamesIsdell, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfJacoby, Mathieson HarryJacoby, Mathieson Harry, Inaugural Speech.pdfJames, John Charles HorseyJames, John Charles Horsey, Address-in-Reply, 1887.pdfJames, Walter HartwellJames, Walter Hartwell, Inaugural Speech.pdfJameson, AdamJameson, Adam, Inaugural Speech.pdfJamieson, Colin JohnJamieson, Colin John, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Jamieson, Colin John, Oral History.pdfJeffery, George EdwardJeffery, George Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Jeffery, George Edward, Oral History.pdfJenkins, Arthur GeorgeJenkins, Arthur George, Inaugural Speech.pdfJohnson, Stephen Edward IngramJohnson, Stephen Edward Ingram, Inaugural Speech.pdfJohnson, William DartnellJohnson, William Dartnell, Inaugural Speech.pdfJohnston, Edward BertramJohnston, Edward Bertram, Inaugural Speech.pdfJones, Arthur RaymondJones, Arthur Raymond, Inaugural Speech.pdfJones, Beryl LillianJones, Beryl Lillian, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 21. Beryl Jones Making a Difference.pdfJones, Peter VernonJones, Peter Vernon, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Jones, Peter Vernon, Oral History.002.pdfJones, Thomas HenryJones, Thomas Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Jones, Thomas Henry, Oral History.pdfJones, Walter Leonard (Taylor)Jones, Walter Leonard, Inaugural Speech.pdfKatsambanis, Peter ArgyrisKatsambanis, Peter Argyris, Valedictory Speech, November 2016.pdfKeane, Edward Vivian HarveyKeane, Edward Vivian Harvey, Inaugural Speech.pdfKeep, Henry Frederick*Keep, Henry Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfKelly, Garry KennethKelly, Garry Kenneth, Inaugural Speech.pdfKelly, Lionel FrancisKelly, Lionel Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfKelly, Hon Norman (Norm) John PatrickKelly, Norman John Patrick, Inaugural Speech.pdfKempton, George AdamKempton, George Adam, Inaugural Speech.pdfKenneally, James JosephKenneally, James Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfKennedy, Maurice JohnKennedy, Maurice John, Inaugural Speech.pdfKenny, Henry EdwardKenny, Henry Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfKeyser, Charles ChristopherKeyser, Charles Christopher, Inaugural Speech.pdfKidson, Alfred BowmanKidson, Alfred Bowman, Inaugural Speech.pdfKierath, Mr Graham DonaldKierath, Graham Donald, Inaugural Speech.pdfKingsmill, WalterKingsmill, Walter, Inaugural Speech.pdfKirwan, John WatersKirwan, John Waters, Inaugural Speech.pdfKitney, Ronald WilfredKitney, Ronald Wilfred, Inaugural Speech.pdfKitson, William HenryKitson, William Henry - Inaugural Speech.pdfKnight, ThomasKnight, Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfLambert, George JamesLambert, George James, Inaugural Speech.pdfLamond, AlfredLamond, Alfred, Inaugural Speech.pdfLander, Titus (Peter)Lander, Titus (Peter), Inaugural Speech.pdfLangsford, Joseph WoodLangsford, Joseph Wood, Address-in-Reply, 1904.pdfLapham, Stanley EdwardLapham, Stanley Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfLatham, Charles GeorgeLatham, Charles George, Inaugural Speech.pdfLathlain, William FrancisLathlain, William Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfLaurance, Ian JamesLaurance, Ian James, Inaugural Speech.pdfLaurie, RobertLaurie, Robert, Inaugural Speech.pdfLavery, Frederick Richard HughLavery, Frederick Richard Hugh, Inaugural Speech.pdfLawrence, Carmen MaryLawrence, Carmen Mary, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Lawrence, Carmen Mary, Making a Difference.pdfLawrence, Phillip RichardLawrence, Phillip Richard, Inaugural Speech.pdfLayman, Charles HenryLayman, Charles Henry, Address-in-Reply, 1906.pdfLayman, GeorgeLayman, George, Address-in-Reply, 1885.pdfLeahy, David JosephLeahy, David Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfLeahy, Hon Kevin JohnLeahy, Kevin John, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Leahy, Kevin John, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Leahy, Kevin John, Condolence Motion, LA.pdf
Leahy, Kevin John, Condolence Motion, LC.pdfLeake, GeorgeLeake, George, Inaugural Speech.pdfLeake, George WalpoleLeake, George Walpole, Inaugural Speech.pdfLee Steere, James GeorgeLee Steere, James George, Inaugural Speech.pdfLeeson, Ronald ThomasLeeson, Ronald Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfLefroy, Anthony O’GradyLefroy, Anthony O'Grady, Address-in-Reply.pdfLeslie, Hugh AlanLeslie, Hugh Alan, Inaugural Speech.pdfLewis, Alexander AshleyLewis, Alexander Ashley, Inaugural Speech.pdfLewis, Charles Joseph MooreLewis, Charles Joseph Moore, Inaugural Speech.pdfLewis, Edgar Henry MeadLewis, Edgar Henry Mead, Inaugural Speech.pdfLewis, Mr Kennon (Richard) RichardInaugural Speech, Lewis, Kennon Richard.pdfLewis, Hon Mark WilliamLewis, Mark William, Valedictory Speech.pdfLightfoot, Hon Philip (Ross) RossLightfoot, Philip Ross, Inaugural Speech 1986 pamphlet.pdf
Lightfoot, Philip Ross, Valedictory Speech, 1988.pdf
Vale Ross Lightfoot.pdfLindsay, John (Canaan)Lindsay, John (Canaan), Inaugural Speech.pdfLlewellyn, Hon Paul VincentATTEM1IP.pdfLocke, Ernest Charles BavageLocke, Ernest Charles Bavage, Inaugural Speech.pdfLockyer, Hon Philip HarryLockyer, Philip Harry, Inaugural Speech.pdfLogan, Hon Francis (Fran) MichaelLogan, Francis Michael, Valedictory Speech.pdfLogan, Leslie ArthurLogan, Leslie Arthur, Inaugural Speech.pdfLoton, Anthony LloydLoton, Anthony Lloyd, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Loton, Anthony Lloyd, Oral History.pdfLoton, William ThorleyLoton, William Thorley, First Address-in-Reply, 1886.pdfLukin, Henry (Harbottle)Lukin, Henry, First Address-in-Reply, 1900.pdfLutey, John ThomasLutey, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfLynch, Patrick JosephLynch, Patrick Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfLynn, Robert JohnLynn, Robert John, Inaugural Speech.pdfMacFarlane, James (Mortimer) PattersonMacFarlane, James (Mortimer) Patterson - Inaugural Speech.pdfMacKinnon, Barry JohnMacKinnon, Barry John, Inaugural Speech.pdfMacKinnon, Graham CharlesMacKinnon, Graham Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfMacLaren, Hon Lynn EllenMacLaren, Lynn Ellen, Valedictory Speech.pdf
MacLaren, Lynn Ellen, Making a Difference.pdfMacLean, Mr Iain DouglasMacLean, Iain Douglas, Inaugural Speech.pdfMacTiernan, Hon Alannah Joan GeraldineATTPUAXP.pdf
Chapter 32. Alannah MacTiernan Making a Difference.pdfMale, ArthurMale, Arthur, Inaugural Speech.pdfMaley, Charles CrowtherMaley, Charles Crowther, Inaugural Speech.pdfMaley, Henry KennedyMaley, Henry Kennedy, Inaugural Speech.pdfMaley, WesleyMaley, Wesley, Inaugural Speech.pdfMann, Henry WilloughbyMann, Henry Willoughby, Inaugural Speech.pdfMann, James IsaacMann, James Isaac, Inaugural Speech.pdfMann, William JosephMann, William Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfManning, Ivan WemyssManning, Ivan Wemyss, Inaugural Speech.pdfManning, William AlanManning, William Alan, Inaugural Speech.pdfMargetts, Hon Diane (Dee) ElizabethChapter 53. Dee Margetts Making a Difference.pdf
Margetts, Diane Elizabeth, Valedictory Speech.pdfMarlborough, Mr Norman (Norm) RichardMarlborough, Norman Richard, Inaugural Speech.pdfMarmion, William EdwardMarmion, William Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfMarshall, Mr Arthur DixMarshall, Arthur Dix, Condolence Motion.pdfMarshall, FrederickMarshall, Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfMarshall, Robert James PercivalMarshall, Robert James Percival, Inaugural Speech.pdfMarshall, Thomas Henry (Harry)Marshall, Thomas Henry, Address-in-Reply.pdfMarshall, William MortimerMarshall, William Mortimer, Inaugural Speech.pdfMartin, Mrs Carol AnneChapter 45. Carol Anne Martin Making a Difference.pdf
Martin, Carol Anne, valedictory speech.pdfMarwick, WarrenMarwick, Warren, Address-in-Reply, 1911.pdfMaslen, Dudley JohnMaslen, Dudley John, Inaugural Speech.pdfMasters, Gordon EdgarMasters, Gordon Edgar, Inaugural Speech.pdfMatheson, Alexander PercevalMatheson, Alexander Perceval, Inaugural Speech.pdfMattiske, Reginald ClairMattiske, Reginald Clair, Inaugural Speech.pdfMay, Donald GeorgeMay, Donald George, Inaugural Speech.pdfMay, Henry (Harry) ThomasMay, Henry Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcAleer, MargaretMcAleer, Margaret, Inaugural Speech.pdf
McAleer, Margaret, Oral History.pdf
McAleer, Margaret, Making a Difference.pdfMcCallum, AlexanderMcCallum, Alexander, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcCulloch, Herbert AlexanderMcCulloch, Herbert Alexander, Address-in-Reply, 1950.pdfMcDonald, FrancisMcDonald, Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcDonald, John JamesMcDonald, John James, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcDonald, Hon Laine CourtneyATT7ABWT.pdf
McDonald, Laine Courtney, Valedictory Speech.pdfMcDonald, (Robert) RossMcDonald, (Robert) Ross, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcDowall, CharlesMcDowall, Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcGowan, Mr MarkKB24 - Honours List Media Notes - Order of Australia - AC.pdfMcGrath, Mr John EdwinMcGrath, John Edwin, Inaugural Speech.pdf
McGrath, John Edwin, Valedictory Speech.pdfMcHale, Ms Sheila MargaretChapter 39. Sheila McHale Making a Difference.pdfMcIver, Kenneth FinlayMcIver, Kenneth Finlay, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcKenzie, CuthbertMcKenzie, Cuthbert, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcKenzie, Fred EvanMcKenzie, Fred Evan, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcKenzie, Robert DonaldMcKenzie, Robert Donald, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcKernan, HughMcKernan, Hugh, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcLarty, EdwardMcLarty, Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcLarty, (Duncan) RossMcLarty, (Duncan) Ross, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcLeod, GeorgeMcLeod, George, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcNeil, ThomasMcNeil, Thomas, Valedictory Speech.pdf
McNeil, Tom, Inaugural Speech.pdf
McNeil, Thomas, Condolence Motion LC.pdfMcNeill, NeilMcNeill, Neil, Inaugural Speech.pdfMcPharlin, Walter RaymondMcPharlin, Walter Raymond, Inaugural Speech.pdf
McPharlin, Walter Raymond and Rona Edith, Oral History.pdfMcRae, Alexander JosephMcRae, Alexander Joseph, Address-in-Reply.pdfMcSweeney, Hon Robyn MaryChapter 52. Robyn McSweeney Making a Difference.pdf
McSweeney, Robyn Mary, Valedictory Speech.pdfMedcalf, Ian GeorgeMedcalf, Ian George, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Medcalf, Ian George, Oral History.pdfMensaros, AndrewMensaros, Andrew, Inaugural Speech.pdfMettam, Ms Elizabeth (Libby)Mettam, Libby, Inaugural Speech.002.002.pdfMiles, George James Gallop WardenMiles, George James Gallop Warden, Inaugural Speech.pdfMillington, HaroldMillington, Harold, Inaugural Speech.pdfMills, JoshuaMills, Joshua, Inaugural Speech.pdfMills, Hon SheilaChapter 60. Sheila Mills Making a Difference.pdf
Mills, Sheila, Valedictory Speech.pdfMinson, Mr Kevin JohnMinson, Kevin John, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Minson, Kevin John, Valedictory Speech.pdfMitchell, Ms Andrea RuthAndrea Ruth Mitchell, Making a Difference.pdfMitchell, Clayton Clealand BickleyMitchell, Clayton Clealand Bickley, Inaugural Speech.pdfMitchell, JamesMitchell James, Address-in-Reply.pdfMitchell, SamuelMitchell, Samuel, Inaugural Speech.pdfMoiler, JamesMoiler, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfMoir, Arthur McAlisterMoir, Arthur McAlister, First Address-in-Reply, 1952.pdfMoloney, John DanielMoloney, John Daniel, Inaugural Speech.pdfMoney, Griffin CantMoney, Griffin Cant, Inaugural Speech.pdfMonger, John HenryMonger, John Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfMonger, Joseph TaylorMonger, Joseph Taylor, Address-in-Reply.pdfMontgomery, Hon Murray ScottMontgomery, Murray Scott, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Montgomery, Murray Scott, Valedictory Speech.pdfMoore, Newton JamesMoore, Newton James, Inaugural Speech.pdfMoore, Hon Norman FrederickMoore, Norman Frederick, Oral History.pdfMoore, Thomas JamesMoore, Thomas James, Inaugural Speech.pdfMoore, William DalgetyMoore, William Dalgety, Inaugural Speech.pdfMoorhead, Frederick WilliamMoorhead, Frederick William, Inaugural Speech.pdfMoran, Charles JohnMoran, Charles John, Inaugural Speech.pdfMorgans, Alfred EdwardMorgans, Alfred Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfMorrison, JamesMorrison, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfMorton, Hon Helen MargaretChapter 61. Helen Morton Making a Difference.pdfMoss, Matthew LewisMoss, Matthew Lewis, Inaugural Speech.pdfMullany, John FrancisMullany, John Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfMunsie, Selby WalterMunsie, Selby Walter, Inaugural Speech.pdfMurphy, William AlfredMurphy, William Alfred, Inaugural Speech.pdfMurray, JamesMurray, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfMurray, Mr Michael (Mick) PhilipMurray, Michael Philip, Valedictory Speech.pdfNahan, Dr Michael (Mike) DennisNahan, Michael Dennis, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Nahan, Michael Dennis, Valedictory Speech.002.pdfNairn, William RalphNairn, William Ralph, Inaugural Speech.pdfNalder, Cambell CrawfordNalder, Cambell Crawford, Inaugural Speech.pdfNalder, Crawford DavidNalder, Crawford David, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Nalder, Crawford David, Oral History.pdfNalder, Mr Dean CambellNalder, Dean Cambell, Valedictory Speech.002.pdfNanovich, MichaelNanovich, Michael, Inaugural Speech.pdfNanson, John LeightonNanson, John Leighton, Inaugural Speech.pdfNathan, Charles SamuelNathan, Charles Samuel, Inaugural Speech.pdfNeedham, EdwardNeedham, Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfNelson, Wallace AlexanderNelson, Wallace Alexander, Inaugural Speech.pdfNevill, Hon Mark WarriedarNevill, Mark Warriedar, Inaugural Speech.pdfNewman, EdwardNewman, Edward, Address-in-Reply.pdfNicholls, Mr Roger KeithNicholls, Roger Keith, Inaugural Speech.pdfNicholson, JohnNicholson, John, Address-in-Reply.pdfNimmo, Leslie CharlesNimmo, Leslie, Inaugural Speech.pdfNixon, Hon Murray DavidsonNixon, Murray Davidson, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Nixon, Murray Davidson, Valedictory Speech.pdfNorth, Charles Frederic JohnNorth, Charles Frederic John, Inaugural Speech.pdfNorton, DanielNorton, Daniel, Inaugural Speech.pdfNulsen, EmilNulsen, Emil, Inaugural Speech.pdfO'Brien, Bartholomew Cornelius* (Con)O'Brien, Bartholomew Cornelius, Inaugural Speech.pdfO'Brien, Everard McDonnellO'Brien, Everard McDonnell, Inaugural Speech.pdfO'Brien, Hon Simon McDonnellO'Brien, Simon McDonnell, Inaugural Speech.pdfO'Connor, MichaelO'Connor, Michael, Inaugural Speech.pdfO'Connor, Raymond JamesO'Connor, Raymond James, Inaugural Speech.pdf
O'Connor, Raymond James, Oral History.pdfO'Loghlen, Peter LaurenceO'Loghlen, Peter Laurence, First Address-in-Reply.pdfO'Neil, Desmond HenryO'Neil, Desmond Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdf
O'Neil, Desmond Henry, Oral History.pdfOats, WilliamOats, William, Inaugural Speech.pdfOld, Richard CharlesOld, Richard Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Old, Richard Charles, Oral History.pdfOldfield, Edward PeateOldfield, Edward Peate, Inaugural Speech.pdfOldham, Charles HenryOldham, Charles Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfOliver, Cecil ThompsonOliver, Cecil Thompson, Inaugural Speech.pdfOliver, Oscar (Neil) BlackburneOliver, Oscar (Neil) Blackburne, Inaugural Speech.pdfOlney, Howard WilliamOlney, Howard William, Inaugural Speech.pdfOnslow, Alexander CampbellOnslow, Alexander Campbell, Address-in-Reply.pdfOsborn, HenryOsborn, Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfOsborne, Mr Ian FrederickOsborne, Ian Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfOwen, Raymond CecilOwen, Raymond Cecil, Inaugural Speech.pdfPadbury, WalterPadbury, Walter, First Address-in-Reply.pdfPanton, Alexander HughPanton, Alexander Hugh, Inaugural Speech.pdfParker, David CharlesParker, David, Inaugural Speech.pdfParker, Hubert Stanley WybornParker, Hubert Stanley Wyborn, Inaugural Speech.pdfParker, Mrs Rhonda KathleenChapter 35. Rhonda Parker Making a Difference.pdf
Parker, Rhonda Kathleen, Inaugural Speech.pdfParker, Stephen HenryParker, Stephen Henry, Inaugural Speech, 1891.pdfParker, Stephen StanleyParker, Stephen Stanley, First Address-in-Reply.pdfParsons, Harold GeorgeParsons, Harold George, Inaugural Speech.pdfPaterson, WilliamPaterson, William, Address-in-Reply.pdfPatrick, WilliamPatrick Snr, William, Inaugural Speech.pdfPatrick, WilliamPatrick, William Jnr, Inaugural Speech.pdfPatterson, Hon Muriel GraceChapter 25. Muriel Patterson Making a Difference.pdf
Patterson, Muriel Grace, Valedictory Speech.pdfPearce, Robert JohnPearce, Robert John, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Pearce, Robert John, Oral History.pdfPendal, Mr Phillip GeorgePendal, Phillip George, Oral History.pdfPennefather, Richard WilliamPennefeather, Richard William, Inaugural Speech.pdfPerkins, Charles CollierPerkins, Charles Collier, Inaugural Speech.pdfPerry, Thomas OswaldPerry, Thomas Oswald. Inaugural Speech.pdfPham, Hon Batong VuATTTAFWK.pdfPiantadosi, Hon Samuel MathewPiantadosi, Samuel Mathew, Inaugural Speech.pdfPickering, William GeorgePickering, William George, Inaugural Speech.pdfPiesse, Alfred NapoleonPiesse, Alfred Napoleon, Inaugural Speech.pdfPiesse, Arnold EdmundPiesse, Arnold Edmund, Inaugural Speech.pdfPiesse, Charles AustinPiesse, Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfPiesse, Frederick HenryPiesse, Frederick Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfPiesse, Harold VivianPiesse, Harold Vivian, Inaugural Speech.pdfPiesse, Winifred MargaretPiesse, Winifred Margaret, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 13. Winifred Piesse Making a Difference.002.pdf
Piesse, Winifred Margaret, Oral History.pdfPigott, Sydney CapelPigott, Sydney Capel, Inaugural Speech.pdfPike, Robert GeraldPike, Robert Gerald, Inaugural Speech.pdfPilkington, Robert RivingtonPilkington, Robert Rivington, Inaugural Speech.pdfPotter, GeorgePotter, George, Inaugural Speech.pdfPotter, Percival George CharlesPotter, Percival George Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfPratt, Ian GeorgePratt, Ian George, Inaugural Speech.pdfPratt, Louise ClareChapter 54. Louise Pratt Making a Difference.pdfPrice, JamesPrice, James, Inaugural Speech.pdfPrice, Richard WilliamPrice, Richard William, Inaugural Speech.pdfPrince, Mr Antony (Kevin) RoystonPrince, Antony Kevin Royston, Inaugural Speech.pdfPurkiss, William MortonPurkiss, William Morton, Inaugural Speech.pdfQuinlan, Timothy FrancisQuinlan, Timothy Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfQuirk, Ms Margaret MaryChapter 46. Margaret Quirk Making a Difference.pdfRadisich, Ms Jaye AmberChapter 47. Jaye Radisich Making a Difference.pdfRandell, GeorgeRandell, George, Inaugural Speech.pdfRaphael, Howard StirlingRaphael, Howard Stirling, Inaugural Speech.pdfRason, Cornthwaite Hector (William James)Rason, Cornthwaite Hector (William James) - Inaugural Speech.pdfRavlich, Hon Ljiljanna MariaChapter 41. Ljiljanna Ravlich Making a Difference.pdfRead, John BellRead, John Bell, Inaugural Speech.pdfRead, Keith JohnRead, Keith John, Inaugural Speech.pdfRead, William RaymondRead, William Raymond, Inaugural Speech.pdfReid, David DonaldReid, David Donald, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Reid, David Donald, Oral History.pdfReid, FergieReid, Fergie, Inaugural Speech.pdfReside, JohnReside, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfReynolds, Alfred GeorgeReynolds, Alfred George, Inaugural Speech.pdfRhatigan, John JosephRhatigan, John Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfRichardson, Alexander RobertRichardson, Alexander Robert, Inaugural Speech.pdfRichardson, John ElliottRichardson, John Elliott, Inaugural Speech.pdfRichardson, WalterRichardson, Walter, Inaugural Speech.pdfRidge, Keith AlanRidge, Keith Alan, Inaugural Speech.pdfRipper, Mr Eric StephenRipper, Eric Stephen,Valedictory Speech.pdfRoberts, George FrederickRoberts, George Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfRoberts, Mrs Michelle HopkinsChapter 34. Michelle Roberts Making a Difference.pdfRobinson, HerbertRobinson, Herbert, Inaugural Speech.pdfRobinson, Herbert RichardRobinson, Herbert Richard, Inaugural Speech.pdfRobinson, Robert ThomsonRobinson, Robert Thomson, Inaugural Speech.pdfRoche, Hugh LewisRoche, Hugh Lewis, Inaugural Speech.pdfRocke, Samuel Mat(t)hewRocke, Samuel Mat(t)hew, Inaugural Speech.pdfRodoreda, Aloysius JosephRodoreda, Aloysius Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfRose, EdwinRose, Edwin, Inaugural Speech.pdfRowberry, Joseph NeonRowberry, Joseph Neon, Inaugural Speech.pdfRowe, Francis JamesRowe, Francis James, Inaugural Speech.pdfRowe, Hon Margaret Anne BernadetteChapter 62. Margaret Rowe Making a Difference.pdf
Vale Margaret Anne Bernadette Rowe.002.pdfRunciman, Ewart HenryRunciman, Ewart Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfRushton, Edgar CyrilRushton, Edgar Cyril, Inaugural Speech.pdfSaffioti, Ms RitaRita Saffioti, Making a Difference.pdfSampson, Richard StanleySampson, Richard Stanley, Inaugural Speech.pdfSanderson, Amber-JadeSanderson, Amber-Jade, Valedictory Speech, November 2016.pdfSanderson, ArchibaldATT42FEU.pdfSavage, Hon Linda RosemaryChapter 78. Linda Savage Making a Difference.pdfSayer, William FredericSayer, William Frederic, Inaugural Speech.pdfSchell, Morton WilliamSchell, Morton William, Inaugural Speech.pdfScott, Hon Barbara MaryScott, Barbara Mary, Valedictory speech.pdf
Scott, Barbara Mary, Making a Difference.pdfScott, EdwardScott, Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfSeddon, HaroldSeddon, Harold, Inaugural Speech.pdfSeward, Harrie StephenSeward, Harrie Stephen, Inaugural Speech.pdfSewell, William HawkinsSewell, William Hawkins, Inaugural Speech.pdfShalders, Richard SteeleShalders, Richard Steele, Inaugural Speech.pdfSharp, Hon Christine (Chrissy)Chapter 42. Christine Sharp Making a Difference.pdf
Sharp, Christine, Oral History.002.pdf
Sharp, Christine, Condolence Motion, Council.pdf
Vale Christine Sharp.pdfShave, Mr Douglas (Doug) JamesShave, Douglas James, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Shave, Douglas James, Condolence Motion.pdfShearn, Harry VivianShearn, Harry Vivian, Inaugural Speech.pdfShenton, GeorgeShenton, George, Inaugural Speech.pdfSholl, Horace WilliamSholl, Horace William, Inaugural Speech.pdfSholl, Robert FrederickSholl, Robert Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfSibson, JohnSibson, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfSimons, John JosephSimons, John Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfSimpson, Charles HerbertSimpson, Charles Herbert, Inaugural Speech.pdfSkidmore, John EdwardSkidmore, John Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfSleeman, Joseph BertramSleeman, Joseph Bertram, Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, Mr David LawrenceSmith, David Lawrence, Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, Frederick Charles LeeSmith, Frederick Charles Lee, Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, Hon Gregory (Greg) DavidSmith, Gregory David, Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, Henry TeesdaleSmith, Henry Teesdale, Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, James MacCallumSmith, James MacCallum, Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, John Henry (Kilkar)Smith, John Henry (Kilkar), Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, Philip JohnSmith, Philip John, Inaugural Speech.pdfSmith, Mr Wayde ShannonSmith, Wayde Shannon, Inaugural Speech.pdfSodeman, BrianSodeman, Brian, Inaugural Speech.pdfSolomon, EliasSolomon, Elias, Inaugural Speech.pdfSommers, CharlesSommers, Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfSpeight, RichardSpeight, Richard, Inaugural Speech.pdfSpriggs, George Clarence CharlesSpriggs, George Clarence Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfStephens, Matthew ErnestStephens, Matthew Ernest, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Stephens, Matthew Ernest, Oral History.pdfStephens, Mr Thomas (Tom) GregoryStephens, Thomas Gregory, Oral History.pdfStephenson, Henry AlfredStephenson, Henry Alfred, Inaugural Speech.pdfStewart, Hector JosephStewart, Hector, Inaugural Speech.pdfStewart, Jack McKayStewart, Jack McKay, Inaugural Speech.pdfStone, Frank MendsStone, Frank Mends, Inaugural Speech.pdfStone, PatrickStone, Patrick, Inaugural Speech.pdfStretch, Hon William (Bill) NoelStretch, William Noel, Valedictory Speech.pdfStrickland, Mr George JosephStrickland, George Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfStrickland, Harry CharlesStrickland, Harry Charles, Inaugural Speech.pdfStuart, Julian Alexander SalmonStuart, Julian Alexander Salmon, Inaugural Speech.pdfStubbs, Bartholomew JamesStubbs, Bartholemew, Inaugural Speech.pdfStubbs, Robert Henry ClaudeStubbs, Robert Henry Claude, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Stubbs, Robert Henry Claude, Oral History.pdfStubbs, SydneyStubbs, Sydney, Inaugural Speech.pdfStyants, Herbert HenryStyants, Herbert Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfSulc, Hon PaulSulc, Paul, Inaugural Speech.pdfSwan, Herbert GrahamSwan, Herbert Graham, Inaugural Speech.pdfSymon, DavidSymon, David, Inaugural Speech.pdfTalbot, Hon Sally ElizabethChapter 63. Sally Talbot Making a Difference.pdfTaylor, Alexander DonaldTaylor, Alexander Donald, Inaugural Speech, 1968.pdf
Taylor, Alexander Donald, Condolence Motion, Assembly, 2023.pdf
Taylor, Alexander Donald, Valedictory Speech, 1984.pdf
Vale Alexander Donald Taylor.pdfTaylor, GeorgeTaylor, George (Mulga), Inaugural Speech.pdfTaylor, Ian FrederickTaylor, Ian Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfTaylor, John HowardTaylor, John Howard, Inaugural Speech.pdfTeahan, John DenisTeahan, John Denis, Inaugural Speech.pdfTeesdale, Frederick WilliamTeesdale, Frederick William, Inaugrual Speech.pdfTelfer, William FrancisTelfer, William Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfThomas, Albert ErnestThomas, Albert Ernest, Inaugural Speech 1901.pdfThomas, Hon Robert (Bob) JohnThomas, Robert John, Valedictory speech.pdf
Thomas, Robert John, Inaugural Speech.pdfThomas, William LemenThomas, William Lemen, Inaugural Speech.pdfThomas, Mr William (Bill) IanThomas, William Ian, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Thomas, William Ian, Valedictory Speech.pdfThompson, Ian DavidThompson, Ian David, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Thompson, Ian, Oral History 1987.pdfThompson, RonaldThompson, Ronald, Inaugural Speech.pdfThompson, Sydney Thomas JosephThompson, Sydney Thomas Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfThomson, AlexanderThomson, Alexander, Inaugural Speech.pdfThomson, Jack McIntoshThomson, Jack McIntosh, Inaugural Speech.pdfThomson, JohnThomson, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfThorn, LindsayThorn, Lindsay, Inaugural Speech.pdfThrossell, GeorgeThrossell, George, Inaugural Speech.pdfToms, John MervinToms, John Mervin, Inaugural Speech.pdfTonkin, Arthur RaymondTonkin, Arthur Raymond, Inaugural Speech, 1971.pdf
Tonkin, Arthur Raymond, Condolence Motion.002.pdfTonkin, John TreziseTonkin John Trezise, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Tonkin, John Tresize, Valedictory Speech.pdf
Tonkin, John Tresize, Oral History, 1972 and 1973.pdfTotterdell, JosephTotterdell, Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfTozer, John CarmichaelTozer, John Carmichael, Inaugural Speech.pdfTravers, Hon Kenneth (Ken) Dunstan ElderTravers, Kenneth Dunstan Elder, Valedictory Speech and Remarks.pdfTraylen, WilliamTraylen, William, Inaugural Speech.pdfTrenorden, Hon Maxwell (Max) WayneTrenorden, Maxwell George, Oral History 2008.pdf
Trenorden, Maxwell George, Oral History 2014.pdfTrethowan, Anthony MarkhamTrethowan, Anthony Markham, Inaugural Speech.pdfTriat, Lucien JohnTriat, Lucien, Inaugural Speech.pdfTroy, Gavan JohnTroy, Gavan John, Inaugural Speech.pdfTroy, John RobertTroy, John Robert, Inaugural Speech 1977.pdfTroy, Michael FrancisTroy, Michael Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfTubby, Mr Frederick (Fred) CharlesTubby, Frederick Charles Tubby, Inaugural Speech.pdfTubby, Reginald JohnTubby, Reginald John, Inaugural Speech.pdfTuckey, HobartTuckey, Hobart, Address-In-Reply, 1936.pdfTurnbull, Dr Hilda MargaretTurnbull, Hilda Margaret, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 23. Hilda Turnbull Making a Difference.pdfTurvey, Philip JosephTurvey, Philip Joseph, Inaugural Speech.pdfUnderwood, Rufus HenryUnderwood, Rufus Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfVan De Klashorst, Mrs June DorothyVan De Klashorst, June Dorothy, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 30. June van de Klashorst Making a Difference.pdfVaughan, Grace SydneyVaughan, Grace Sydney, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 12 Grace Vaughan Making a Difference .pdfVenn, Harry WhittallVenn, Harry Whittall, First Address-in-Reply Speech.pdfVeryard, JohnVeryard, John, Inaugural Speech.pdfVosper, Frederick Charles BurleighVosper, Frederick Charles Burleigh, Inaugural Speech.pdfWalker, Ms Susan (Sue) ElizabethChapter 55. Sue Walker Making a Difference.pdfWalker, ThomasWalker, Thomas, Inaugural Speech.pdfWallace, Francis PatrickWallace, Francis Patrick, Inaugural Speech.pdfWansbrough, Arthur WilliamWansbrough, Arthur William, Inaugural Speech.pdfWansbrough, Charles PrangleWansbrough, Charles Prangle, Inaugural Speech.pdfWare, Francis JohnWare, Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfWarner, Frederick LyttonWarner, Frederick Lytton, Inaugural Speech.pdfWarnock, Ms Diana MurielWarnock, Diana Muriel, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 31. Diana Warnock Making a Difference.pdf
Warnock, Diana Muriel, Oral History.pdf
Warnock, Diana Muriel, Valedictory Speech.pdfWatkins, Jacqueline PatriciaWatkins, Jacqueline Patricia, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Chapter 17. Jackie Watkins Making a Difference.pdfWatson, Hon GizChapter 43. Giz Watson Making a Difference.pdf
Watson, Giz, Oral History.pdfWatson, Henry KeithWatson, Henry Keith, Inaugural Speech.pdfWatson, Dr JudythChapter 20. Judyth Watson Making a Difference.pdf
Watson, Judyth, Inaugural Speech, 1986.pdf
Watson, Judyth, Condolence Motion, Assembly, 2023.002.pdf
Vale Judyth Watson.pdfWatson, Hon Peter BruceWatson, Peter Bruce, Valedictory Speech.pdfWatt, Leon HaroldWatt, Leon Harold, Inaugural Speech.pdfWatts, Alfred John HenryWatts, Alfred John Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfWatts, Arthur FrederickWatts, Arthur Frederick, Inaugural Speech.pdfWells, Herbert EdwardWells, Herbert Edward, Inaugural Speech.pdfWells, Peter HenryWells, Peter Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfWelsh, Frank RobertWelsh, Frank Robert, Inaugural Speech.pdfWenn, Hon Douglas WilliamWenn, Douglas William, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Wenn, Douglas William, Condolence Motion, Council.pdfWhitcombe, FredericWhitcombe, Frederic, Address-in-Reply, 1899.pdfWhite, Frederick RichardWhite, Frederick Richard, Address-In-Reply.pdfWiese, Mr Robert (Bob) LaurenceWiese, Robert Laurence, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Wiese, Robert Laurence, Valedictory Speech.pdfWild, Gerald PercyWild, Gerald Percy, Inaugural Speech.pdfWilding, Thomas HenryWilding, Thomas Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfWillcock, John CollingsWillcock, John Collings, Inaugural Speech.pdfWillesee, William FrancisWillesee, William Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Willesee, William Francis, Oral History.pdfWilliams, Charles BennettWilliams, Charles Bennett, Address-in-Reply, 1928.pdfWilliams, Maurice CliffordWilliams, Maurice Clifford, Address-in-Reply, 1963.pdfWilliams, Rex (Tony) GeoffreyWilliams, Rex Geoffrey, Inaugural Speech.pdfWilliams, Richard John LloydWilliams, Richard John Lloyd, Inaugural Speech.pdfWillmott, Francis DrakeWillmott, Francis Drake, Inaugural Speech.pdfWillmott, Francis Edward SykesWillmott, Francis Edward Sykes, Address-in-Reply, 1915.pdfWillmott, William Henry FrancisWillmott, William Henry Francis, Inaugural Speech.pdfWilson, Albert JamesWilson, Albert James, Address-in-Reply, 1905.pdfWilson, Arthur AlanWilson, Arthur Alan, Address-in-Reply, 1910.pdfWilson, Francis FordWilson, Francis Ford, Inaugural Speech.pdfWilson, FrankWilson, Frank, Inaugural Speech, 1897.pdf
ATTRGINQ.pdfWilson, Keith JamesWilson, Keith James, Inaugural Speech.pdfWisdom, Evan AlexanderWisdom, Evan Alexander, Address-in-Reply, 1912.pdfWise, Frank Joseph ScottWise, Frank Joseph Scott, Address-in-Reply, 1933.pdfWithers, Frederick JamesWithers, Frederick James, Inaugural Speech.pdfWithers, William RobertWithers, William Robert, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Withers, William Robert, Oral History 2007.pdfWittenoom, Charles HorneWittenoom, Charles Horne, Address-in-Reply, 1928.pdfWittenoom, Edward HorneWittenoom, Edward Horne, Address-in-Reply, 1883.pdfWood, Barrington ClarkeWood, Barrington Clarke, Inaugural Speech.pdfWood, Garnet BarringtonWood, Garnet Barrington, Inaugural Speech.pdfWoollard, Dr Janet MayChapter 48. Janet Woollard Making a Difference.pdfWordsworth, David JohnWordsworth, David John, Inaugural Speech.pdfWright, James WilliamWright, James William, Address-in-Reply.pdfWright, John ArthurWright, John Arthur, Address-in-Reply, 1891.pdfWyatt, Mr Benjamin (Ben) SanaWyatt, Benjamin Sana, Valedictory Speech.pdfXamon, Hon Alison MarieChapter 76. Alison Xamon Making a Difference.pdfYates, George HenryYates, George Henry, Inaugural Speech.pdfYelland, Herbert JohnYelland, Herbert John, Inaugural Speech.pdfYelverton, Henry JohnYelverton, Henry John, Inaugural Speech.pdfYoung, Raymond LaurenceYoung, Raymond Laurence, Inaugural Speech.pdf
Young, Raymond Laurence, Oral History.pdfYoung, William GordonATTK4QV6.pdf
Abbey, Hon Charles Roy | MLC | 22 May 1958 | Central | 1977 |
Abbott, Mr Arthur Valentine Rutherford | MLA | 18 March 1939 | North Perth Mt Lawley | 1956 |
Ackland, Mr John Hugh | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Irwin-Moore Moore | 1958 |
Airey, Hon Diane Phyllis | MLC | 2 February 1993 | South Metropolitan | 1993 |
Alexander, Dr Ian Christopher | MLA | 9 May 1987 | Perth | 1993 |
Alexander, Hon William | MLC | 25 July 1895 | Central | 1898 |
Allen, Mr Ebenezer (Eben) | MLA | 3 October 1911 | West Perth | 1921 |
Allen, Hon Joseph Francis | MLC | 22 May 1914 | West | 1920 |
Allsop, Frederick William | MLC | 22 May 1930 | North East | 1932 |
Amherst, Hon Josceline George Herbert | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1894 |
Andrew, Mr Hugh David | MLA | 14 February 1953 | Victoria Park | 1961 |
Angelo, Mr Edward Houghton | MLA MLC | 29 September 1917 | Gascoyne North | 1933 |
Angwin, Mr William Charles | MLA | 28 June 1904 | East Fremantle North–East Fremantle | 1927 |
Anwyl, Ms Megan Irene | MLA | 16 March 1996 | Kalgoorlie | 2001 |
Archer, Hon Shelley Frances | MLC | 22 May 2005 | Mining and Pastoral | 2009 |
Ardagh, Hon Richard George | MLC | 22 May 1912 | North-East | 1924 |
Atkins, Mr William | MLA | 16 July 1902 | Murray | 1904 |
Atkinson, Hon William Gordon | MLC | 22 May 1983 | Central | 1984 |
Baglin, Hon Frederick Arthur | MLC | 22 May 1920 | West | 1923 |
Baker, Mr Christopher (Chris) John | MLA | 14 December 1996 | Joondalup | 2001 |
Baker, Ms Lisa Loraine | MLA | 6 September 2008 | Maylands | |
Barker, Hon Charles William Donald | MLC | 22 May 1952 | North | 1956 |
Barnard, Mr George William | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Sussex | 1933 |
Barnett, Mr Edward Charles | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Albany | 1909 |
Barnett, Mr Michael | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Rockingham | 1996 |
Bateman, Mr Thomas (Tom) Henry | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Canning | 1986 |
Bath, Mr Thomas Henry | MLA | 15 October 1902 | Hannans Brown Hill Avon | 1914 |
Baxter, Hon Charles Farquharson | MLC | 22 May 1914 | East | 1950 |
Baxter, Hon Norman Eric | MLC | 6 May 1950 | Central | 1983 |
Beggs, Mrs Pamela Anne | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Whitford | 1993 |
Behjat, Hon Elizabeth (Liz) Lloyd | MLC | 22 May 2009 | North Metropolitan | 2017 |
Bell, Hon Colin John | MLC | 22 May 1983 | Lower West | 1989 |
Bennetts, Hon George | MLC | 22 May 1946 | South | 1965 |
Benson-Lidholm, Hon Matthew (Matt) Francis | MLC | 26 February 2005 | Agricultural South West | 2013 |
Berinson, Hon Joseph Max | MLC | 22 May 1980 | North East Metropolitan North Central North Metropolitan | 1993 |
Berry, Hon George William | MLC | 22 May 1968 | Lower North | 1980 |
Berry, Mr Horace Thurston | MLA | 9 September 1939 | Irwin-Moore | 1947 |
Bertram, Mr Ronald (Ron) Edward | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Mount Hawthorn | 1989 |
Bickerton, Mr Arthur William | MLA | 24 April 1958 | Pilbara | 1974 |
Bickley, Wallace (Samuel) Alexander | MLC | 29 July 1872 | Nominated | 1876 |
Birch, Edmund | MLC | 18 November 1873 | Perth | 1875 |
Blaikie, Mr Barry Roy | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Vasse | 1996 |
Bloffwitch, Mr Robert (Bob) Clyde | MLA | 13 April 1991 | Geraldton | 2001 |
Boan, Hon Henry | MLC | 14 April 1917 | Metropolitan Metropolitan–Suburban | 1924 |
Board, Mr Michael (Mike) Francis | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Jandakot Murdoch | 2005 |
Bolton, Mr Harry Edward | MLA | 28 June 1904 | North Fremantle | 1919 |
Bolton, Hon Leonard Burlington | MLC | 6 February 1932 | Metropolitan | 1948 |
Bovell, Sir William Stewart | MLA | 7 June 1947 | Sussex | 1971 |
Bowler, Mr John James Mansell | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Eyre Murchison-Eyre Kalgoorlie | 2013 |
Boyland, Mr John | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Kalgoorlie | 1922 |
Boyle, Mr Ignatius George | MLA | 4 May 1935 | Avon | 1943 |
Boylen, Hon Robert Joseph | MLC | 1 February 1947 | South | 1955 |
Brady, Mr John Joseph | MLA | 13 March 1948 | Guildford | 1974 |
Brand, Sir David | MLA | 27 October 1945 | Greenough | 1975 |
Brand, Hon George Edmund Dowd | MLC | 22 May 1965 | Lower North | 1971 |
Brebber, Mr James | MLA | 27 October 1905 | North Perth | 1908 |
Bridge, Mr Ernest Francis | MLA | 23 February 1980 | Kimberley | 2001 |
Briggs, Hon Henry | MLC | 30 June 1896 | West | 1919 |
Brimage, Hon Thomas Frederick Outridge | MLC | 5 September 1900 | South | 1912 |
Brockman, Mr Edmund Ralph | MLC | 8 January 1878 | Swan | 1891 |
Brockman, Mr Edmund Vernon | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Sussex | 1938 |
Broun, Mr Frank Tyndall | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Beverley | 1924 |
Brown, Mr Harry | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Perth | 1911 |
Brown, Henry James | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Pingelly | 1933 |
Brown, Hon James McMillan | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Merredin-Yilgarn | 1992 |
Brown, Hon John Reid | MLC | 22 May 1924 | North-East | 1930 |
Brown, Maitland | MLC | 1870 | Gascoyne | 1886 |
Brown, Hon Paul John | MLC | 22 May 2013 | Agricultural | 2017 |
Brown, Mr Samuel McConnell | MLA | 10 November 1917 | Subiaco | 1921 |
Bryce, Mr Malcolm John | MLA | 13 November 1971 | Ascot | 1988 |
Buchanan, Mrs Pamela Ann | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Pilbara | 1992 |
Bullock, Hon Helen Hong Hui | MLC | 22 May 2009 | Mining and Pastoral | 2013 |
Burges, Lockier Clere | MLC | 14 January 1879 | Nominated | 1884 |
Burges, Hon Richard Goldsmith | MLC | 16 July 1894 | East | 1903 |
Burges, Hon Thomas | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1893 |
Burke, Mr Brian Thomas | MLA | 28 July 1973 | Balcatta | 1988 |
Burke, Mr Terence Joseph | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Perth | 1987 |
Burkett, Mr Graham John | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Scarborough | 1989 |
Burt, Richard Paull Septimus | MLA | 21 March 1959 | Murchison | 1971 |
Burt, Hon Septimus | MLA | 29 November 1890 | Ashburton | 1900 |
Burton, Hon Carolyn Anne | MLC | 17 September 2008 | North Metropolitan | 2009 |
Burvill, Hon Alfred | MLC | 22 May 1922 | South-East | 1928 |
Bush, Hon Robert Edwin | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1893 |
Butcher, Mr Noel Albert | MLA | 13 October 1951 | Gascoyne | 1953 |
Butcher, Mr William James (Burchell) | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Gascoyne | 1917 |
Butler, Hon Thomas George | MLC | 22 May 1986 | North-East Metropolitan | 1995 |
Caldwell, Hon John Norman | MLC | 22 May 1986 | South | 1993 |
Canning, Mr Marinus Frederick Alfred | MLA | 19 December 1890 | East Perth | 1894 |
Cardell-Oliver, Florence (Annie) Gillies | MLA | 15 February 1936 | Subiaco | 1956 |
Carles, Ms Adele Simone | MLA | 16 May 2009 | Fremantle | 2013 |
Carpenter, Mr William Henry | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Fremantle | 1917 |
Carr, Mr Jeffrey Phillip | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Geraldton | 1991 |
Carroll, Hon William | MLC | 11 August 1923 | East | 1924 |
Carson, Hon Henry | MLA MLC | 4 June 1904 | Geraldton | 1920 |
Carstairs, Hon Alan MacMillan | MLC | 24 December 1996 | North Metropolitan | 1997 |
Carter, Lionel Lewin | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Leederville | 1924 |
Cash, Mr Earl Douglas | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Mirrabooka | 1971 |
Cash, Hon Samuel (George) Ernest | MLC | 22 May 1989 | North Metropolitan | 2009 |
Castrilli, Mr Giovanni (John) Mario | MLA | 26 February 2005 | Bunbury | 2017 |
Catania, Mr Nicholas (Nick) Mark | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Balcatta | 1996 |
Chance, Hon Kimberley (Kim) Maurice | MLC | 18 March 1992 | Agricultural | 2009 |
Charlton, Hon Eric James | MLC | 17 November 1984 | Central Agricultural | 1998 |
Chesson, Mr Thomas | MLA | 12 November 1913 | Cue | 1930 |
Church, Mr John Herbert | MLA | 6 February 1932 | Roebourne | 1933 |
Clarke, Hon Ephraim Mayo | MLC | 21 August 1901 | South-West | 1921 |
Clarko, Mr James George | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Karrinyup Marmion | 1996 |
Clarkson, Barnard Drummond | MLA | 19 December 1890 | Toodyay | 1897 |
Claughton, Roy Frederick | MLC | 22 May 1968 | North Metropolitan | 1980 |
Clothier, Robert Ernest | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Maylands | 1936 |
Clydesdale, Alexander McAllister | MLC MLA | 22 May 1932 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1938 |
Cockburn-Campbell, Thomas | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1892 |
Colebatch, Hal Pateshall | MLC | 22 May 1912 | East | 1948 |
Collier, Philip | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Boulder | 1948 |
Congdon, Daniel Keen | MLC | 8 March 1892 | Nominated | 1900 |
Connolly, James Daniel | MLC MLA | 12 June 1901 | North-East | 1917 |
Connor, Francis | MLA MLC | 13 April 1893 | East Kimberley | 1916 |
Conolly, John Richard Arthur | MLA | 7 May 1897 | Dundas | 1901 |
Constable, Dr Elizabeth | MLA | 20 July 1991 | Floreat Churchlands | 2013 |
Cookworthy, Joseph | MLA | 12 December 1890 | Sussex | 1897 |
Cooley, Donald Walter | MLC | 22 May 1974 | North-East Metropolitan | 1980 |
Corboy, Edwin Wilkie | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Yilgarn | 1933 |
Cornell, George Meredith | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Avon | 1967 |
Cornell, James | MLC | 22 May 1912 | South | 1946 |
Cornish, Cyril Richard | MLC | 13 June 1942 | North | 1946 |
Court, Charles Walter Michael | MLA | 14 February 1953 | Nedlands | 1982 |
Court, Mr Richard Fairfax | MLA | 13 March 1982 | Nedlands | 2001 |
Coverley, Aubrey Augustus Michael | MLA | 5 April 1924 | Kimberley | 1953 |
Cowan, Edith Dircksey | MLA | 12 March 1921 | West Perth | 1924 |
Cowan, Mr Hendy John | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Merredin-Yilgarn Merredin | 2001 |
Cowan, Peter Ernest | MLA | 7 November 1928 | Mount Leonora | 1930 |
Cowdell, Hon John Alexander | MLC | 22 May 1993 | South West | 2005 |
Coyne, Peter Joseph Aloysius | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Murchison-Eyre | 1986 |
Craig, James Frederick | MLA | 21 March 1959 | Toodyay | 1971 |
Craig, Margaret June | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Wellington | 1983 |
Crane, Albert Victor | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Moore | 1989 |
Criddle, Hon Murray John | MLC | 22 May 1993 | Agricultural | 2008 |
Crommelin, Harold William | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Claremont | 1968 |
Cross, Charles | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Canning | 1947 |
Crowder, Frederick Thomas | MLC | 16 July 1894 | South-East | 1902 |
Cullen, Joseph Francis | MLC | 4 October 1909 | South-East | 1917 |
Cunningham, Mr Edward (Ted) Joseph | MLA | 19 March 1988 | Balga Marangaroo Girrawheen | 2001 |
Cunningham, James | MLC MLA | 7 July 1916 | North-East | 1936 |
Cunningham, John Michael Adrenne | MLC | 22 May 1948 | South | 1962 |
Curran, Henry | MLA | 2 March 1960 | South Fremantle | 1968 |
Dadour, Gabriel Thomas | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Subiaco | 1986 |
Daffen, Harold Arthur Charles | MLC | 30 August 1947 | Central | 1950 |
Daglish, Henry | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Subiaco | 1911 |
Dans, Desmond Keith | MLC | 22 May 1971 | South Metropolitan | 1989 |
Davenport, Hon Cheryl May | MLC | 22 May 1989 | South Metropolitan | 2001 |
Davies, Hon Dexter Melvyn | MLC | 10 August 1998 | Agricultural | 2001 |
Davies, Edward William | MLC | 16 July 1894 | West | 1896 |
Davies, Evan Morris | MLC | 21 June 1947 | West | 1963 |
Davies, Joseph Thomas | MLA | 29 September 1917 | Guildford | 1924 |
Davies, Ms Mia Jane | MLC MLA | 22 May 2009 | Central Wheatbelt | |
Davies, Reginald (Reg) Elliott | MLC | 22 May 1989 | North Metropolitan | 1997 |
Davies, Ronald | MLA | 26 August 1961 | Victoria Park | 1997 |
Davis, Frederick | MLC | 2 November 1911 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1914 |
Davy, Thomas Arthur Lewis | MLA | 22 March 1924 | West Perth | 1933 |
De Hamel, Lancel Victor | MLA MLC | 9 December 1890 | Albany | 1894 |
Dellar, David Peter | MLC | 29 June 1963 | North-East | 1965 |
Dellar, Stanley James | MLC | 22 May 1971 | Lower North | 1977 |
Dempster, Andrew | MLC | 6 May 1903 | East | 1904 |
Dempster, Charles Edward | MLC | 16 July 1894 | East | 1907 |
Denton, James Samuel | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Moore | 1927 |
Dermer, Hon Edmund (Ed) Rupert Joseph | MLC | 18 December 1996 | North Metropolitan | 2013 |
Diamond, Arthur James | MLA | 24 April 1901 | South Fremantle | 1906 |
Dimmitt, James Albert | MLC | 22 May 1938 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1953 |
Diver, Leslie Charles | MLC | 3 May 1952 | Central | 1974 |
Dodd, Jabez Edward | MLC | 22 May 1910 | South | 1928 |
Doherty, Denis Joseph | MLA | 4 May 1897 | North Fremantle | 1903 |
Dolan, John (Jerry) | MLC | 29 June 1963 | West | 1974 |
Doland, James Alfred | MLC | 2 November 1911 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1912 |
Donaldson, Hon Bruce Kirwan | MLC | 22 May 1993 | Agricultural | 2009 |
Doney, Victor | MLA | 7 November 1928 | Williams-Narrogin | 1956 |
Donovan, Francis Anthony | MLA | 9 May 1987 | Morley-Swan | 1993 |
Dooley, Bronterre Washington | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Geraldton | 1913 |
Doust, Hon Catherine (Kate) Esther | MLC | 22 May 2001 | South Metropolitan | |
Doust, Clarence Isaac | MLA | 15 February 1936 | Nelson | 1939 |
Dowding, Peter M'Callum | MLC MLA | 22 May 1980 | North Province Maylands | 1990 |
Draper, Thomas Percy | MLA | 2 September 1907 | West Perth | 1921 |
Drew, John Michael | MLC | 22 May 1900 | Central | 1947 |
Drummond, James | MLC | 31 October 1870 | Toodyay | 1873 |
Duff, Thomas | MLA | 14 September 1918 | Claremont | 1921 |
Duffell, Joseph | MLC | 22 May 1914 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1926 |
Duncan, Ms Wendy Maxine | MLC MLA | 29 January 2008 | Kalgoorlie | 2017 |
Dunn, Kenneth Wathen | MLA | 31 March 1962 | Darling Range | 1971 |
Durack, Michael Patrick | MLA | 9 November 1917 | Kimberley | 1924 |
Durack, Peter Drew | MLA | 20 February 1965 | Perth | 1968 |
Dwyer, Walter | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Perth | 1914 |
Eaton, Hon Shelley Elizabeth | MLC | 17 September 2008 | Mining and Pastoral | 2009 |
Eddy, William Tresize | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Coolgardie | 1908 |
Edwardes, Mrs Cheryl Lynn | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Kingsley | 2005 |
Edwards, Hon Graham John | MLC | 22 May 1983 | North Metropolitan | 1997 |
Edwards, Dr Judith (Judy) Mary | MLA | 26 May 1990 | Maylands | 2008 |
Ellery, Hon Suzanne (Sue) Mary | MLC | 22 May 2001 | South Metropolitan | |
Elliott, Charles George | MLC | 17 March 1934 | North-East | 1938 |
Elliott, Lyla Daphne | MLC | 22 May 1971 | North-East Metropolitan | 1986 |
Elliott, Ross Mewburn | MLA | 20 February 1965 | Canning | 1968 |
Elliott, Samuel Richard Lewes (Lewis) | MLA | 15 November 1913 | Geraldton | 1917 |
Ellis, Hon Brian Charles | MLC | 16 July 2007 | Agricultural | 2017 |
Ellis, Henry Augustus | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Coolgardie | 1905 |
Embry, Hon Patrick (Paddy) Paul Elliot | MLC | 22 May 2001 | South West | 2005 |
Evans, Edward Thomas | MLA | 23 February 1980 | Kalgoorlie | 1981 |
Evans, Hon George (Max) Maxwell | MLC | 22 May 1986 | Metropolitan | 2001 |
Evans, Hywel David | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Warren | 1989 |
Evans, Thomas Daniel | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Kalgoorlie | 1980 |
Ewing, John | MLA MLC | 28 April 1901 | South-West Mining Collie South West Province | 1933 |
Ewing, Norman Kirkwood | MLA | 4 May 1897 | Swan | 1904 |
Faragher, Hon Donna Evelyn Mary | MLC | 22 May 2005 | East Metropolitan | |
Farina, Hon Adele | MLC | 22 May 2001 | South West | 2021 |
Farrer, Ms Josephine (Josie) | MLA | 9 March 2013 | Kimberley | 2021 |
Fels, Hon Anthony James | MLC | 22 May 2005 | Agricultural | 2009 |
Ferguson, Hon John (Jock) Kilday | MLC | 22 May 2009 | East Metropolitan | 2010 |
Ferguson, Percy Douglas | MLA | 26 March 1927 | Moore | 1939 |
Ferguson, Hon Valma (Val) Eileen | MLC | 2 February 1993 | East Metropolitan | 1997 |
Ferry, Victor Jasper | MLC | 22 May 1965 | South-West | 1987 |
Fischer, Hon John Duncombe | MLC | 22 May 2001 | Mining and Pastoral | 2005 |
Fletcher, Harry Arthur | MLA | 21 March 1959 | Fremantle | 1977 |
Foley, George James | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Mount Leonora | 1920 |
Forrest, Alexander | MLA | 1 February 1887 | West Kimberley | 1901 |
Forrest, David | MLA | 24 April 1900 | Ashburton | 1901 |
Forrest, John | MLA | 3 December 1890 | Bunbury | 1901 |
Forrest, Robert Mervyn | MLC | 22 May 1946 | North | 1952 |
Foulkes, John Charles Griffiths | MLC MLA | 16 July 1894 | South-West Province Claremont | 1911 |
Fox, Thomas | MLA | 4 May 1935 | South Fremantle | 1951 |
Franklin, James Thomas | MLC | 22 May 1928 | Metropolitan | 1940 |
Fraser, Gilbert | MLC | 22 May 1928 | West | 1958 |
Fraser, Malcolm | MLC | 18 December 1870 | Nominated | 1890 |
Freeman, Ms Janine Marie | MLA | 6 September 2008 | Mirrabooka | 2021 |
Gaffy, William James (Frederick) | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Canning | 1959 |
Gardiner, James | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Albany | 1921 |
Gardiner, Joseph Peter | MLA | 31 October 1911 | Roebourne | 1915 |
Gardiner, Hon Philip Warren | MLC | 22 May 2009 | Agricultural | 2013 |
Garrigan, James Joseph | MLC | 22 May 1954 | South-East | 1971 |
Gawler, Douglas George | MLC | 23 March 1910 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1915 |
Gayfer, Harry Walter | MLA MLC | 13 March 1962 | Avon Central Province | 1989 |
George, William James | MLA | 12 February 1895 | Murray | 1930 |
Gibson, Frank Ernest | MLC | 12 March 1921 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1956 |
Gilchrist, Archibald | MLA | 4 November 1914 | Gascoyne | 1917 |
Gill, Frederick | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Balcatta | 1914 |
Glasheen, William Thomas | MLC | 18 July 1925 | South-East | 1932 |
Glowrey, John Thomas | MLC | 5 September 1900 | South | 1912 |
Goldsworthy, Roger Tuckfield | MLC | 30 August 1877 | Nominated | 1880 |
Gordon, William Beattie | MLA | 24 April 1901 | South Perth | 1911 |
Gourley, Hugh Alexander | MLA | 11 September 1908 | Mount Leonora | 1911 |
Graham, Herbert Ernst | MLA | 14 August 1943 | East Perth | 1973 |
Graham, Mr Larry | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Pilbara | 2005 |
Grant, McKenzie | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1893 |
Gray, Edmund Harry | MLC | 8 September 1923 | West | 1947 |
Grayden, David | MLA | 25 March 1950 | Nedlands | 1953 |
Grayden, William Leonard | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Middle Swan | 1993 |
Green, Albert Ernest | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Kalgoorlie | 1921 |
Gregory, Henry | MLA | 4 May 1897 | North Coolgardie | 1940 |
Greig, James Alexander | MLC | 20 April 1916 | South-East | 1925 |
Greig, Robert William | MLA | 24 October 1987 | Darling Range | 1989 |
Grewar, Geoffrey Royden | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Roe | 1983 |
Griffith, Arthur Frederick | MLA MLC | 25 March 1950 | Canning Suburban Province North Metropolitan Province | 1977 |
Griffiths, Clive Edward | MLC | 22 May 1965 | South-East Metropolitan | 1997 |
Griffiths, Harry Albert (Craven) | MLA | 21 October 1914 | York | 1935 |
Griffiths, Hon Nicholas (Nick) David | MLC | 22 May 1993 | East Metropolitan | 2009 |
Grill, Mr Julian Fletcher | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Yilgarn-Dundas Esperance-Dundas Eyre | 2001 |
Grills, Hon Dave | MLC | 5 April 2013 | Mining and Pastoral | 2017 |
Guise, Ms Dianne Joy | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Wanneroo | 2008 |
Gull, Arthur Courthope | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Swan | 1908 |
Gull, Thomas Courthope | MLC | 26 October 1870 | Swan | 1872 |
Guthrie, Frank | MLA | 25 March 1950 | Bunbury | 1955 |
Guthrie, Hugh Norman | MLA | 21 March 1959 | Subiaco | 1971 |
Hackett, John Winthrop | MLC | 29 December 1890 | Nominated | 1916 |
Halden, Hon Stanley (John) John | MLC | 22 May 1986 | North Metropolitan | 2000 |
Hall, Edmund Henry Hartley | MLC | 22 May 1928 | Central | 1947 |
Hall, Henry Lyall | MLA | 5 May 1897 | Perth | 1901 |
Hall, Jack | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Albany | 1970 |
Hall, William Reaper | MLC | 22 May 1938 | North East | 1963 |
Hallahan, Mrs Elsie (Kay) Kay | MLA MLC | 22 May 1983 | South-East Metrpolitan Province Armadale East Metropolitan Region | 1996 |
Halligan, Hon Raymond James | MLC | 3 June 1997 | North Metropolitan | 2009 |
Hamersley, Edward | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Toodyay | 1894 |
Hamersley, Vernon | MLC | 5 August 1904 | East | 1946 |
Hames, Dr Kim Desmond | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Dianella Yokine Dawesville | 2017 |
Hardey, Richard Watson | MLC | 25 July 1876 | Nominated | 1896 |
Hardwick, John Edward | MLA | 20 October 1904 | East Perth | 1921 |
Harman, John Joseph | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Maylands | 1986 |
Harper, Charles | MLA | 28 March 1878 | Beverley | 1905 |
Harper, Nathaniel White | MLA | 16 August 1910 | Beverley | 1914 |
Harris, Edgar Henry | MLC | 22 May 1920 | North-East | 1934 |
Harrison, Thomas Hamlet | MLA | 21 October 1914 | Avon | 1924 |
Hart, Thomas George | MLA | 31 March 1962 | Roe | 1967 |
Hartrey, Thomas Augustine | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Boulder-Dundas | 1977 |
Harvey, Mrs Liza Mary | MLA | 6 September 2008 | Scarborough | 2021 |
Hassell, Albert Young | MLA MLC | 10 May 1871 | Albany Plantagenet | 1904 |
Hassell, William Ralph Boucher | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Cottesloe | 1990 |
Hastie, Robert (Stewart) | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Kanowna | 1905 |
Hawke, Albert Redvers George* | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Northam | 1968 |
Hayden, Hon Alyssa Kathleen | MLC MLA | 22 May 2009 | East Metropolitan Region Darling Range | 2021 |
Haynes, Richard Septimus | MLC | 27 July 1896 | Central | 1902 |
Haynes, Samuel Johnson | MLC | 16 July 1894 | South-East | 1910 |
Hayward, Thomas | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Bunbury | 1911 |
Heal, Stanley | MLA | 14 February 1953 | West Perth | 1965 |
Hearman, John Merrifield | MLA | 25 March 1950 | Blackwood | 1968 |
Hearn, Harry | MLC | 22 May 1948 | Metropolitan | 1956 |
Heenan, Eric Michael | MLC | 22 May 1936 | North-East | 1968 |
Hegney, James | MLA | 12 April 1930 | Middle Swan | 1968 |
Hegney, William | MLA | 18 March 1939 | Pilbara | 1968 |
Heitman, Jack | MLC | 17 August 1963 | Midland | 1977 |
Heitmann, Edward Ernest | MLA | 24 June 1904 | Cue | 1917 |
Helm, Hon Thomas (Tom) Richard | MLC | 22 May 1986 | North | 2001 |
Henderson, Ms Yvonne Daphne | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Gosnells | 1996 |
Henn, Guy Gavin | MLA | 21 March 1959 | Leederville | 1971 |
Henning, Andrew Harriot | MLC | 29 June 1897 | North-East | 1898 |
Henning, Charles Harriot | MLC | 2 June 1951 | South-West | 1955 |
Henshaw, Ernest Percival | MLA | 24 June 1904 | Collie | 1905 |
Henty, Ernest George | MLC | 16 July 1894 | Central | 1895 |
Heron, Thomas John | MLA | 14 December 1920 | Mount Leonora | 1928 |
Herzfeld, Thomas Alexander Albert | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Mundaring | 1983 |
Hetherington, Robert | MLC | 22 May 1977 | East | 1989 |
Hickey, James William | MLC | 22 May 1916 | Central | 1928 |
Hickmott, Henry Edward | MLA | 21 October 1914 | Pingelly | 1924 |
Hicks, John Sydney | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Roebourne | 1908 |
Higham, Edward Henry | MLC | 10 February 1880 | Fremantle | 1884 |
Higham, John Joseph | MLA | 18 July 1896 | Fremantle | 1904 |
Hill, Gordon Leslie | MLA | 13 March 1982 | Swan | 1994 |
Hill, Leonard Louis | MLA | 15 February 1936 | Albany | 1956 |
Hislop, James Gordon | MLC | 1 November 1941 | Metropolitan | 1971 |
Hoar, Ernest Knight | MLA | 20 November 1943 | Nelson | 1957 |
Hodge, Barry James | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Melville | 1989 |
Hodgson, Hon Helen Margaret | MLC | 22 May 1997 | North Metropolitan | 2001 |
Hodson-Thomas, Ms Katina (Katie) | MLA | 14 December 1996 | Carine | 2008 |
Holman, Edward Joseph Frederick | MLA | 20 May 1939 | Forrest | 1947 |
Holman, Mary (May) Alice | MLA | 3 April 1925 | Forrest | 1939 |
Holmes, Joseph John | MLA MLC | 5 May 1897 | East Fremantle North Province | 1942 |
Holmes, Mrs Monica Rose | MLA | 14 December 1996 | Southern River | 2001 |
Hooley, Edward Timothy | MLC MLA | 12 December 1891 | Swan Nominated Murchison de Grey | 1900 |
Hopkins, John Marquis | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Boulder | 1910 |
Horan, Austin Alvis | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Yilgarn | 1911 |
Hough, Hon Francis (Frank) Carson | MLC | 22 May 2001 | Agricultural | 2005 |
House, Edward Charles | MLC | 22 May 1965 | South | 1971 |
Hubble, George Yorke | MLA | 28 April 1897 | Gascoyne | 1901 |
Hudson, Charles Arthur | MLA | 20 November 1905 | Dundas | 1921 |
Hughes, Clive Matthew | MLA | 17 November 1984 | Cockburn | 1986 |
Hughes, Mrs Judith (Judy) | MLA | 26 February 2005 | Kingsley | 2008 |
Hughes, Thomas John "Diver" | MLA | 18 November 1922 | East Perth | 1943 |
Hunt, John Leslie | MLC | 20 February 1971 | North | 1974 |
Hutchinson, Robert David | MLA | 24 July 1900 | Geraldton | 1904 |
Hutchinson, Ross | MLA | 25 March 1950 | Cottesloe | 1977 |
Hutchison, Ruby Florence | MLC | 22 May 1954 | Suburban | 1971 |
Illingworth, Frederick | MLA | 5 July 1894 | Nannine | 1907 |
Isdell, James | MLA | 18 March 1903 | Pilbara | 1906 |
Jacoby, Mathieson Harry | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Swan | 1911 |
James, John Charles Horsey | MLC | 9 June 1887 | Nominated | 1888 |
James, Walter Hartwell | MLA | 14 June 1894 | East Perth | 1904 |
Jameson, Adam | MLC | 29 August 1900 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1903 |
Jamieson, Colin John | MLA | 14 February 1953 | Canning | 1986 |
Jeffery, George Edward | MLC | 22 May 1956 | Suburban | 1962 |
Jenkins, Arthur George | MLC | 22 May 1898 | North East | 1917 |
Johnson, Stephen Edward Ingram | MLA | 9 February 1952 | Leederville | 1959 |
Johnson, William Dartnell | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Kalgoorlie | 1948 |
Johnston, Edward Bertram | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Williams | 1928 |
Jones, Arthur Raymond | MLC | 22 May 1950 | Midland | 1967 |
Jones, Beryl Lillian | MLC | 22 May 1986 | Lower West | 1993 |
Jones, Peter Vernon | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Narrogin | 1986 |
Jones, Thomas Henry | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Collie | 1989 |
Jones, Walter Leonard (Taylor) | MLA | 29 September 1917 | Fremantle | 1921 |
Katsambanis, Peter Argyris | MLA MLC | 5 April 2013 | North Metropolitan Region Hillarys | 2021 |
Keane, Edward Vivian Harvey | MLA MLC | 2 December 1890 | Geraldton East Province | 1904 |
Keep, Henry Frederick* | MLA | 26 June 1894 | Pilbara | 1897 |
Kelly, Garry Kenneth | MLC | 13 March 1982 | South Metropolitan | 1993 |
Kelly, Lionel Francis | MLA | 9 August 1941 | Yilgarn-Coolgardie | 1968 |
Kelly, Hon Norman (Norm) John Patrick | MLC | 22 May 1997 | East Metropolitan | 2001 |
Kempton, George Adam | MLC | 22 May 1926 | Central | 1932 |
Kenneally, James Joseph | MLA | 26 March 1927 | East Perth | 1936 |
Kennedy, Maurice John | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Greenough | 1930 |
Kenny, Henry Edward | MLA | 3 May 1897 | North Murchison | 1899 |
Keyser, Charles Christopher | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Albany | 1905 |
Kidson, Alfred Bowman | MLC | 18 July 1895 | West | 1902 |
Kierath, Mr Graham Donald | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Riverton | 2001 |
Kingsmill, Walter | MLA | 17 May 1897 | Pilbara | 1903 |
Kirwan, John Waters | MLC | 22 May 1908 | South Province | 1946 |
Kitney, Ronald Wilfred | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Blackwood | 1971 |
Kitson, William Henry | MLC | 22 May 1924 | West | 1947 |
Knight, Thomas | MLC | 22 May 1974 | South | 1986 |
Lambert, George James | MLA | 15 August 1916 | Coolgardie | 1941 |
Lamond, Alfred | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Pilbara | 1933 |
Lander, Titus (Peter) | MLA | 3 October 1911 | East Perth | 1914 |
Langsford, Joseph Wood | MLC | 5 January 1904 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1911 |
Lapham, Stanley Edward | MLA | 14 February 1953 | North Perth | 1974 |
Latham, Charles George | MLA MLC | 14 December 1946 | York East Province Central Province | 1960 |
Lathlain, William Francis | MLC | 22 May 1926 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1932 |
Laurance, Ian James | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Gascoyne | 1987 |
Laurie, Robert | MLC | 6 December 1901 | West | 1912 |
Lavery, Frederick Richard Hugh | MLC | 22 May 1952 | West | 1971 |
Lawrence, Carmen Mary | MLA | 8 February 1986 | Subiaco | 1994 |
Lawrence, Phillip Richard | MLA | 14 July 1951 | South Fremantle | 1960 |
Layman, Charles Henry | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Nelson | 1914 |
Layman, George | MLC | 31 October 1884 | Vasse | 1888 |
Leahy, David Joseph | MLA | 23 April 1938 | Hannans | 1948 |
Leahy, Hon Kevin John | MLA MLC | 4 February 1989 | Northern Rivers Mining and Pastoral | 2005 |
Leake, George | MLC MLA | 7 September 1886 | Roebourne Albany West Perth | 1902 |
Leake, George Walpole | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1894 |
Lee Steere, James George | MLC MLA | 28 November 1890 | Wellington Swan Nelson | 1903 |
Leeson, Ronald Thomas | MLC | 22 May 1971 | South-East | 1983 |
Lefroy, Anthony O’Grady | MLC | 24 November 1875 | | 1877 |
Leslie, Hugh Alan | MLA | 20 November 1943 | Mount Marshall | 1949 |
Lewis, Alexander Ashley | MLA MLC | 16 December 1972 | Blackwood Lower Central Province | 1989 |
Lewis, Charles Joseph Moore | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Canning | 1914 |
Lewis, Edgar Henry Mead | MLA | 20 September 1958 | Moore | 1974 |
Lewis, Mr Kennon (Richard) Richard | MLA | 8 February 1986 | East Melville | 1996 |
Lewis, Hon Mark William | MLC | 5 April 2013 | Mining and Pastoral | 2017 |
Lightfoot, Hon Philip (Ross) Ross | MLA MLC | 8 February 1986 | Murchison-Eyre North Metropolitan | 1997 |
Lindsay, John (Canaan) | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Toodyay | 1933 |
Llewellyn, Hon Paul Vincent | MLC | 22 May 2005 | South West | 2009 |
Locke, Ernest Charles Bavage | MLA | 3 May 1897 | Sussex | 1901 |
Lockyer, Hon Philip Harry | MLC | 22 May 1980 | Lower North | 1997 |
Logan, Hon Francis (Fran) Michael | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Cockburn | 2021 |
Logan, Leslie Arthur | MLC | 12 April 1947 | Central | 1974 |
Loton, Anthony Lloyd | MLC | 18 November 1944 | South-East | 1965 |
Loton, William Thorley | MLA MLC | 12 December 1890 | Swan Central Province East Province | 1908 |
Lukin, Henry (Harbottle) | MLC | 11 July 1899 | East | 1901 |
Lutey, John Thomas | MLA | 19 August 1916 | Brown Hill-Ivanhoe | 1932 |
Lynch, Patrick Joseph | MLA | 24 June 1904 | Mount Leonora | 1937 |
Lynn, Robert John | MLC | 22 May 1912 | West | 1924 |
MacFarlane, James (Mortimer) Patterson | MLC | 22 May 1922 | Metropolitan | 1942 |
MacKinnon, Barry John | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Murdoch: Jandakot | 1993 |
MacKinnon, Graham Charles | MLC | 22 May 1956 | South-West | 1986 |
MacLaren, Hon Lynn Ellen | MLC | 15 February 2005 | South Metropolitan | 2017 |
MacLean, Mr Iain Douglas | MLC MLA | 14 December 1996 | North Metropolitan Wanneroo | 2001 |
MacTiernan, Hon Alannah Joan Geraldine | MLC MLA | 22 May 1993 | East Metropolitan Region Armadale North Metropolitan Region South West Region | 2023 |
Male, Arthur | MLA | 13 November 1905 | Kimberley | 1917 |
Maley, Charles Crowther | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Irwin | 1929 |
Maley, Henry Kennedy | MLA | 29 September 1917 | Greenough | 1930 |
Maley, Wesley | MLC | 22 May 1900 | South-East | 1909 |
Mann, Henry Willoughby | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Perth | 1933 |
Mann, James Isaac | MLA | 12 April 1930 | Beverley | 1962 |
Mann, William Joseph | MLC | 22 May 1926 | South-West | 1951 |
Manning, Ivan Wemyss | MLA | 25 March 1950 | Harvey | 1974 |
Manning, William Alan | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Narrogin | 1974 |
Margetts, Hon Diane (Dee) Elizabeth | MLC | 22 May 2001 | Agricultural | 2005 |
Marlborough, Mr Norman (Norm) Richard | MLA | 7 June 1986 | Cockburn Peel | 2006 |
Marmion, William Edward | MLC MLA | 22 November 1870 | Fremantle | 1896 |
Marshall, Mr Arthur Dix | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Murray Dawesville | 2005 |
Marshall, Frederick | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Wembley Beaches | 1959 |
Marshall, Robert James Percival | MLA | 20 February 1965 | Maylands | 1968 |
Marshall, Thomas Henry (Harry) | MLC | 16 July 1894 | West | 1959 |
Marshall, William Mortimer | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Murchison | 1952 |
Martin, Mrs Carol Anne | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Kimberley | 2013 |
Marwick, Warren | MLC | 26 September 1910 | East | 1912 |
Maslen, Dudley John | MLA | 24 October 1987 | Gascoyne | 1989 |
Masters, Gordon Edgar | MLC | 22 May 1974 | West | 1989 |
Matheson, Alexander Perceval | MLC | 29 June 1897 | North-East | 1901 |
Mattiske, Reginald Clair | MLC | 9 June 1956 | Metropolitan | 1965 |
May, Donald George | MLA | 31 March 1962 | Canning | 1977 |
May, Henry (Harry) Thomas | MLA | 17 February 1947 | Collie | 1968 |
McAleer, Margaret | MLC | 22 May 1974 | Upper West | 1993 |
McCallum, Alexander | MLA | 12 March 1921 | South Fremantle | 1935 |
McCulloch, Herbert Alexander | MLA | 26 February 1949 | Hannans | 1956 |
McDonald, Francis | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Cockburn Sound | 1904 |
McDonald, John James | MLA | 21 October 1911 | Gascoyne | 1914 |
McDonald, Hon Laine Courtney | MLC | 27 September 2016 | North Metropolitan | 2017 |
McDonald, (Robert) Ross | MLA | 8 April 1933 | West Perth | 1950 |
McDowall, Charles | MLA | 11 September 1908 | Coolgardie | 1916 |
McGowan, Mr Mark | MLA | 14 December 1996 | Rockingham | 2023 |
McGrath, Mr John Edwin | MLA | 26 February 2005 | South Perth | 2021 |
McHale, Ms Sheila Margaret | MLA | 14 December 1996 | Thornlie | 2008 |
McIver, Kenneth Finlay | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Northam | 1986 |
McKenzie, Cuthbert | MLC | 22 May 1910 | South-East | 1922 |
McKenzie, Fred Evan | MLC | 22 May 1977 | East Metropolitan | 1993 |
McKenzie, Robert Donald | MLC | 30 May 1904 | North-East | 1916 |
McKernan, Hugh | MLC | 16 July 1894 | Central | 1896 |
McLarty, Edward | MLC | 16 July 1894 | South-West | 1916 |
McLarty, (Duncan) Ross | MLA | 12 April 1930 | Murray-Wellington | 1962 |
McLeod, George | MLA | 4 February 1914 | Kalgoorlie | 1914 |
McNeil, Thomas | MLC | 22 May 1977 | Upper West | 1989 |
McNeill, Neil | MLC | 22 May 1965 | Lower West | 1983 |
McPharlin, Walter Raymond | MLA | 2 September 1967 | Mount Marshall | 1983 |
McRae, Alexander Joseph | MLC | 23 May 1883 | North | 1888 |
McSweeney, Hon Robyn Mary | MLC | 22 May 2001 | South West | 2017 |
Medcalf, Ian George | MLC | 22 May 1968 | Metropolitan | 1986 |
Mensaros, Andrew | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Floreat | 1991 |
Mettam, Ms Elizabeth (Libby) | MLA | 18 October 2014 | Vasse | |
Miles, George James Gallop Warden | MLC | 18 September 1916 | North | 1950 |
Millington, Harold | MLC MLA | 21 March 1914 | North-East Province Leederville Mount Hawthorn | 1947 |
Mills, Joshua | MLC | 22 May 1918 | Central | 1924 |
Mills, Hon Sheila | MLC | 22 May 2005 | South Metropolitan | 2009 |
Minson, Mr Kevin John | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Greenough | 2001 |
Mitchell, Ms Andrea Ruth | MLA | 6 September 2008 | Kingsley | 2017 |
Mitchell, Clayton Clealand Bickley | MLA | 31 March 1962 | Stirling | 1971 |
Mitchell, James | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Northam | 1933 |
Mitchell, Samuel | MLA | 26 May 1897 | Murchison | 1901 |
Moiler, James | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Toodyay | 1977 |
Moir, Arthur McAlister | MLA | 14 September 1951 | Boulder | 1971 |
Moloney, John Daniel | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Subiaco | 1936 |
Money, Griffin Cant | MLA | 29 September 1917 | Bunbury | 1924 |
Monger, John Henry | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1875 |
Monger, Joseph Taylor | MLC | 23 June 1875 | York | 1880 |
Montgomery, Hon Murray Scott | MLC | 22 May 1989 | South West | 2001 |
Moore, Newton James | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Bunbury | 1911 |
Moore, Hon Norman Frederick | MLC | 22 May 1977 | Lower North Mining and Pastoral | 2013 |
Moore, Thomas James | MLA MLC | 28 April 1913 | Forrest | 1946 |
Moore, William Dalgety | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1894 |
Moorhead, Frederick William | MLA | 13 October 1899 | North Murchison | 1901 |
Moran, Charles John | MLA | 9 July 1894 | Yilgarn | 1905 |
Morgans, Alfred Edward | MLA | 4 May 1897 | Coolgardie | 1904 |
Morrison, James | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1894 |
Morton, Hon Helen Margaret | MLC | 22 May 2005 | East Metropolitan | 2017 |
Moss, Matthew Lewis | MLA MLC | 22 May 1895 | North Fremantle | 1914 |
Mullany, John Francis | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Menzies | 1924 |
Munsie, Selby Walter | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Hannans | 1938 |
Murphy, William Alfred | MLA | 9 June 1910 | Fremantle | 1911 |
Murray, James | MLC | 2 June 1951 | South-West | 1965 |
Murray, Mr Michael (Mick) Philip | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Collie-Preston | 2021 |
Nahan, Dr Michael (Mike) Dennis | MLA | 6 September 2008 | Riverton | 2021 |
Nairn, William Ralph | MLA | 21 October 1914 | Swan | 1921 |
Nalder, Cambell Crawford | MLA | 8 February 1986 | Narrogin | 1987 |
Nalder, Crawford David | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Wagin | 1974 |
Nalder, Mr Dean Cambell | MLA | 9 March 2013 | Bateman | 2021 |
Nanovich, Michael | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Toodyay | 1983 |
Nanson, John Leighton | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Murchison | 1914 |
Nathan, Charles Samuel | MLC | 11 January 1930 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1934 |
Needham, Edward | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Fremantle | 1953 |
Nelson, Wallace Alexander | MLA | 24 June 1904 | Hannans | 1905 |
Nevill, Hon Mark Warriedar | MLC | 22 May 1983 | South-East; Mining and Pastoral | 2001 |
Newman, Edward | MLC | May 1870 | Fremantle | 1872 |
Nicholls, Mr Roger Keith | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Mandurah | 2001 |
Nicholson, John | MLC | 23 March 1918 | Metropolitan | 1941 |
Nimmo, Leslie Charles | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Mount Hawthorn | 1968 |
Nixon, Hon Murray Davidson | MLC | 22 May 1993 | Agricultural | 2001 |
North, Charles Frederic John | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Claremont | 1956 |
Norton, Daniel | MLA | 14 February 1953 | Gascoyne | 1974 |
Nulsen, Emil | MLA | 25 June 1932 | Kanowna | 1953 |
O'Brien, Bartholomew Cornelius* (Con) | MLC | 30 January 1901 | Central | 1914 |
O'Brien, Everard McDonnell | MLA | 8 November 1952 | Murchison | 1959 |
O'Brien, Hon Simon McDonnell | MLC | 22 May 1997 | South Metropolitan | 2021 |
O'Connor, Michael | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Moore | 1904 |
O'Connor, Raymond James | MLA | 21 March 1959 | North Perth | 1984 |
O'Loghlen, Peter Laurence | MLA | 11 September 1908 | Forrest | 1923 |
O'Neil, Desmond Henry | MLA | 21 March 1959 | Canning; East Melville | 1980 |
Oats, William | MLA MLC | 4 May 1897 | Yilgarn | 1904 |
Old, Richard Charles | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Katanning | 1986 |
Oldfield, Edward Peate | MLA | 17 February 1951 | Maylands | 1965 |
Oldham, Charles Henry | MLA | 5 May 1897 | North Perth | 1900 |
Oliver, Cecil Thompson | MLA | 4 December 1948 | Boulder | 1951 |
Oliver, Oscar (Neil) Blackburne | MLC | 22 May 1977 | West | 1989 |
Olney, Howard William | MLC | 22 May 1980 | South Metropolitan | 1981 |
Onslow, Alexander Campbell | MLC | 21 March 1881 | Nominated | 1883 |
Osborn, Henry | MLA | 11 September 1908 | Roebourne | 1911 |
Osborne, Mr Ian Frederick | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Bunbury | 2001 |
Owen, Raymond Cecil | MLA | 29 April 1944 | Swan | 1965 |
Padbury, Walter | MLC | 31 December 1872 | Swan | 1877 |
Panton, Alexander Hugh | MLC | 5 July 1919 | West | 1951 |
Parker, David Charles | MLA | 23 February 1980 | Fremantle | 1990 |
Parker, Hubert Stanley Wyborn | MLA MLC | 22 May 1954 | North-East Fremantle | 1954 |
Parker, Mrs Rhonda Kathleen | MLA | 10 September 1994 | Helena | 2001 |
Parker, Stephen Henry | MLC | 22 May 1878 | Nominated | 1900 |
Parker, Stephen Stanley | MLC | 25 July 1876 | Nominated | 1885 |
Parsons, Harold George | MLC | 29 June 1897 | North-East | 1900 |
Paterson, William | MLA | 3 December 1890 | Murray | 1895 |
Patrick, William | MLC | 30 May 1904 | Central | 1916 |
Patrick, William | MLA | 12 April 1930 | Greenough | 1943 |
Patterson, Hon Muriel Grace | MLC | 22 May 1989 | South-West | 2001 |
Pearce, Robert John | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Gosnells | 1993 |
Pendal, Mr Phillip George | MLC MLA | 22 May 1980 | South-East Metropolitan | 2005 |
Pennefather, Richard William | MLA MLC | 3 May 1897 | Greenough | 1914 |
Perkins, Charles Collier | MLA | 21 November 1942 | York | 1961 |
Perry, Thomas Oswald | MLC | 22 May 1965 | Lower Central | 1977 |
Pham, Hon Batong Vu | MLC | 29 November 2007 | East Metropolitan | 2009 |
Piantadosi, Hon Samuel Mathew | MLC | 22 May 1983 | North Central Metropolitan | 1996 |
Pickering, William George | MLA | 29 September 1917 | Sussex | 1924 |
Piesse, Alfred Napoleon | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Toodyay | 1924 |
Piesse, Arnold Edmund | MLA | 4 November 1909 | Katanning | 1935 |
Piesse, Charles Austin | MLC | 16 July 1894 | South-East | 1914 |
Piesse, Frederick Henry | MLA | 2 December 1890 | Williams | 1909 |
Piesse, Harold Vivian | MLC | 26 September 1931 | South-West | 1944 |
Piesse, Winifred Margaret | MLC | 22 May 1977 | Lower Central | 1983 |
Pigott, Sydney Capel | MLA | 23 July 1901 | West Kimberley | 1904 |
Pike, Robert Gerald | MLC | 22 May 1977 | North Metropolitan | 1994 |
Pilkington, Robert Rivington | MLA | 22 July 1917 | Perth | 1921 |
Potter, George | MLC | 22 May 1922 | West | 1928 |
Potter, Percival George Charles | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Subiaco | 1959 |
Pratt, Ian George | MLC | 22 May 1974 | Lower West | 1986 |
Pratt, Louise Clare | MLC | 22 May 2001 | East Metropolitan | 2007 |
Price, James | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Fremantle | 1910 |
Price, Richard William | MLA | 17 September 1909 | Albany | 1917 |
Prince, Mr Antony (Kevin) Royston | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Albany | 2001 |
Purkiss, William Morton | MLA | 6 December 1901 | Perth | 1904 |
Quinlan, Timothy Francis | MLA | 10 December 1890 | West Perth | 1911 |
Quirk, Ms Margaret Mary | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Landsdale | |
Radisich, Ms Jaye Amber | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Swan Hills | 2008 |
Randell, George | MLA MLC | 29 November 1890 | Moore | 1910 |
Raphael, Howard Stirling | MLA | 12 April 1930 | Victoria Park | 1944 |
Rason, Cornthwaite Hector (William James) | MLA | 3 May 1897 | South Murchison | 1906 |
Ravlich, Hon Ljiljanna Maria | MLC | 22 May 1997 | East Metropolitan | 2015 |
Read, John Bell | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Mandurah | 1989 |
Read, Keith John | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Murray | 1993 |
Read, William Raymond | MLA | 10 February 1945 | Victoria Park | 1953 |
Reid, David Donald | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Blackwood | 1972 |
Reid, Fergie | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Mount Burges | 1904 |
Reside, John | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Hannans | 1902 |
Reynolds, Alfred George | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Forrest | 1950 |
Rhatigan, John Joseph | MLA | 16 May 1953 | Kimberley | 1968 |
Richardson, Alexander Robert | MLA | 4 December 1890 | North | 1897 |
Richardson, John Elliott | MLC | 16 July 1894 | North | 1904 |
Richardson, Walter | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Subiaco | 1933 |
Ridge, Keith Alan | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Kimberley | 1980 |
Ripper, Mr Eric Stephen | MLA | 19 March 1988 | Ascot; Belmont | 2013 |
Roberts, George Frederick | MLA | 29 October 1955 | Bunbury | 1962 |
Roberts, Mrs Michelle Hopkins | MLA | 19 March 1994 | Midland | |
Robinson, Herbert | MLA | 29 September 1917 | Albany | 1919 |
Robinson, Herbert Richard | MLC | 22 May 1962 | Suburban; North Metropolitan | 1968 |
Robinson, Robert Thomson | MLA | 21 October 1914 | Canning | 1921 |
Roche, Hugh Lewis | MLC | 22 May 1940 | South-East | 1960 |
Rocke, Samuel Mat(t)hew | MLA | 29 September 1917 | South Fremantle | 1921 |
Rodoreda, Aloysius Joseph | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Roebourne
Pilbara | 1958 |
Rose, Edwin | MLC | 22 May 1916 | South-West | 1934 |
Rowberry, Joseph Neon | MLA | 25 January 1958 | Warren | 1968 |
Rowe, Francis James | MLA | 26 March 1927 | North-East Fremantle | 1930 |
Rowe, Hon Margaret Anne Bernadette | MLC | 22 May 2005 | Agricultural | 2007 |
Runciman, Ewart Henry | MLA | 23 June 1962 | Murray | 1974 |
Rushton, Edgar Cyril | MLA | 8 May 1965 | Dale | 1988 |
Saffioti, Ms Rita | MLA | 6 September 2008 | West Swan | |
Sampson, Richard Stanley | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Swan | 1944 |
Sanderson, Amber-Jade | MLA MLC | 5 April 2013 | Morley | |
Sanderson, Archibald | MLC | 22 May 1912 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1922 |
Savage, Hon Linda Rosemary | MLC | 22 March 2010 | East Metropolitan | 2013 |
Sayer, William Frederic | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Claremont | 1902 |
Schell, Morton William | MLA | 8 February 1986 | Mt Marshall | 1989 |
Scott, Hon Barbara Mary | MLC | 22 June 1993 | South Metropolitan | 2009 |
Scott, Edward | MLC | 10 December 1890 | Perth | 1891 |
Seddon, Harold | MLC | 22 June 1922 | North-East | 1954 |
Seward, Harrie Stephen | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Pingelly | 1950 |
Sewell, William Hawkins | MLA | 25 March 1950 | Geraldton | 1974 |
Shalders, Richard Steele | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Murray | 1983 |
Sharp, Hon Christine (Chrissy) | MLC | 22 May 1997 | South West | 2005 |
Shave, Mr Douglas (Doug) James | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Melville; Alfred Cove | 2001 |
Shearn, Harry Vivian | MLA | 15 February 1936 | Maylands | 1951 |
Shenton, George | MLC | 12 October 1870 | Greenough | 1906 |
Sholl, Horace William | MLC MLA | 14 April 1888 | Roebourne | 1901 |
Sholl, Robert Frederick | MLC MLA | 27 November 1890 | Gascoyne; North | 1909 |
Sibson, John | MLA | 7 April 1973 | Bunbury | 1983 |
Simons, John Joseph | MLA | 12 March 1921 | East Perth | 1922 |
Simpson, Charles Herbert | MLC | 22 May 1946 | Central | 1963 |
Skidmore, John Edward | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Swan | 1982 |
Sleeman, Joseph Bertram | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Fremantle | 1959 |
Smith, Mr David Lawrence | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Mitchell | 1996 |
Smith, Frederick Charles Lee | MLA | 14 July 1932 | Brown Hill-Ivanhoe | 1950 |
Smith, Hon Gregory (Greg) David | MLC | 22 May 1997 | Mining and Pastoral | 2001 |
Smith, Henry Teesdale | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Wellington | 1904 |
Smith, James MacCallum | MLA | 21 October 1914 | North Perth | 1939 |
Smith, John Henry (Kilkar) | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Nelson | 1943 |
Smith, Philip John | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Bunbury | 1993 |
Smith, Mr Wayde Shannon | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Wanneroo | 1996 |
Sodeman, Brian | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Pilbara | 1983 |
Solomon, Elias | MLA | 14 October 1892 | South Fremantle | 1901 |
Sommers, Charles | MLC | 14 May 1900 | North-East; Metropolitan | 1918 |
Speight, Richard | MLA | 24 April 1901 | North Perth | 1901 |
Spriggs, George Clarence Charles | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Darling Range | 1987 |
Stephens, Matthew Ernest | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Stirling | 1989 |
Stephens, Mr Thomas (Tom) Gregory | MLC MLA | 31 July 1982 | North; Mining and Pastoral; Central–Kimberley–Pilbara; Pilbara | 2013 |
Stephenson, Henry Alfred | MLC | 22 May 1924 | Metropolitan-Suburban | 1930 |
Stewart, Hector Joseph | MLC | 19 May 1917 | South-East | 1931 |
Stewart, Jack McKay | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Merredin-Yilgarn | 1971 |
Stone, Frank Mends | MLC | 16 July 1894 | North | 1906 |
Stone, Patrick | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Greenough | 1926 |
Stretch, Hon William (Bill) Noel | MLC | 22 May 1983 | Lower Central; South-West | 2005 |
Strickland, Mr George Joseph | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Scarborough; Innaloo | 2001 |
Strickland, Harry Charles | MLC | 22 May 1950 | North | 1970 |
Stuart, Julian Alexander Salmon | MLA | 13 November 1906 | Mount Leonora | 1908 |
Stubbs, Bartholomew James | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Subiaco | 1917 |
Stubbs, Robert Henry Claude | MLC | 22 May 1962 | South-East | 1980 |
Stubbs, Sydney | MLC MLA | 22 May 1908 | Metropolitan-Suburban; Wagin | 1947 |
Styants, Herbert Henry | MLA | 15 February 1936 | Kalgoorlie | 1956 |
Sulc, Hon Paul | MLC | 24 December 1996 | East Metropolitan | 1997 |
Swan, Herbert Graham | MLA | 11 September 1908 | North Perth | 1914 |
Symon, David | MLA | 28 November 1890 | South Fremantle | 1892 |
Talbot, Hon Sally Elizabeth | MLC | 22 May 2005 | South West | |
Taylor, Alexander Donald | MLA | 23 March 1968 | Cockburn | 1984 |
Taylor, George | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Mount Margaret | 1930 |
Taylor, Ian Frederick | MLA | 20 June 1981 | Kalgoorlie | 1996 |
Taylor, John Howard | MLC | 27 July 1896 | East | 1899 |
Teahan, John Denis | MLC | 22 May 1954 | North-East | 1965 |
Teesdale, Frederick William | MLA | 18 October 1917 | Roebourne | 1931 |
Telfer, William Francis | MLA | 20 November 1943 | Avon | 1947 |
Thomas, Albert Ernest | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Dundas | 1908 |
Thomas, Hon Robert (Bob) John | MLC | 22 May 1989 | South West | 2001 |
Thomas, William Lemen | MLA | 1 March 1911 | Bunbury | 1917 |
Thomas, Mr William (Bill) Ian | MLA | 8 February 1986 | Welshpool; Cockburn | 2001 |
Thompson, Ian David | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Darling Range; Kalamunda | 1993 |
Thompson, Ronald | MLC | 7 February 1959 | West; South | 1980 |
Thompson, Sydney Thomas Joseph | MLC | 22 May 1960 | South | 1974 |
Thomson, Alexander | MLA | 21 October 1914 | Katanning | 1930 |
Thomson, Jack McIntosh | MLC | 22 May 1950 | South | 1974 |
Thomson, John | MLA | 12 March 1921 | Claremont | 1924 |
Thorn, Lindsay | MLA | 12 April 1930 | Toodyay | 1959 |
Throssell, George | MLA MLC | 2 December 1890 | Northam | 1910 |
Toms, John Mervin | MLA | 7 April 1956 | Maylands | 1971 |
Tonkin, Arthur Raymond | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Mirrabooka | 1987 |
Tonkin, John Trezise | MLA | 8 April 1933 | North-East Fremantle | 1977 |
Totterdell, Joseph | MLA | 25 March 1950 | West Perth | 1953 |
Tozer, John Carmichael | MLC | 22 May 1974 | North | 1980 |
Travers, Hon Kenneth (Ken) Dunstan Elder | MLC | 22 May 1997 | North Metropolitan | 2016 |
Traylen, William | MLA | 29 November 1890 | Greenough | 1897 |
Trenorden, Hon Maxwell (Max) Wayne | MLA MLC | 8 February 1986 | Avon; Agricultural | 2009 |
Trethowan, Anthony Markham | MLA | 1 February 1980 | East Melville | 1986 |
Triat, Lucien John | MLA | 18 March 1939 | Mount Magnet | 1950 |
Troy, Gavan John | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Mundaring | 1993 |
Troy, John Robert | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Fremantle | 1980 |
Troy, Michael Francis | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Mount Magnet | 1939 |
Tubby, Mr Frederick (Fred) Charles | MLA | 7 May 1988 | Dale | 2001 |
Tubby, Reginald John | MLA | 1 November 1975 | Greenough | 1989 |
Tuckey, Hobart | MLC | 22 May 1934 | South-West | 1951 |
Turnbull, Dr Hilda Margaret | MLA | 4 February 1989 | Collie | 2001 |
Turvey, Philip Joseph | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Swan | 1914 |
Underwood, Rufus Henry | MLA | 23 July 1906 | Pilbara | 1929 |
Van De Klashorst, Mrs June Dorothy | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Swan Hills | 2001 |
Vaughan, Grace Sydney | MLC | 22 May 1974 | South-East Metropolitan | 1980 |
Venn, Harry Whittall | MLA | 2 December 1890 | Wellington | 1901 |
Veryard, John | MLA | 27 December 1905 | Balcatta | 1921 |
Vosper, Frederick Charles Burleigh | MLA | 4 May 1897 | North-East Coolgardie | 1901 |
Walker, Ms Susan (Sue) Elizabeth | MLA | 9 June 2001 | Nedlands | 2008 |
Walker, Thomas | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Kanowna | 1932 |
Wallace, Francis Patrick | MLA | 3 May 1897 | Yalgoo | 1904 |
Wansbrough, Arthur William | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Albany | 1936 |
Wansbrough, Charles Prangle | MLA | 21 October 1914 | Beverley | 1930 |
Ware, Francis John | MLA | 27 October 1905 | Hannans | 1911 |
Warner, Frederick Lytton | MLA | 8 April 1933 | Mount Marshall | 1943 |
Warnock, Ms Diana Muriel | MLA | 6 February 1993 | Perth | 2001 |
Watkins, Jacqueline Patricia | MLA | 19 February 1983 | Joondalup | 1993 |
Watson, Hon Giz | MLC | 14 December 1996 | North Metropolitan | 21 May 2013 |
Watson, Henry Keith | MLA | 8 May 1948 | Albany | 1968 |
Watson, Dr Judyth | MLA | 8 February 1986 | Canning | 1996 |
Watson, Hon Peter Bruce | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Albany | 2021 |
Watt, Leon Harold | MLA | 30 March 1974 | Albany | 1993 |
Watts, Alfred John Henry | MLA | 28 June 1904 | Northam | 1905 |
Watts, Arthur Frederick | MLA | 31 August 1935 | Katanning | 1962 |
Wells, Herbert Edward | MLA | 12 April 1930 | Canning | 1933 |
Wells, Peter Henry | MLC | 22 May 1980 | North Metropolitan | 1986 |
Welsh, Frank Robert | MLC MLA | 8 April 1933 | North | 1954 |
Wenn, Hon Douglas William | MLC | 22 May 1986 | South West | 1997 |
Whitcombe, Frederic | MLC | 22 May 1898 | Central | 1900 |
White, Frederick Richard | MLC | 21 October 1967 | West | 1973 |
Wiese, Mr Robert (Bob) Laurence | MLA | 9 May 1987 | Narrogin; Wagin | 2001 |
Wild, Gerald Percy | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Swan; Dale | 1965 |
Wilding, Thomas Henry | MLC | 22 May 1908 | East | 1914 |
Willcock, John Collings | MLA | 29 September 1917 | Geraldton | 1947 |
Willesee, William Francis | MLC | 22 May 1954 | North; North-East Metropolitan Province | 1974 |
Williams, Charles Bennett | MLC | 22 May 1928 | South | 1948 |
Williams, Maurice Clifford | MLA | 1 September 1962 | Bunbury | 1973 |
Williams, Rex (Tony) Geoffrey | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Clontarf | 1989 |
Williams, Richard John Lloyd | MLC | 22 May 1971 | Metropolitan | 1989 |
Willmott, Francis Drake | MLC | 10 September 1955 | South-West | 1974 |
Willmott, Francis Edward Sykes | MLA MLC | 21 October 1914 | Nelson | 1926 |
Willmott, William Henry Francis | MLA | 12 February 1938 | Sussex | 1947 |
Wilson, Albert James | MLA | 24 June 1904 | Forrest | 1908 |
Wilson, Arthur Alan | MLA | 11 September 1908 | Collie | 1947 |
Wilson, Francis Ford | MLA | 28 June 1904 | North Perth | 1905 |
Wilson, Frank | MLA | 6 May 1897 | Canning | 1917 |
Wilson, Keith James | MLA | 19 February 1977 | Dianella; Nollamara | 1993 |
Wisdom, Evan Alexander | MLA | 3 October 1911 | Claremont | 1917 |
Wise, Frank Joseph Scott | MLA MLC | 8 April 1933 | Gascoyne; North | 1971 |
Withers, Frederick James | MLA | 22 March 1924 | Bunbury | 1947 |
Withers, William Robert | MLC | 22 May 1971 | North | 1982 |
Wittenoom, Charles Horne | MLC | 22 May 1928 | South-East | 1940 |
Wittenoom, Edward Horne | MLC | 16 July 1894 | Geraldton; Central; North | 1934 |
Wood, Barrington Clarke | MLA MLC | 14 June 1894 | West Perth | 1903 |
Wood, Garnet Barrington | MLC | 22 May 1936 | East; Central | 1952 |
Woollard, Dr Janet May | MLA | 10 February 2001 | Alfred Cove | 2013 |
Wordsworth, David John | MLC | 22 May 1971 | South | 1993 |
Wright, James William | MLC | 22 May 1902 | Metropolitan | 1908 |
Wright, John Arthur | MLC | 24 December 1890 | Nominated | 1894 |
Wyatt, Mr Benjamin (Ben) Sana | MLA | 11 March 2006 | Victoria Park | 2021 |
Xamon, Hon Alison Marie | MLC | 22 May 2009 | North Metropolitan | 2021 |
Yates, George Henry | MLA | 15 March 1947 | Canning | 1956 |
Yelland, Herbert John | MLC | 22 May 1924 | East | 1936 |
Yelverton, Henry John | MLA | 24 April 1901 | Sussex | 1904 |
Young, Raymond Laurence | MLA | 20 February 1971 | Wembley | 1983 |
Young, William Gordon | MLA | 2 September 1967 | Roe | 1974 |