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Members’ biographical register

Member NameHouseDate ElectedElectorateYear Retired
Abbey, Hon Charles RoyMLC22 May 1958Central1977
Nationalist 1936
Independent Nationalist in 1939 from 1943
Nationalist then Liberal from 1945 and Liberal and Country League
Abbott, Mr Arthur Valentine RutherfordMLA18 March 1939North Perth
Mt Lawley
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 2004,president Willetton branch 2006–2008 Division representative 2006–2008 On campaign committees Tangney 2004 and 2007,Riverton 2005
Abetz, Mr PeterMLA6 September 2008Southern River2017
Country Party
Ackland, Mr John HughMLA15 March 1947Irwin-Moore
National Party of Australia Joined party 1988 (Liberal)
Ainsworth, Mr Ross AndrewMLA4 February 1989Roe2005
Liberal Liberal President and secretary, Mt Pleasant branch 1977–1993 State Women’s President 1987–1989 Member State Executive 1987–1989 State Council 1985–1989 Meritorious Service Award for Liberal Party of Australia, 1990
Airey, Hon Diane PhyllisMLC2 February 1993South Metropolitan1993
Alban, Mr Francesco (Frank) AngeloMLA6 September 2008Swan Hills2017
Nationals WA
Secretary,Parliamentary National Party,19 March 2013
Aldridge, Hon MartinMLC5 April 2013Agricultural
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1972 Member of Highgate branch from 1981 Independent Labor from 5 March 1991 Delegate to Perth Electorate Council 1982–1987, Australian Labor Party State Executive 1984–1985, 1987–1988 Delegate to National Conference 1988 Joined Greens (WA) 1995, member Fremantle branch
Alexander, Dr Ian ChristopherMLA9 May 1987Perth1993
Alexander, Hon WilliamMLC25 July 1895Central1898
Liberal until 1917 National Member State Council National Federation Campaign Committee
Allen, Mr Ebenezer (Eben)MLA3 October 1911West Perth1921
Liberal until 1917 National Chairman National Party (WA) 1921–March 1926 (1917)
Allen, Hon Joseph FrancisMLC22 May 1914West1920
Independent in 1928 Nationalist in 1930
Allsop, Frederick WilliamMLC22 May 1930North East1932
Amherst, Hon Josceline George HerbertMLC24 December 1890Nominated1894
Andrew, Mr Hugh DavidMLA14 February 1953Victoria Park1961
Labor Joined Armadale–Kelmscott sub-branch 1993, president 1998–1999 Canning Electorate Council 1995 and 1997–2001 State Executive 1999
Andrews, Mr Paul WilliamMLA10 February 2001Southern River2008
Andric, Hon KlaraMLC22 May 2021South Metropolitan
Liberal to 1917 Nationalist 1917–1920 Country Party 1920–1923 Ministerial Country Party 1923–1924 Nationalist 1924–1940
Angelo, Mr Edward HoughtonMLA
29 September 1917Gascoyne
Labor 1919 Fremantle Delegate to Australian Labor Federation (WA Division) 4th General Council Tenth Labor Congress
Angwin, Mr William CharlesMLA28 June 1904East Fremantle
North–East Fremantle
Anstey, Hon Harry FrancisMLC22 August 1893Nominated1894
Labor Vice-president Kalgoorlie–Boulder branch and Kalgoorlie East Electorate Council
Anwyl, Ms Megan IreneMLA16 March 1996Kalgoorlie2001
Labor Member from 1974 President and secretary of a number of branches, member State Executive delegate to State and National Conferences Resigned from the Australian Labor Party and sat as Independent from 21 November 2007
Archer, Hon Shelley FrancesMLC22 May 2005Mining and Pastoral2009
Labor Party to 1917, then National Trustee Australian Labor Federation (WA) Division 1916
Ardagh, Hon Richard GeorgeMLC22 May 1912North-East1924
Atkins, Mr WilliamMLA16 July 1902Murray1904
Liberal Member of Liberal Party from 1962, president and secretary Dalwallinu branch Treasurer O’Connor Division Delegate to State Council
Atkinson, Hon William GordonMLC22 May 1983Central1984
Member,WA Labor since 2011
Aubrey, Mr Stuart NeilMLA13 March 2021Scarborough
Baglin, Hon Frederick ArthurMLC22 May 1920West1923
Liberal Member,party from 1990 (member of National Party at Esperance in 1989) Secretary,Kalgoorlie North Division,1991–1995 President,Port Hedland branch,1991–1995 Liberal Party policy committee,1995–1996 Appeals and Disciplinary Committee,1999–2002
Baker, Mr Christopher (Chris) JohnMLA14 December 1996Joondalup2001
Member,WA Labor,1992 onwards
Baker, Mr Geoffrey (Geoff)MLA13 March 2021South Perth
Member,Australian Labor Party during 1990s,rejoined 2006
Baker, Ms Lisa LoraineMLA6 September 2008Maylands
Baker, Mr William LeonardMLA20 December 1890East Kimberley1893
Barker, Hon Charles William DonaldMLC22 May 1952North1956
Barker, Mr Claude OsmondeMLA18 March 1939Irwin-Moore1939
Barlee, Frederick PalgraveMLCJuly 1855Nominated1875
Barnard, Mr George WilliamMLA22 March 1924Sussex1933
Barnett, Mr Colin JamesMLA11 August 1990Cottesloe2018
Barnett, Mr Edward CharlesMLA27 October 1905Albany1909
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party from 1970
Barnett, Mr MichaelMLA30 March 1974Rockingham1996
Liberal Member Forrest Division Resigned to become Independent 22 February 2008,joined Family First Party 20 June 2008
Barron-Sullivan, Mr Daniel (Dan) FrankMLA14 December 1996Mitchell
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1984. President, Carnarvon branch Division president, Kalgoorlie Central Division
Baston, Hon Kenneth (Ken) CharlesMLC22 May 2005Mining and Pastoral2021
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party from 1962 President,Riverton branch from 1965
Bateman, Mr Thomas (Tom) HenryMLA23 March 1968Canning1986
Bath, Mr Thomas HenryMLA15 October 1902Hannans
Brown Hill
Country Party
Baxter, Hon Charles FarquharsonMLC22 May 1914East1950
Country Party later National Country Party Member Country Party 1932–1946 and then Country and Democratic League, Country Party and National Country Party until 1983 Organiser Country and Democratic League 1946–1948 Member Country Party Executive then Council 1950–1983 Parliamentary representative on executive 1954–1958
Baxter, Hon Norman EricMLC6 May 1950Central1983
Nationals WA Resigned from the Nationals WA,31 October 2023 Member,Liberal Party from 7 November 2023
Beard, MeromeMLA17 September 2022North West Central
Member,Australian Labor Party (WA) since 2004
Beazley, Ms Hannah MaryMLA13 March 2021Victoria Park
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1977
Beggs, Mrs Pamela AnneMLA19 February 1983Whitford1993
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1975
Behjat, Hon Elizabeth (Liz) LloydMLC22 May 2009North Metropolitan2017
Bell, Hon Colin JohnMLC22 May 1983Lower West1989
Bellingham, Hon George Henry JohnMLC5 September 1900South1908
Bennetts, Hon GeorgeMLC22 May 1946South1965
Benson-Lidholm, Hon Matthew (Matt) FrancisMLC26 February 2005Agricultural
South West
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP),1953 At various times trustee and vice-president ALP (WA branch),delegate to six Federal conferences of the ALP
Berinson, Hon Joseph MaxMLC22 May 1980North East Metropolitan
North Central
North Metropolitan
Liberal Joined Liberal Party in Carnarvon in the 1950s Secretary and Treasurer in local branch
Berry, Hon George WilliamMLC22 May 1968Lower North1980
Berry, Mr Horace ThurstonMLA9 September 1939Irwin-Moore1947
Labor Member of the Australian Labor Party,life member 1984 Member State Executive,Treasurer – trustee Officer of Administration Committee
Bertram, Mr Ronald (Ron) EdwardMLA23 March 1968Mount Hawthorn1989
Labor Secretary Portland NSW branch of Australian Labor Party Member WA State Executive
Bickerton, Mr Arthur WilliamMLA24 April 1958Pilbara1974
Bickley, Wallace (Samuel) AlexanderMLC29 July 1872Nominated1876
Birch, EdmundMLC18 November 1873Perth1875
Birney, Mr Matthew (Matt) JohnMLA2 October 2001Kalgoorlie2008
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1958 President,Margaret River branch
Blaikie, Mr Barry RoyMLA20 February 1971Vasse1996
Nationals Joined Nationals 17 August 2019 Independent Announced resignation from the Liberal Party 24 July 2019 Liberal Member,Liberal Party Walkaway branch six years,secretary five years Member,O’Connor Division Executive two years Observer and proxy,State Council two years
Blayney, Mr Ian CharlesMLA6 September 2008Geraldton2021
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party Dianella branch
Bloffwitch, Mr Robert (Bob) ClydeMLA13 April 1991Geraldton2001
Boan, Hon HenryMLC14 April 1917Metropolitan
Board, Mr Michael (Mike) FrancisMLA6 February 1993Jandakot
Australian Labor Party Member,Nationalist Party from 1917
Bolton, Mr Harry EdwardMLA28 June 1904North Fremantle1919
National Then Liberal
Bolton, Hon Leonard BurlingtonMLC6 February 1932Metropolitan1948
Liberal State vice–president WA Division 1949–1952 Member Federation Council Liberal Party of Australia 1949–1952
Bovell, Sir William StewartMLA7 June 1947Sussex1971
Labor Independent from 28 February 2007
Bowler, Mr John James MansellMLA10 February 2001Eyre
Nationals WA
Boydell, Hon Jacqui EllenMLC22 May 2013Mining and Pastoral2021
Labor to 1916, then Nationalist, Independent Nationalist 1921
Boyland, Mr JohnMLA12 March 1921Kalgoorlie1922
Country Party
Boyle, Mr Ignatius GeorgeMLA4 May 1935Avon1943
Boylen, Hon Robert JosephMLC1 February 1947South1955
Liberal Joined party 1969, member Young Liberals Member Environment Care Committee from 1989
Bradshaw, Mr John LeslieMLA19 February 1983Murray-Wellington2005
Labor Member Midland–Guildford branch of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) Secretary Midland District Council ALP 1930–1948 One term member State Disputes Committee Minute Secretary ALP conferences
Brady, Mr John JosephMLA13 March 1948Guildford1974
Brand, Sir DavidMLA27 October 1945Greenough1975
Liberal and Country League then Liberal
Brand, Hon George Edmund DowdMLC22 May 1965Lower North1971
Liberal Party
Brebber, Mr JamesMLA27 October 1905North Perth1908
Labor Independent from 27 July 1996
Bridge, Mr Ernest FrancisMLA23 February 1980Kimberley2001
Briggs, Hon HenryMLC30 June 1896West1919
Brimage, Hon Thomas Frederick OutridgeMLC5 September 1900South1912
Britza, Mr Ian MaxwellMLA6 September 2008Morley2017
Broadhurst, Charles EdwardMLCNominated 6 July 1874Nominated1875
Brockman, Mr Edmund RalphMLC8 January 1878Swan1891
Brockman, Mr Edmund VernonMLA8 April 1933Sussex1938
Brockman, Mr HenryMLC24 October 1884Swan1889
Brockman, William LockeMLC1839Nominated1872
Brookman, Hon William GordonMLC29 August 1900Metropolitan-Suburban1903
Liberal 1911–1914 Later Country Party (National)
Broun, Mr Frank TyndallMLA3 October 1911Beverley1924
Labor Member South Australian State Executive,delegate State Conference,Australian Labor Party,1971–1974 Member WA State Executive,delegate State Conference 1974–1993 Convenor Industrial Relations Committee 1983–1992 Deputy Chairman of Committees 21 October 1993–8 June 1994
Brown, Mr Clive MorrisMLA6 February 1993Morley Bassendean2005
Brown, Mr HarryMLA28 June 1904Perth1911
Country Party (CP)
Brown, Henry JamesMLA22 March 1924Pingelly1933
Brown, Hon James McMillanMLA20 February 1971Merredin-Yilgarn1992
Labor 1920s secretary Eastern Goldfields District Council of ALP
Brown, Hon John ReidMLC22 May 1924North-East1930
Brown, MaitlandMLC1870Gascoyne1886
National Party
Brown, Hon Paul JohnMLC22 May 2013Agricultural2017
Liberal then Nationalist from 1917
Brown, Mr Samuel McConnellMLA10 November 1917Subiaco1921
Brown, Mr Thomas LeishmanMLA21 November 1906Geraldton1908
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1961 Secretary and president various country branches,1964–1969 Vice–president,WA branch 1972–1976,President 1977–1979 Delegate to National Executive ALP,1971–1978 National vice–president,1976–1977 Delegate to National Conference,1971,1973,1975,1977,1979
Bryce, Mr Malcolm JohnMLA13 November 1971Ascot1988
Labor Joined party 1976,president and secretary,Wickham branch three years each Secretary,Pilbara Electorate Council 4 years,president two years Delegate to State Executive for five years Independent from 1 February 1991
Buchanan, Mrs Pamela AnnMLA19 February 1983Pilbara1992
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1994 Vice president,South Perth branch,delegate to Swan Electoral Council Delegate to State Executive,State Conference and National Executive
Bullock, Hon Helen Hong HuiMLC22 May 2009Mining and Pastoral2013
Burges, Lockier ClereMLC14 January 1879Nominated1884
Burges, Hon Richard GoldsmithMLC16 July 1894East1903
Burges, Hon ThomasMLC24 December 1890Nominated1893
Burges, WilliamMLC24 November 1875Nominated1876
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1963 Delegate and proxy delegate representing PKIU and Government Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Employees on State Executive ALP Trustee (WA) branch 1974–1979 Member Administration Committee 1974–1988 Delegate to National Conference 1977, 1982, 1984, 1986 Member National Executive 1986–1988 Convenor Economics Committee 1986–1988 Resigned from ALP in November 2006
Burke, Mr Brian ThomasMLA28 July 1973Balcatta1988
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1958 Delegate to ALP State Executive and numerous state conferences
Burke, Mr Terence JosephMLA23 March 1968Perth1987
Labor Party member from 1973, president Karrinyup branch 1973–1974
Burkett, Mr Graham JohnMLA19 February 1983Scarborough1989
Liberal Joined party 1948
Burt, Richard Paull SeptimusMLA21 March 1959Murchison1971
Burt, Hon SeptimusMLA29 November 1890Ashburton1900
Burton, Hon Carolyn AnneMLC17 September 2008North Metropolitan2009
Country Party (CP)
Burvill, Hon AlfredMLC22 May 1922South-East1928
Bush, Hon Robert EdwinMLC24 December 1890Nominated1893
Bussell, Alfred PickmoreMLC29 July 1872Nominated1874
Bussell, John GarrettMLC4 November 1870Vasse1872
Liberal Member,Busselton branch,1994–1997 and from 2000,president 1997,secretary,2000–2003 Treasurer,Forrest Division 2000–2001,vice president,2002
Buswell, Mr Troy RaymondMLA26 February 2005Vasse2014
Liberal and Country League 1950 Independent Liberal 1951 Independent 1953
Butcher, Mr Noel AlbertMLA13 October 1951Gascoyne1953
Independent 1903–1905 then Liberal
Butcher, Mr William James (Burchell)MLA24 April 1901Gascoyne1917
Member of Australian Labor Party from 1983
At various times president Armadale branch,delegate to Canning Electorate Council and State Executive
Contested pre-selection 2003 and 2008
Buti, Dr Antonio (Tony) De PauloMLA2 October 2010Armadale
Labor Secretary Maniana branch 1955–1959 Secretary South Bentley branch 1960–1963 Carlisle branch delegate to State Executive 1968–1972 Trustee Australian Labor Party (ALP) (WA branch) 1972–1973 Junior vice–president ALP (WA branch) 1973–1976, senior vice–president 1978–1979, president 1980–1990
Butler, Hon Thomas GeorgeMLC22 May 1986North-East Metropolitan1995
Labor to 1917 then National President Australian Labor Foundation 1904
Buzacott, Mr RichardMLA11 September 1908Menzies1923
Liberal Joined party 1990, variously branch President and secretary, Division President and member of State Executive and State Council Resigned from party to become Independent on 2 June 2004
Cadby, Hon Alan AlfredMLC22 May 2001North Metropolitan2005
Joined the Australian Labor Party in 1993
Caddy, Hon DanMLC22 May 2021North Metropolitan
National Party of Australia President, Katanning branch 2000
Caldwell, Hon John NormanMLC22 May 1986South1993
Canning, Mr Marinus Frederick AlfredMLA19 December 1890East Perth1894
Nationalist,then Liberal and Country League Liberal from 1945 Member and vice-President of Nationalist Party in 1930s President,Women's branch Liberal and Country League after 1949
Cardell-Oliver, Florence (Annie) GilliesMLA15 February 1936Subiaco1956
Member,Australian Labor Party,2001-2017
Member,Administrative Committee (four years)
President,Northbridge branch
Delegate,state conference
Delegate,state executive
Carey, Mr John NewtonMLA11 March 2017Perth
Carey, Thomas CampbellMLC25 June 1872Vasse1884
Greens WA Member of Greens WA since 2006/2007 Independent from 6 May 2010
Carles, Ms Adele SimoneMLA16 May 2009Fremantle2013
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1996
Carpenter, Mr Alan JohnMLA14 December 1996Willagee2009
Labor until 1917 then Nationalist
Carpenter, Mr William HenryMLA3 October 1911Fremantle1917
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party since 1969 State senior vice-President Young Labor Association
Carr, Mr Jeffrey PhillipMLA30 March 1974Geraldton1991
Carr, Julian George CharlesMLCMay 1868Perth1873
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party,Geraldton branch since January 2020
Carr, Hon Sandra AnneMLC22 May 2021Agricultural
Country Party
Carroll, Hon WilliamMLC11 August 1923East1924
Liberal until 1911 Country Party 1914–1922,then Independent
Carson, Hon HenryMLA
4 June 1904Geraldton1920
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1974 President of the Woodvale branch for two years President of the Quinns Rocks branch for seven years, Vice President (2000–2001) President (2002) of the Edgewater branch Member of the Moore Division Council for 20 years Member of the State Council for eight years, State Executive 1993 President and Vice President Moore Division for nine years
Carstairs, Hon Alan MacMillanMLC24 December 1996North Metropolitan1997
Carter, Lionel LewinMLA12 March 1921Leederville1924
LCL then Liberal Member since 1950 Secretary and President of the Belmont and Yokine branches during 1960s Delegate to Stirling Division Council and State Conference
Cash, Mr Earl DouglasMLA23 March 1968Mirrabooka1971
Liberal Secretary North Perth branch of Liberal Party,1978–1979 Vice President Mt Lawley branch 1981–1982,President 1983–1984 Patron Young Liberal Movement in WA
Cash, Hon Samuel (George) ErnestMLC22 May 1989North Metropolitan2009
Castrilli, Mr Giovanni (John) MarioMLA26 February 2005Bunbury2017
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1969 President,Perth branch 1971–1974 Delegate Perth Electorate Council Member Balcatta branch Secretary Stirling Electorate Council Member State Executive
Catania, Mr Nicholas (Nick) MarkMLA4 February 1989Balcatta1996
Nationals WA
Joined the National Party,29 August 2009
Secretary,National Party,2012–2013
Joined Australian Labor Party 1994
Held various branch offices as secretary,vice president and membership officer
Delegate to state and national conferences
President,Young Labor
Secretary,Parliamentary Labor Party from 24 September 2008 to 20 July 2009
Resigned from Parliamentary Labor Party,20 July 2009
Catania, Mr Vincent AlexanderMLA
22 May 2005North West Central2022
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party since 1971 Former secretary and president,Kellerberrin branch and O'Connor Electorate Council Former president,Rural Labor Association Delegate,State Executive from 1985 and various state and rural conferences
Chance, Hon Kimberley (Kim) MauriceMLC18 March 1992Agricultural2009
Greens WA Member since 1989,former Joint Convenor
Chapple, Hon Robin HowardMLC22 May 2001Mining and Pastoral2021
Country Party then National Party Joined Country Party 1964 Tammin branch president,delegate to Mt Marshall District Council,delegate to State Council and State Conference NNPA (1984)
Charlton, Hon Eric JamesMLC17 November 1984Central
Labor Member,Council Australian Labor Federation
Chesson, Mr ThomasMLA12 November 1913Cue1930
Liberal President O’Connor Division Member State Council and State Executive
Chown, Hon James (Jim) EdwardMLC22 May 2009Agricultural2021
Church, Mr John HerbertMLA6 February 1932Roebourne1933
Liberal Liberal until 1917 then National (check if Nationalist)
Clarke, Hon Ephraim MayoMLC21 August 1901South-West1921
Clarke, Mrs Robyn Marjorie JaneMLA11 March 2017Murray-Wellington
Liberal Joined party 1958 President,North Beach branch,1959–1970 President,Stirling Division,1970–1974 Member,State Executive,1970–1974 Member,State Council,1960–1988 Awarded Distinguished Service Award of Liberal Party of Australia,1998
Clarko, Mr James GeorgeMLA30 March 1974Karrinyup
Forrest Party
Clarkson, Barnard DrummondMLA19 December 1890Toodyay1897
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP),1966 Life member,1980 Member,WA State Parliamentary Branch ALP
Claughton, Roy FrederickMLC22 May 1968North Metropolitan1980
Greens WA Member, Greens WA, since January 2012
Clifford, Hon Timothy (Tim) JamesMLC11 March 2017East Metropolitan2021
Member,Australian Labor Party,1984- President,Australian Labor Party (WA Labor),2010-TBC Delegation leader and trainer,Australian Labor International Projects,Timor-Leste,2011,2012 Various positions including State Executive WA delegate,Electorate Council delegate,Policy Committees,National Conference delegate,etc
Clohesy, Hon Alanna ThereseMLC22 May 2013East Metropolitan
Clothier, Robert ErnestMLA8 April 1933Maylands1936
Clydesdale, Alexander McAllisterMLC
22 May 1932Metropolitan-Suburban1938
Cockburn-Campbell, ThomasMLC24 December 1890Nominated1892
Liberal to 1917 then National
Colebatch, Hal PateshallMLC22 May 1912East1948
Member,Liberal Party
President,Curtin Division,2000–2004
President,Nedlands branch,1995–2005
Delegate,State Council,1998–2005
Collier, Hon Peter CharlesMLC22 May 2005North Metropolitan
Labor Founding secretary,Northcote Political Labor Council branch,Victoria Acted as campaign director for State and Federation election candidates
Collier, PhilipMLA27 October 1905Boulder1948
Member,Australian Labor Party,WA since 2016
Collins, Ms Caitlin MaryMLA13 March 2021Hillarys
Congdon, Daniel KeenMLC8 March 1892Nominated1900
Connolly, James DanielMLC
12 June 1901North-East1917
Independent Generally supported Forrest Party 1904–1905 one of four independents supporting Labor
Connor, FrancisMLA
13 April 1893East Kimberley1916
Conolly, John Richard ArthurMLA7 May 1897Dundas1901
Independent liberal
Member,Mosman Park branch of the Liberal Party from 1988
Member,Liberal Party State Council 1989–1991
Member,Liberal Party State Executive 1990–1991
President,Fremantle Division 1990–1991
Member,Joint Policy Committee 1988–1990
Member,Education Policy Sub–Committee and Women’s Interests Policy Sub-Committee 1988–1991
Constable, Dr ElizabethMLA20 July 1991Floreat
State president,Australian Labor Party (WA),1999–2000
Cook, Mr Roger HughMLA6 September 2008Kwinana
Labor Joined party May 1962 (political) Founding secretary Albany branch January 1963–1970 and first president Forrest Division from October 1963, later vice–president
Cook, Wyndham TruranMLA6 June 1970Albany1974
Forrest supporter—Conservative
Cookworthy, JosephMLA12 December 1890Sussex1897
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1937 Delegate State Executive 1955–1976, Senior Vice–President 1966
Cooley, Donald WalterMLC22 May 1974North-East Metropolitan1980
Corboy, Edwin WilkieMLA12 March 1921Yilgarn1933
Country Party (CP)
Cornell, George MeredithMLA15 March 1947Avon1967
Labor until 1917 then National Secretary Eastern Goldfields Australian Labor Federation (ALF),1908–1912 By 1916,acting secretary Metropolitan Council,ALF,State Executive Perth and secretary,Metropolitan Council Australia Labor Division,Perth National 1916
Cornell, JamesMLC22 May 1912South1946
Cornish, Cyril RichardMLC13 June 1942North1946
LCL then Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1946, held several branch positions, life member Western Australia Branch 1988
Court, Charles Walter MichaelMLA14 February 1953Nedlands1982
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1981
Court, Mr Richard FairfaxMLA13 March 1982Nedlands2001
Labor With Australia Labor Party from 1910
Coverley, Aubrey Augustus MichaelMLA5 April 1924Kimberley1953
Cowan, Edith DirckseyMLA12 March 1921West Perth1924
National Country Party (1978) National Party Western Australia (1978-1984) National Party Australia Country Party,National Country Party then National Party
Cowan, Mr Hendy JohnMLA30 March 1974Merredin-Yilgarn
Cowan, Peter ErnestMLA7 November 1928Mount Leonora1930
Cowcher, George Stanyford Francis (Frank)MLA28 June 1904Williams1911
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1971 Member State Executive Australian Labor Party (Western Australia) from 1976,Administrative Committee 1981–1991 Proxy delegate National Executive 1987–1989 Assistant secretary Australian Labor Party (Western Australia) 1982–1991
Cowdell, Hon John AlexanderMLC22 May 1993South West2005
Liberal Member Mandurah and then Dwellingup branches
Cowper, Mr Murray JohnMLA26 February 2005Murray-Wellington2017
Coyne, Peter Joseph AloysiusMLA20 February 1971Murchison-Eyre1986
Country Party Joined party 1947 but stood for joint Liberal–Country Party Senate selection 1950
Craig, James FrederickMLA21 March 1959Toodyay1971
National then Liberal then Liberal and Country League
Craig, LeslieMLC20 January 1934South-West1956
Liberal Joined party 1950 After 1983 became senior vice–president Forrest Division and delegate to State Council.
Craig, Margaret JuneMLA30 March 1974Wellington1983
Country Party/National Country Party till 1985 then Liberal
Crane, Albert VictorMLA30 March 1974Moore1989
National Party Member of National Party from 1977 Vice-president Northampton branch from 1991
Criddle, Hon Murray JohnMLC22 May 1993Agricultural2008
Nationalist,Liberal and Country League and Liberal Joined party 1939
Crommelin, Harold WilliamMLA7 April 1956Claremont1968
Labor Tramways Delegate from Metropolitan branch to Australian Labor Party Triennial Congress 1935 Tramways Employees’ Union delegate to Australian Labor Party Metropolitan Council
Cross, CharlesMLA8 April 1933Canning1947
Crowder, Frederick ThomasMLC16 July 1894South-East1902
Crowther, CharlesMLC29 June 1873Greenough1887
Cullen, Joseph FrancisMLC4 October 1909South-East1917
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) at Toowoomba 1957 Delegate to New South Wales ALP Conference 1960–1971 At times member Central Executive New South Wales ALP and president ALP Youth Council of New South Wales Held various executive positions Victoria Park branch 1971–1988 Represented various unions on State Executive from 1973 delegate to all state ALP Conferences Delegate to National ALP Conference 1986 and proxy delegate to National Executive 1986–1988 and National Conference 1988 Member Administrative Committee 2003 Life member October 2003 President Parliamentary Labor Party 7 February 1994–15 January 1997
Cunningham, Mr Edward (Ted) JosephMLA19 March 1988Balga
Labor 1919 Leederville Australian Labor Federation delegate to Australian Labor Party (Western Australian Division),4th General Council (10th Labor Congress)
Cunningham, JamesMLC
7 July 1916North-East1936
Country Party Country Party National in 29 September 1917
Cunningham, JohnMLA2 October 1914Greenough1917
Liberal Liberal and Country League
Cunningham, John Michael AdrenneMLC22 May 1948South1962
Labor Member State Executive after World War II
Curran, HenryMLA2 March 1960South Fremantle1968
Member,Australian Labor Party,Broome branch
D'Anna, Ms Divina GraceMLA13 March 2021Kimberley
Australian Labor Party (ALP) Joined party in 1995 Resigned from ALP to sit as Independent 29 August 2006 Rejoined ALP 15 April 2008, resigned to become Independent 26 June 2008
D'Orazio, Mr John BiaseMLA10 February 2001Ballajura2008
Joined Liberal party 1970 Resigned 1984 and sat as Independent in Parliament until 1986
Dadour, Gabriel ThomasMLA20 February 1971Subiaco1986
Liberal Member State Executive of Liberal Party
Daffen, Harold Arthur CharlesMLC30 August 1947Central1950
Labor Member,Subiaco Political Labor League Independent Labor,1905–1908,then Liberal
Daglish, HenryMLA24 April 1901Subiaco1911
Member,Geraldton branch WA Labor Party,from 2014 to April 2021
President,from 2014 to April 2021
Dalton, Ms LaraMLA13 March 2021Geraldton
Labor Joined party circa 1958 Led Seamen’s Union back into Australian Labor Party Member State Executive from 1959 Last president Fremantle District Council from 1960 Delegate to Federal Conference Hobart, 1971
Dans, Desmond KeithMLC22 May 1971South Metropolitan1989
Darlot, Everard FirebraceMLA29 November 1890Murchison1894
Darlot, Leonard HawthornMLA28 May 1900De Grey1901
Labor Joined party 1968 Secretary Mandurah branch 1971–1973, Greenwood–Warwick branch 1982–1985 and president 1985–1988 Treasurer Labor Women’s Organisation 1982–1983 Trustee Australian Labor Party (Western Australia branch) 1983–August 1986 Junior vice-president Australian Labor Party (Western Australia branch) 1986–1991
Davenport, Hon Cheryl MayMLC22 May 1989South Metropolitan2001
Davies, Arthur ElvinMLA21 July 1906South Fremantle1911
National National Party member (Wyalkatchem branch) since 1979 State Councillor from 1987 State vice-president,1988 President,1990–1998,1999–2000 Vice president,Federal National Party,1989–1998 Life member,Nationals Western Australia
Davies, Hon Dexter MelvynMLC10 August 1998Agricultural2001
Davies, Edward WilliamMLC16 July 1894West1896
Labor President South Fremantle branch
Davies, Evan MorrisMLC21 June 1947West1963
Labor until 1917 Then Nationalist
Davies, Joseph ThomasMLA29 September 1917Guildford1924
Nationals WA
Member,State Executive from September 2004 to May 2006
Policy director,September from 2004 to May 2006
Delegate,Federal Conference,2005,2008
Member,State Election campaign committee,2004–2005,campaign director,federal election 2007 and state election,September 2008
Member,Young Nationals from 1996
Federal publicity officer,2005–2006 and 2008,Treasurer Western Australia 2003–2006,Western Australia vice-president 2002–2003
Secretary,Parliamentary National Party from 22 June 2009
Party Secretary,Parliamentary National Party from 22 June 2009 to 1 January 2012
Deputy Leader,National Party of Australia (WA) from 26 November 2013
Davies, Ms Mia JaneMLC
22 May 2009Central Wheatbelt
Liberal (Independent from 10 July 1991) Joined Balga branch 1972 and from 1986 President 1986–1988 Vice-president Cowan Division 1987–1988 Member State Council and delegate State Conference for several years from 1987 Regional Coordinator North Metropolitan Region 1987–1989 Campaign director Cowan Liberal Federal campaign 1987, Moore 1990
Davies, Reginald (Reg) ElliottMLC22 May 1989North Metropolitan1997
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP),1942 General treasurer,ALP,1955–1972 Secretary,State Parliamentary Labor Party,1962–1968
Davies, RonaldMLA26 August 1961Victoria Park1997
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party By 1916 secretary Midland District Council Australian Labor Federation
Davis, FrederickMLC2 November 1911Metropolitan-Suburban1914
Davis, John SydneyMLC12 March 1884Geraldton1884
Nationalist Acting president,United (Nationalist) Party,1926–1927 President,1927
Davy, Thomas Arthur LewisMLA22 March 1924West Perth1933
Joined the Australian Labor Party on orientation day Edith Cowan University 1995
Dawson, Hon Stephen NoelMLC5 April 2013Mining and Pastoral
Liberal Joined University of Western Australia Liberal Club 1974 Member Darlington branch from 1982,president 1984–1988 President Moore Division 1986–1987 Senior vice-president Pearce Division 1989–1992
Day, Mr John Howard DadleyMLA6 February 1993Kalamunda2017
Nationals WA Member,The Nationals WA,2009 to present State President,The Nationals WA,2013-2015 President,Esperance Branch,The Nationals WA,2016 to present
de Grussa, Hon Colin StephenMLC22 May 2017Agricultural
Active member of Conservative Party A founder of Newcastle Conservative Club Opposed Forrest Party
De Hamel, Lancel VictorMLA
9 December 1890Albany1894
Labor First joined Australian Labor Party in 1978
Dean, Mr Anthony (Tony) JamesMLA10 February 2001Bunbury2005
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party
Dellar, David PeterMLC29 June 1963North-East1965
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1969
Dellar, Stanley JamesMLC22 May 1971Lower North1977
Dempster, AndrewMLC6 May 1903East1904
Dempster, Charles EdwardMLC16 July 1894East1907
Country Party to 1923, Ministerial (Majority) Country Party 1923–24, then Nationalist
Denton, James SamuelMLA12 March 1921Moore1927
Labor Australian Labor Party Delegate to State Executive 1984–2002 Delegate to State Conference 1984–2002 and National Conference 2002 Member Western Australian branch Disputes Committee 1987–1988 Treasurer Swan Electorate Committee 1987, secretary 1988–1996 President Victoria Park/Carlisle sub-branch 1987–1996 Treasurer WA branch 1995–1999 Member WA Branch Administration Committee 1989–2002 Trustee WA Branch 1992–1994, 2000–2002 Proxy delegate to National Executive 1992–1994 Treasurer WA Branch 1995–1996 Volunteer Personnel Director or Door Knock Manager for several election campaigns Member several policy committees especially in education
Dermer, Hon Edmund (Ed) Rupert JosephMLC18 December 1996North Metropolitan2013
Independent to 1904 then Liberal President Fremantle Liberal Association
Diamond, Arthur JamesMLA24 April 1901South Fremantle1906
Dimmitt, James AlbertMLC22 May 1938Metropolitan-Suburban1953
Country Party Joined Yorkrakine branch 1932 Chairman 1933–1948 Delegate Avon District Council 1940–1948
Diver, Leslie CharlesMLC3 May 1952Central1974
Labor to 1917,then National
Dodd, Jabez EdwardMLC22 May 1910South1928
Forrest Party
Doherty, Denis JosephMLA4 May 1897North Fremantle1903
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1921 Secretary,East Fremantle branch for many years
Dolan, John (Jerry)MLC29 June 1963West1974
Labor Secretary,Political Labor Council,1907–1909 President,Metropolitan District Council,Australian Labor Federation,1909–1911
Doland, James AlfredMLC2 November 1911Metropolitan-Suburban1912
Liberal President Koorda Branch of the Liberal Party 1984–1989, deputy president 1980–1984 Member Liberal Party Rural Committee 1984–1987 Chairman Coordinating Campaign Committee for Avon, Mt Marshall, Merredin and Central Province 1986 Chairman Liberal/National Parliamentary Party Rural Committee 1993–2001
Donaldson, Hon Bruce KirwanMLC22 May 1993Agricultural2009
Country Party Secretary and Whip to Country Party 1930–1947
Doney, VictorMLA7 November 1928Williams-Narrogin1956
Labor Independent Labor from 7 October 1991 Joined Australian Labor Party 1975, Western Australian Institute of Technology branch 1977–1978, Kalgoorlie 1979–1981, delegate to Kalgoorlie East Electorate Council 1982–1983, Maylands branch 1984–1987, delegate to Perth Electorate Council 1985–1987 President Maylands branch and delegate to State Executive 1986–1987
Donovan, Francis AnthonyMLA9 May 1987Morley-Swan1993
Labor 1891 assisted in organising first Australian Labor elections in New South Wales President Australian Labor Party Geraldton district
Dooley, Bronterre WashingtonMLA3 October 1911Geraldton1913
Member,Australian Labor Party
Served as branch secretary and President of a number of sub-branches and Electoral Councils
Member,Party Disputes Committee and Property and Finance Committee
Member,National Executive from 2018 to present
Member,National Finance and Risk and Audit committee from 2019 to present
Doust, Hon Catherine (Kate) EstherMLC22 May 2001South Metropolitan
Doust, Clarence IsaacMLA15 February 1936Nelson1939
Labor Member,State Executive,Australian Labor Party Member,Administrative Committee 1983
Dowding, Peter M'CallumMLC
22 May 1980North Province
Liberal to 1917 then Nationalist
Draper, Thomas PercyMLA2 September 1907West Perth1921
Independent Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1910
Drew, John MichaelMLC22 May 1900Central1947
Drummond, JamesMLC31 October 1870Toodyay1873
Duff, ThomasMLA14 September 1918Claremont1921
Liberal to 1917 then National
Duffell, JosephMLC22 May 1914Metropolitan-Suburban1926
National President Esperance branch National Party 2002–2003,member executive 2003–2004 State President 2004–2009
Duncan, Ms Wendy MaxineMLC MLA29 January 2008Kalgoorlie2017
Liberal Joined party 1950s
Dunn, Kenneth WathenMLA31 March 1962Darling Range1971
Nationalist to 1920 then Country Party then Nationalist from 1923
Durack, Michael PatrickMLA9 November 1917Kimberley1924
Liberal President Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) 1968–1971
Durack, Peter DrewMLA20 February 1965Perth1968
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1910
Dwyer, WalterMLA3 October 1911Perth1914
Labor Member Australian Labor Party
Eaton, Hon Shelley ElizabethMLC17 September 2008Mining and Pastoral2009
Eddy, William TresizeMLA27 October 1905Coolgardie1908
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party since 2003
Edman, Hon Phillip (Phil) JohnMLC22 May 2009South Metropolitan2017
Liberal Member Greenwood branch from 1986 and senior vice-president 1986–1989 Branch representative Cowan Division 1986–1989 Member State Council from 2002,Joint Policy Committee 1986–1988 and Marketing and Promotions Committee 1991
Edwardes, Mrs Cheryl LynnMLA4 February 1989Kingsley2005
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1975 Resigned for a time to enter local politics but rejoined 1982 Past branch president
Edwards, Hon Graham JohnMLC22 May 1983North Metropolitan1997
Liberal Liberal Party member since 9 March 2000 In 2010 member Kalamunda branch of Liberal Party
Edwards, Mr Jeremy Philip DalhousieMLA10 February 2001Greenough2005
Labor Vice-president Bassendean branch of Australian Labor Party Convenor Health Policy Committee WA branch 1987–1990 Member Social Justice Committee National Executive President Parliamentary Labor Party 20 March 2007–6 September 2008
Edwards, Dr Judith (Judy) MaryMLA26 May 1990Maylands2008
Member,Australian Labor Party since 1982
President,Parliamentary Labor Party from 12 April 2001 to 19 March 2007
Held various other positions including membership of Administration Committee (Western Australia branch) and National Executive
Ellery, Hon Suzanne (Sue) MaryMLC22 May 2001South Metropolitan
Elliott, Charles GeorgeMLC17 March 1934North-East1938
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party since 1955 and State Executive for many years Secretary,Morley–Embleton branch early 1970s Chair,party health and social welfare committees Member,Perth Labor Women Chairperson (first woman),Parliamentary Labor Party 1978–1986
Elliott, Lyla DaphneMLC22 May 1971North-East Metropolitan1986
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1948 Member various branches over 30 years Public relations consultant and ministerial adviser 1968–1971
Elliott, Ross MewburnMLA20 February 1965Canning1968
Liberal to 1917 then National
Elliott, Samuel Richard Lewes (Lewis)MLA15 November 1913Geraldton1917
Liberal Committee member and delegate Moora branch of Liberal Party
Ellis, Hon Brian CharlesMLC16 July 2007Agricultural2017
Labor Independent from August 1905
Ellis, Henry AugustusMLA28 June 1904Coolgardie1905
One Nation Joined party 1998 State vice-president 1999–2001 Member policy committee 1999–2000 Resigned to become Independent 15 May 2003 Resigned from the One Nation Party on 15 May 2003 to become an Independent Member of the New Country Party (WA Branch) from 30 November 2004
Embry, Hon Patrick (Paddy) Paul ElliotMLC22 May 2001South West2005
Evangel, Ms EleniMLA9 March 2013Perth2017
Labor Branch member Goldfields branch Australian Labor Party for 26 years
Evans, Edward ThomasMLA23 February 1980Kalgoorlie1981
Evans, Hon George (Max) MaxwellMLC22 May 1986Metropolitan2001
Labor President,Pemberton branch,1956–1962 and Manjimup branch,Australian Labor Party Delegate to State Executive,1967–1971
Evans, Hywel DavidMLA23 March 1968Warren1989
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party 1956–1980
Evans, Thomas DanielMLA7 April 1956Kalgoorlie1980
Greens (WA) Member,Greens WA,since 2004 Treasurer,Australian Greens,2012-2014
Evers, Hon Diane MarieMLC11 March 2017South West2021
Liberal then National 1917
Ewing, JohnMLA
28 April 1901South-West Mining
South West Province
Protectionist New South Wales in 1890s Independent 1897–1901 Free Trade 1901–1903 Anti-socialist (Liberal) 1906–1915
Ewing, Norman KirkwoodMLA4 May 1897Swan1904
Joined Liberal Party 1993
President,Perth Women’s Division
President,Western Australian Union of Liberal Students,1998
Federal secretary,Australian Liberal Students Federation,1997
Faragher, Hon Donna Evelyn MaryMLC22 May 2005East Metropolitan
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party in 1981 vice-president and president Morley–Embleton sub-branch from 1986 to 2000 Delegate to Perth Electorate Council 1983–2000,secretary,from 1985 to 1986,vice-president from 1987 to 1988 Trustee from 1992 to 1993 Member,administration committee from 1990 to 1991 Delegate to state executive from 1985 to 2000 Member,disputes committee from 1987 to 1988 and from 1995 to 2000 Delegate to all state conferences since 1986,and to national conference 1997 and 2000 Member of various state policy committees,national security and trade policy committees since 1997 and convenor from 1999 to 2000
Farina, Hon AdeleMLC22 May 2001South West2021
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party
Farrer, Ms Josephine (Josie)MLA9 March 2013Kimberley2021
Fawcett, TheodoreMLC12 May 1886Murray and Williams1889
Liberal Joined party 1980s,former branch president,division Treasurer and delegate to State Conference (Curtin Division) Resigned from Liberal Party 1 August 2008 to become Independent Joined of the Family First Party on 6 September 2008
Fels, Hon Anthony JamesMLC22 May 2005Agricultural2009
Ferguson, John MaxwellMLA22 August 1903North Fremantle1904
Labor Delegate,State Executive,State Conference and National Conference of the Australian Labor Party Member,State Administrative Committee
Ferguson, Hon John (Jock) KildayMLC22 May 2009East Metropolitan2010
Country Party
Ferguson, Percy DouglasMLA26 March 1927Moore1939
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party Secretary Ascot branch Australian Labor Party Secretary/Treasurer Karratha branch Secretary, president and vice-president Bassendean branch Vice-president Swan Electorate Council Delegate State Executive 1976–1983, 1985–1992, State Conference 1976–1991 Campaign manager Morley, Maylands, Swan (federal) 1983,1984, campaign treasurer Riverton, Darling Range and assisted with several other state and federal campaigns over the years Centenary 1891–1991 25 year Membership Award September 1991 Outstanding Service Award 1993 Received Inaugural Pat Giles Award by Labor Women’s Organisation for outstanding contribution 1993 SPLP (State Parliamentary Labor Party) Certificate of Service 1993–1997
Ferguson, Hon Valma (Val) EileenMLC2 February 1993East Metropolitan1997
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1949, held various party offices
Ferry, Victor JasperMLC22 May 1965South-West1987
One Nation National vice-president from 1999 Resigned to become Independent 27 May 2004
Fischer, Hon John DuncombeMLC22 May 2001Mining and Pastoral2005
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party Delegate from Fremantle branch to State Executive and to state conferences
Fletcher, Harry ArthurMLA21 March 1959Fremantle1977
Australian Labor Party until 1917 then Nationalist President North Goldfields Council Australian Labor Federation
Foley, George JamesMLA3 October 1911Mount Leonora1920
Member,Australian Labor Party,two years prior to election
Folkard, Mr Mark JamesMLA11 March 2017Burns Beach
Labor Member Australian Labor Party Stood for pre-selection for Pilbara (Legislative Assembly) in 1996
Ford, Hon Jonathan (Jon) RobertMLC10 February 2001Mining and Pastoral2013
Forrest, AlexanderMLA1 February 1887West Kimberley1901
Forrest, DavidMLA24 April 1900Ashburton1901
Forrest Party Protectionist 1901–1906 Western Australia Party 1906–1910 Liberal from 1910
Forrest, JohnMLA3 December 1890Bunbury1901
Forrest, Robert MervynMLC22 May 1946North1952
Liberal Member Mt Lawley and North Perth branches 1980–1982, Mt Lawley 1986–1988 and Morley branch from 1988
Foss, Hon Peter Gilbert da ConceicaoMLC22 May 1989East Metropolitan2005
Member,WA Labor,Carnarvon branch,held various positions,2012 onwards
Foster, Hon PeterMLC22 May 2021Mining and Pastoral Region
Foulkes, John Charles GriffithsMLC
16 July 1894South-West Province
Fox, ThomasMLA4 May 1935South Fremantle1951
Liberal Member of Liberal Party in New South Wales 1988–2000,Western Australia from 2000
Francis, Mr Joseph (Joe) MichaelMLA6 September 2008Jandakot2017
Liberal then National from 1917
Franklin, James ThomasMLC22 May 1928Metropolitan1940
Fraser, GilbertMLC22 May 1928West1958
Fraser, MalcolmMLC18 December 1870Nominated1890
Labor Joined party 1985,member of policy committees Past president and secretary,branch and Electorate Committee President,Parliamentary Labor Party from 24 September 2008
Freeman, Ms Janine MarieMLA6 September 2008Mirrabooka2021
Labor Foundation member and secretary Riverton branch Australian Labor Party
Gaffy, William James (Frederick)MLA7 April 1956Canning1959
Gale, RichardMLC5 October 1874Vasse1878
Labor,Joined Australian Labor Party 1971,President University branch 1972,Member Claremont–Nedlands branch 1976,Murdoch University branch 1976–1977,Hamilton Hill branch 1981,Fremantle branch 1981–1986,Victoria Park–Carlisle branch 1986,Delegate State Conference 1976,1986 and State Executive from 1984,Member Administration Committee 1988–1990,Vice-president Australian Labor Party (Western Australian branch) 1990
Gallop, Dr Geoffrey (Geoff) IanMLA7 June 1986Victoria Park2006
Liberal to 1914 Country Party 1914–1917 then Country Party Nationalist President National Political League
Gardiner, JamesMLA24 April 1901Albany1921
Gardiner, Joseph PeterMLA31 October 1911Roebourne1915
National Party Member from 2006, member State Executive 2007–2009 Independent from 2012
Gardiner, Hon Philip WarrenMLC22 May 2009Agricultural2013
Labor Member of Australian Labor Party Delegate Eastern Goldfields District Council
Garrigan, James JosephMLC22 May 1954South-East1971
Liberal President National Political League (Fremantle branch)
Gawler, Douglas GeorgeMLC23 March 1910Metropolitan-Suburban1915
Country Party Life member,National Party
Gayfer, Harry WalterMLA
13 March 1962Avon
Central Province
George, JamesMLC22 May 1934Metropolitan-Suburban1934
Liberal to 1917 then Nationalist Chaired NPL Campaign Committee 1900 Secretary National Liberal League, Western Australia 1910
George, William JamesMLA12 February 1895Murray1930
Nationalist to 1945 then Liberal
Gibson, Frank ErnestMLC12 March 1921Metropolitan-Suburban1956
Giddens, Ms Kim ElizabethMLA13 March 2021Bateman
Giffard, Hon Graham ThomasMLC7 February 2000South Metropolitan2008
Gifford, Edric FrederickMLC2 November 1880Nominated1883
Gilchrist, ArchibaldMLA4 November 1914Gascoyne1917
Labor Labor to 1914, later Country Party (CP)
Gill, FrederickMLA28 June 1904Balcatta1914
Country Party
Glasheen, William ThomasMLC18 July 1925South-East1932
Glowrey, John ThomasMLC5 September 1900South1912
Glyde, GeorgeMLC8 March 1892Nominated1894
Liberal Joined Liberal Party in 1995
Godfrey, Mrs Glenys JenolanMLA9 March 2013Belmont2017
President,Canning Vale branch Liberal Party of WA since 1 February 2007 Vice president,Canning Division,Liberal Party of WA from 22 February to 4 August 2008 Preselected February 2008
Goiran, Hon Nicolas (Nick) PierreMLC6 September 2008South Metropolitan
Goldsworthy, Roger TuckfieldMLC30 August 1877Nominated1880
Forrest Party Liberal
Gordon, William BeattieMLA24 April 1901South Perth1911
Gourley, Hugh AlexanderMLA11 September 1908Mount Leonora1911
Graham, Herbert ErnstMLA14 August 1943East Perth1973
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1982 Member,Port Hedland branch Delegate,Pilbara Electorate Council,1985–1986,Moore Electorate Council,1987–1988 Delegate from Electrical Trades Union to 1986 ALP State Conference Resigned from the ALP,15 February 2000 Independent post 2000
Graham, Mr LarryMLA4 February 1989Pilbara2005
Graham, Hon Laurie WilliamMLC11 March 2017Agricultural2021
Grant, McKenzieMLC24 December 1890Nominated1893
Labor Delegate from Operative Bakers’ Union to ALP district council
Gray, Edmund HarryMLC8 September 1923West1947
Independent Liberal
Grayden, DavidMLA25 March 1950Nedlands1953
Liberal Independent Liberal 1956–1962
Grayden, William LeonardMLA15 March 1947Middle Swan1993
Green, Albert ErnestMLA3 October 1911Kalgoorlie1921
Independent in 1890s Liberal to 1917 National to 1919 then Country Party
Gregory, HenryMLA4 May 1897North Coolgardie1940
Country Party
Greig, James AlexanderMLC20 April 1916South-East1925
Liberal President Lesmurdie branch of Liberal Party Senior vice-president Canning Division Vice-president Pearce Division Member State Council
Greig, Robert WilliamMLA24 October 1987Darling Range1989
Liberal Member,Esperance branch,1970 President,Esperance branch,1974
Grewar, Geoffrey RoydenMLA30 March 1974Roe1983
Griffith, Arthur FrederickMLA
25 March 1950Canning
Suburban Province
North Metropolitan Province
Liberal Joined party 1956 Officer,South Perth branch till 1965 Member State Council from 2001
Griffiths, Clive EdwardMLC22 May 1965South-East Metropolitan1997
Country Party
Griffiths, Harry Albert (Craven)MLA21 October 1914York1935
Griffiths, James Baillie (Bailey) [Watts]MLC22 May 1916North-East Province1916
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1974 Active in branches as president,vice-president and secretary Delegate and president Stirling Electoral Council Delegate State Executive and State Conference Member and chairman Disputes Committee Member Administration Committee Proxy and substantive delegate to various National Conferences Member Housing and Construction Committee of State Executive SPLP delegate to State Executive
Griffiths, Hon Nicholas (Nick) DavidMLC22 May 1993East Metropolitan2009
Labor President Kalgoorlie branch in 1970s
Grill, Mr Julian FletcherMLA19 February 1977Yilgarn-Dundas
National Party
Grills, Hon DaveMLC5 April 2013Mining and Pastoral2017
National Party Australia
Grylls, Mr Brendon JohnMLA24 November 2001Merredin
Central Wheatbelt
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party in 1994 President Joondalup City sub-branch and secretary Moore Electorate Council 1998–1999
Guise, Ms Dianne JoyMLA10 February 2001Wanneroo2008
Independent to 1904 then Liberal
Gull, Arthur CourthopeMLA27 October 1905Swan1908
Gull, Thomas CourthopeMLC26 October 1870Swan1872
Guthrie, FrankMLA25 March 1950Bunbury1955
National until 1945,then Liberal Joined party in 1933 Member,successively of Peppermint Grove,Claremont and Subiaco branches Foundation president,Liberal and Country League,Curtin Division,August 1956–December 1958 Member,State Council and State Executive of Liberal and Country League Chairman,State Campaign Committee,1957–1958
Guthrie, Hugh NormanMLA21 March 1959Subiaco1971
Hackett, John WinthropMLC29 December 1890Nominated1916
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1975 Secretary Mount Hawthorn branch 1975–1977 Moore Electorate Council 1982 President Whitford branch 1976–1977 Moore Electorate Council 1978–1980, 1983–1985 Delegate to State Conferences from 1976 Delegate Australian Labor Party National Conference 1986 Member State Executive and Administrative Committee Secretary State Australian Labor Party 1999–31 March 2001
Halden, Hon Stanley (John) JohnMLC22 May 1986North Metropolitan2000
Country Party
Hall, Edmund Henry HartleyMLC22 May 1928Central1947
Forrest Party
Hall, Henry LyallMLA5 May 1897Perth1901
Hall, JackMLA7 April 1956Albany1970
Hall, William ReaperMLC22 May 1938North East1963
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1976 President Darling Range branch Delegate and office bearer Canning Electorate Council Member State Executive Convenor Australian Labor Party Women’s campaign,1986 election Member Australian Labor Party National Executive
Hallahan, Mrs Elsie (Kay) KayMLA
22 May 1983South-East Metrpolitan Province
East Metropolitan Region
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party from 16 June 2016 Member of the Liberal Party until June 2016 Treasurer Forrest Division 1997–2000 Vice president Forrest Division 2001–2003 State senior vice president 2001–2002/2003 Federal delegate to Canberra 2002
Hallett, Hon Nigel CharlesMLC22 May 2005South West2017
Liberal Member Liberal Party since 1985 Treasurer Cowan Division 1989–1994 President Cowan Division 1994–1996 President Woodvale branch 1991–1996 Member State Executive and State Council 1994–1996 Member Membership Services Committee 1995–1996
Halligan, Hon Raymond JamesMLC3 June 1997North Metropolitan2009
Hamersley, EdwardMLC24 December 1890Toodyay1894
Hamersley, Samuel RichardMLC2 October 1874Swan1890
Liberal to 1920 then Country Party
Hamersley, VernonMLC5 August 1904East1946
Liberal Liberal member and vice-president,Noranda branch Member,North Dianella and Dawesville branches
Hames, Dr Kim DesmondMLA6 February 1993Dianella
Member,WA Labor,2008 to present
Secretary,Joondalup branch
Hamilton, Ms Emily LouiseMLA11 March 2017Joondalup
Member,Australian Labor Party
Hammat, Ms MeredithMLA13 March 2021Mirrabooka
Hanns, Ms Jodie LouiseMLA13 March 2021Collie-Preston
Hardey, Richard WatsonMLC25 July 1876Nominated1896
Liberal to 1917 then Nationalist
Hardwick, John EdwardMLA20 October 1904East Perth1921
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1960 Vice-president Kalgoorlie branch 1963–1965, member Maylands branch 1966–1987 (vice-president 1968) Member State Executive ALP
Harman, John JosephMLA23 March 1968Maylands1986
Forrest Party
Harper, CharlesMLA28 March 1878Beverley1905
Member,Western Australian Labor Party,2012 onwards
President,Bassendean Branch,2016
Secretary,Bassendean branch,2013–2016
Harper, Hon LornaMLC22 May 2021East Metropolitan
Harper, Nathaniel WhiteMLA16 August 1910Beverley1914
Labor till 1917 then National
Harris, Edgar HenryMLC22 May 1920North-East1934
Country Party and Country Party Nationalist until 1923, Ministerial (Majority) Country Party 1923–1924
Harrison, Thomas HamletMLA21 October 1914Avon1924
Country Party
Hart, Thomas GeorgeMLA31 March 1962Roe1967
National in 1920s and 1930s Labor by 1960s
Hartrey, Thomas AugustineMLA20 February 1971Boulder-Dundas1977
Liberal Vice president,Scarborough branch
Harvey, Mrs Liza MaryMLA6 September 2008Scarborough2021
Forrest Party Independent after 1898
Hassell, Albert YoungMLA
10 May 1871Albany
Forrest Party
Hassell, John Frederick TasmanMLC
3 August 1893Nominated
Liberal Member State Council for 23 years between 1961 and 1988 Former member State Executive Policy Committee, vice-president and treasurer Curtin Division State president 1992–1994 Two terms as president also vice-president Nedlands branch Life member Australian Students Liberal Federation Original convenor Sir Robert Menzies Oration President Australian Universities Liberal Federation Past president University of WA Liberal Club Member Constitutional Defence Committee 1988 Chairman Liberal Party of WA Pty Ltd
Hassell, William Ralph BoucherMLA19 February 1977Cottesloe1990
Labor until 1905 then Liberal
Hastie, Robert (Stewart)MLA24 April 1901Kanowna1905
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party
Hatton, Mr Christopher (Chris) DavidMLA9 March 2013Balcatta2017
Labor Joined party in Kapunda in 1916 President Peterborough branch while still in his early twenties
Hawke, Albert Redvers George*MLA8 April 1933Northam1968
Hay, David AlexanderMLC1 November 1884WellingtonNA
Liberal Member,Liberal Party since 2003 President,Pearce Liberal Women’s Division 2008–2009,treasurer Ellenbrook branch from 2008
Hayden, Hon Alyssa KathleenMLC
22 May 2009East Metropolitan Region
Darling Range
Independent in 1904
Haynes, Richard SeptimusMLC27 July 1896Central1902
Haynes, Samuel JohnsonMLC16 July 1894South-East1910
Sat as an Independent from 2 December 2021
Member,National Party WA,2012–2021
State president,National Party WA,2015–2019
Federal vice president,National Party Australia,2019–2021
Hayward, Mr JamesMLC22 May 2021South West Region2023
Hayward, ThomasMLA24 April 1901Bunbury1911
Heal, StanleyMLA14 February 1953West Perth1965
Labor Member,WA Labor from 2005 to present
Healy, Mr Terence (Terry) JamesMLA11 March 2017Southern River
Liberal Joined Donnybrook branch 1946, became president President Forrest Division 1975–1977
Hearman, John MerrifieldMLA25 March 1950Blackwood1968
Liberal President Perth City branch, vice-president Liberal party (WA Division)
Hearn, HarryMLC22 May 1948Metropolitan1956
Labor Joined party 1928, resigned 1968
Heenan, Eric MichaelMLC22 May 1936North-East1968
Labor President Midland Junction District Council Delegate State Executive and Metropolitan Council
Hegney, JamesMLA12 April 1930Middle Swan1968
Labor Officer State Executive and State Disputes Committee 1928–1939
Hegney, WilliamMLA18 March 1939Pilbara1968
Heitman, JackMLC17 August 1963Midland1977
Labor until 1917 then Nationalist To Victoria in 1917 as WA representative to promote National Federation
Heitmann, Edward ErnestMLA24 June 1904Cue1917
Labor President,Karratha branch and Pilbara Electorate Council of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) Delegate to State Executive from 1985 Resigned from the ALP 27 June 2000 and sat as an Independent
Helm, Hon Thomas (Tom) RichardMLC22 May 1986North2001
Labor Joined party 1975 Member State Executive from 1976, State Vice-President 1983–1986, member Administrative Committee 1981–1986 Founding member Whitford branch, member Gosnells and East Tangney branch, held various posts in branches as President and Secretary Delegate to ALP National Conference 1982, 1984 and to various electorate councils State convenor Labor Women 1978
Henderson, Ms Yvonne DaphneMLA19 February 1983Gosnells1996
Henn, Guy GavinMLA21 March 1959Leederville1971
Henning, Andrew HarriotMLC29 June 1897North-East1898
Liberal Foundation president Waroona branch of Liberal and Country League
Henning, Charles HarriotMLC2 June 1951South-West1955
Labor Held numerous official positions in Australian Labor Party Left party circa 1911 but rejoined 1947
Henshaw, Ernest PercivalMLA24 June 1904Collie1905
Hensman, Alfred PeachMLC10 July 1883Greenough1889
Henty, Ernest GeorgeMLC16 July 1894Central1895
Heron, Thomas JohnMLA14 December 1920Mount Leonora1928
Liberal General secretary,Liberal Party in WA,April 1987–January 1988,State Director,January 1988–December 1989
Herzfeld, Thomas Alexander AlbertMLA19 February 1977Mundaring1983
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party from 1959 Member,State Council in South Australia Member,State Executive,WA
Hetherington, RobertMLC22 May 1977East1989
Hickey, James WilliamMLC22 May 1916Central1928
Country Party until 1923 then Ministerial Country Party or Nationalist (different in Parliamentary Handbook to Biographical Register
Hickmott, Henry EdwardMLA21 October 1914Pingelly1924
Hicks, John SydneyMLA24 April 1901Roebourne1908
Higham, Edward HenryMLC10 February 1880Fremantle1884
Higham, John JosephMLA18 July 1896Fremantle1904
Labor Joined Australian Labor (ALP) 1967 in Collie Member Morley–Embleton branch 1973, president 1974–1977
Hill, Gordon LeslieMLA13 March 1982Swan1994
Country Party
Hill, Leonard LouisMLA15 February 1936Albany1956
Hill, Mr Shane RobinMLA10 February 2001Geraldton2008
Hislop, James GordonMLC1 November 1941Metropolitan1971
Hoar, Ernest KnightMLA20 November 1943Nelson1957
Hocking, Henry HicksMLC27 May 1873Nominated1879
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1965 Member Melville branch since 1965, president 1974–1975 Assistant State Secretary 1975–1977 Member Administrative Committee 1975–1977, State Executive from 1969 Resigned from party 1992
Hodge, Barry JamesMLA19 February 1977Melville1989
Australian Democrats Joined Australian Democrats Party 1988 WA treasurer 1989–1993, national treasurer 1993–1997 and 1998–2002 National Executive representative from WA 1990–1993
Hodgson, Hon Helen MargaretMLC22 May 1997North Metropolitan2001
Liberal President, secretary and treasurer Balcatta branch of Liberal Party Secretary and vice president of Stirling branch Member State Council, chair Marketing and Promotions Committee
Hodson-Thomas, Ms Katina (Katie)MLA14 December 1996Carine2008
Labor Delegate to State Executive Foundation president Young Labor League
Holman, Edward Joseph FrederickMLA20 May 1939Forrest1947
Holman, John BarkellMLA10 December 1901North Murchison1925
Labor President,Perth Labor Women President and secretary,Labor Women’s Central Executive,1927–1939 President,Labor Women’s Organisation from 1929 Federal President,Labor Women’s interstate Executive State delegate to ALP Congress,Canberra,1930
Holman, Mary (May) AliceMLA3 April 1925Forrest1939
Liberal to 1914 later Independent
Holmes, Joseph JohnMLA
5 May 1897East Fremantle
North Province
Liberal Member Liberal Party since 1983 Held numerous party positions including president Willetton branch 1985–1989, 1994–1996 Vice president Tangney Division 1986–1989, 1992–1993, 1995–1996, 2001–2003 State Councillor 1989–1990, 1991–1993, 1995–1996 and 2001–2003 (also State Executive) State Conference delegate 1985–1986 State Membership Committee 1989–1990 State Marketing Committee 1995–1996 Booth captain several Tangney Division campaigns
Holmes, Mrs Monica RoseMLA14 December 1996Southern River2001
Nationals WA Joined National Party 2005 Member, State Executive from 2006 President, WA National Party from 2009
Holt, Hon Colin JamesMLC22 May 2009South West2021
Committee Member,Cottesloe Branch,2017-2018 Chairman,Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Pty Ltd,1995-2004 Immediate Past President and member,State Management Executive and State Executive,Liberal Party WA Division,1997-2001 State President,Liberal Party of Western Australia,1994-1997 Member,Federal Executive,1994-1997 Delegate to Federal Council,1994 Chairman,State and Federal Campaigns,1994-1997 President,Mt Claremont Branch,1994-1998
Honey, Dr David JohnMLA17 March 2018Cottesloe
Forrest Party
Hooley, Edward TimothyMLC
12 December 1891Swan
de Grey
Hopkins, John MarquisMLA24 April 1901Boulder1910
Labor Australian Labor Party to 1911 then Independent
Horan, Austin AlvisMLA28 June 1904Yilgarn1911
Horgan, John (William)MLC28 May 1888Perth1889
One Nation (formerly Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) State Vice President and State Director from 1998, National Director from 2001 Resigned from party to become Independent 27 May 2004
Hough, Hon Francis (Frank) CarsonMLC22 May 2001Agricultural2005
Liberal Secretary and president Busselton branch 1982–1987 Delegate to Forrest Division Council, State Council from 1986 and state and regional conferences
House, Hon Barry JohnMLC24 October 1987South West2017
County Party
House, Edward CharlesMLC22 May 1965South1971
County Party,later National Party Former president Roe District Council County Party
House, Mr Montague (Monty) GrantMLA8 February 1986Katanning-Roe
Hubble, George YorkeMLA28 April 1897Gascoyne1901
Labor to 1917 then Nationalist
Hudson, Charles ArthurMLA20 November 1905Dundas1921
Labor Member and president Fremantle branch of the Australian Labor Party Delegate Fremantle Electorate Council, State Executive and Trades and Labour Council Delegate National Conference 1985
Hughes, Clive MatthewMLA17 November 1984Cockburn1986
Labor President of the Kingsley/Woodvale branch of the Australian Labor Party
Hughes, Mrs Judith (Judy)MLA26 February 2005Kingsley2008
Member,UK Labour Party,1970-1979
Member,Australian Labor Party,from 1982
Hughes, Mr MatthewMLA11 March 2017Kalamunda
Labor until August 1926, then Independent Labor (from 1936) and Independent President Metropolitan Council Australian Labor Party 1921–1933 State executive for several years
Hughes, Thomas John "Diver"MLA18 November 1922East Perth1943
Labor Secretary Port Hedland branch of Australian Labor Party
Hunt, John LeslieMLC20 February 1971North1974
Opposed Forrest Party
Hutchinson, Robert DavidMLA24 July 1900Geraldton1904
Liberal Liberal Party member from 1947
Hutchinson, RossMLA25 March 1950Cottesloe1977
Labor Labor Secretary of various branches Delegate to State Executive
Hutchison, Ruby FlorenceMLC22 May 1954Suburban1971
Labor Joined Geraldton branch 1981 Convenor Arts Policy Committee 1999–2002, secretary from 2003 Member Agriculture Policy Committee 1982–1983
Hyde, Mr John NormanMLA10 February 2001Perth2013
Opposed Forrest Party Liberal
Illingworth, FrederickMLA5 July 1894Nannine1907
Irwin, Hon Elise MaxineMLC4 April 2017North Metropolitan2017
Independent Liberal from 1904
Isdell, JamesMLA18 March 1903Pilbara1906
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 2004 President Joondalup branch 2005–2007 Vice president/senior vice president, Moore Division State Councillor from 2005
Jacob, Mr Albert PaulMLA6 September 2008Ocean Reef2017
Liberal Member Esperance branch
Jacobs, Dr Graham GibsonMLA26 February 2005Eyre2017
Independent to 1905 then Liberal
Jacoby, Mathieson HarryMLA24 April 1901Swan1911
James, John Charles HorseyMLC9 June 1887Nominated1888
Opposed Forrest Party Liberal Chairman National Party 1935
James, Walter HartwellMLA14 June 1894East Perth1904
Opposed Forrest Party
Jameson, AdamMLC29 August 1900Metropolitan-Suburban1903
Labor Joined party,1946 Secretary,Midland branch,1947 Secretary/organiser,Labour Day Committee Midland District Council,1947–1948 and delegate to Council from Midland Railway Employees Union,1947–1948 and from Carpenters and Joiners Union,1949–1952 Delegate to State Executive from Midland District Council,1949–1952 and to Metropolitan Council,1951–1956 Trustee,State Branch 1955–1956,vice-president,1957–1958,president,1959–1976 (18 terms—longest ever period of service),presented with life membership at 1978 State Conference Member,State Executive Management Committee,1979–1980 Senior vice-president,State Executive until 1981 Delegate to all National Conferences from 1957,except 1975 and 1982 Delegate to National Executive,1971 and 1979 plus several times on casual basis President,Swan Electorate Council,1985
Jamieson, Colin JohnMLA14 February 1953Canning1986
Member,Australian Labor Party from 2005 onwards
Jarvis, Hon Jackie AnnMLC22 May 2021South West Region
Labor Member State Executive 1952–1962 Trustee 1960–1962 President Midland District Council 1948–1960 Delegate Federal Conference, Brisbane 1957
Jeffery, George EdwardMLC22 May 1956Suburban1962
Jenkins, Arthur GeorgeMLC22 May 1898North East1917
Independent Liberal from 15 April 2016 Joined Liberal Party,1990 Delegate to Division Council and Conference,State Conference,vice-president Division Council
Johnson, Mr Robert (Rob) FrankMLA6 February 1993Whitford; Hillarys2017
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1944, secretary of local branch, delegate to Metropolitan Council and member executive Member State Executive
Johnson, Stephen Edward IngramMLA9 February 1952Leederville1959
Labor President Bassendean branch Australian Labor Party
Johnson, William DartnellMLA24 April 1901Kalgoorlie1948
Labor to December 1915 Independent 1915–1917 Country Party from June 1917
Johnston, Edward BertramMLA3 October 1911Williams1928
Joined ALP,April 1983
Member,National Executive,National Conference,WA State and ACT branch Conference,WA State Executive and ACT Branch Council,WA Administrative Committee,National and State policy committees
President,ACT Young Labor
Johnston, Mr William (Bill) JosephMLA6 September 2008Cannington
Country Party
Jones, Arthur RaymondMLC22 May 1950Midland1967
Labor Branch and Electorate Council president,Australian Labor Party
Jones, Beryl LillianMLC22 May 1986Lower West1993
Labor Independent in 1923
Jones, Dennis (Joseph)MLA10 March 1910Forrest1910
Member,WA Labor from 2011
Jones, Mr Hugh TrevorMLA13 March 2021Darling Range
Country Party and National Country Party 1973–1985 Deputy Leader of National Country Party 18 May 1975–February 1985 Liberal from February 1985 President Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) April 1989–July 1991 Federal vice-president July 1990–October 1996
Jones, Peter VernonMLA30 March 1974Narrogin1986
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1951 President of Collie branch from 1954 for many years Delegate to South West Regional Council, then to Forrest Electorate Council Delegate to numerous State Conferences and one National Conference Chairman Parliamentary Labor Party 12 October 1971–4 May 1977 (except between 1973 and 1974) and 12 February 1986–4 February 1989
Jones, Thomas HenryMLA23 March 1968Collie1989
Jones, Walter Leonard (Taylor)MLA29 September 1917Fremantle1921
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party
Katsambanis, Peter ArgyrisMLA
5 April 2013North Metropolitan Region
Keane, Edward Vivian HarveyMLA
2 December 1890Geraldton
East Province
Independent,1904 Liberal until 1917 Nationalist from 1930 to 1945,then Liberal Independent Liberal,1950 Leader of the Nationalist Party,April 1933–April 1938
Keenan, Norbert MichaelMLA27 October 1905Kalgoorlie1950
Forrest Party
Keep, Henry Frederick*MLA26 June 1894Pilbara1897
Member,Australian Labor Party since circa 1984
Senior vice president,ALP
Kelly, Mr David (Dave) JosephMLA9 March 2013Bassendean
Labor Contested 1993 election as Independent Joined University of WA branch 1966, foundation President WAIT branch 1979 President Swan Division Council 1970 Secretary South Perth branch 1974–1976, Coolbellup branch 1977–1982 President Fremantle Electorate Council 1982–1984 Delegate to State Executive from 1976
Kelly, Garry KennethMLC13 March 1982South Metropolitan1993
Independent Labor 1939, Independent Country Party 1941–1943, Independent 1943–1947, Labor from 1947
Kelly, Lionel FrancisMLA9 August 1941Yilgarn-Coolgardie1968
Australian Democrats Joined party in 1995, editor of newsletter 1995–1997, member Division Executive 1996–1997, National Executive from 2001, National Deputy President from 2002 Resigned from party 2003
Kelly, Hon Norman (Norm) John PatrickMLC22 May 1997East Metropolitan2001
Member Australian Labor Party,Albany branch 2021
Kelsbie, Ms Elizabeth (Jane) JaneMLA13 March 2021Warren-Blackwood
Liberal then National Country Party by 1926 Member Council Liberal League
Kempton, George AdamMLC22 May 1926Central1932
Labor President WA State Executive Australian Labor Party 1927 Member ALP federal executive 1920–1922, 1923–1926, Vice-President 1923, Federal President 1927–1936
Kenneally, James JosephMLA26 March 1927East Perth1936
Kennedy, Maurice JohnMLA22 March 1924Greenough1930
Oppositionist Opposed Forrest Party
Kenny, Henry EdwardMLA3 May 1897North Murchison1899
Member,Australian Labor Party,1996-2002,2005-2007,from 27 January 2019 to present
Kent, Mrs Alison (Ali) ElizabethMLA13 March 2021Kalgoorlie
Labor until 1905 when resigned and became Ministerialist (Liberal) 1902 formed Albany branch Political Labor League
Keyser, Charles ChristopherMLA28 June 1904Albany1905
Kidson, Alfred BowmanMLC18 July 1895West1902
Liberal Member Melville/Attadale branch for 12 years and Cockburn for seven years Vice president Melville/Attadale branch 1978–1980, 1984, president 1985–1987 Vice president Fremantle Division 1985–1987 Delegate to Fremantle Division 1978–1980, 1984–1988 Member State Council 1985–1987 Vice president Liberal Party (Mar?) for a time from 2001 Member Federal Election Campaign Committee Fremantle all elections 1977–1987 and State Election Campaign Committee Melville 1977–1986
Kierath, Mr Graham DonaldMLA4 February 1989Riverton2001
Supporter of Forrest but from 1899 opposed Liberal then National from 1917
Kingsmill, WalterMLA17 May 1897Pilbara1903
Independent Independent member from 20 June 2024 Member,Nationals WA from 2015 to June 2024 Member,Policy Committee Member,State Executive
Kingston, Hon Louise MareeMLC28 September 2023South West Region
Kirkup, Mr Zak Richard FrancisMLA11 March 2017Dawesville2021
Independent Independent Free Trade in Federal Parliament
Kirwan, John WatersMLC22 May 1908South Province1946
Country Party
Kitney, Ronald WilfredMLA23 March 1968Blackwood1971
Labor Represented Party at World Migration Congress 1926
Kitson, William HenryMLC22 May 1924West1947
Liberal Joined party,1965 President Albany branch,vice-president and president Forrest Division Delegate to Forrest Division Executive and Council and State Executive and Council Chairman party Handicapped Persons Committee Chairman Liberal Party inquiry into football,1982–1984
Knight, ThomasMLC22 May 1974South1986
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1976 Worked for party at elections since teenager Occupied various branch level offices,president and secretary Stirling Electorate Council Delegate to State Executive State Returning Officer,1987–1988
Kobelke, Mr John CharlesMLA4 February 1989Nollamara
Member,WA Labor for one year prior to election
Krishnan, Dr Jagadish (Jags)MLA13 March 2021Riverton
Liberal Member of Stirling Division from 2000 Member, Membership Services Committee 2005 Division vice president, Stirling Division 2005 President, Osborne Park branch Division president, Stirling Division 2006–2008 Organisational vice patron, Young Liberal Movement 2007–2008 Member, Stirling Campaign Committee
Krsticevic, Mr Antonio (Tony)MLA6 September 2008Carine2021
Labor Resigned from the Australian Labor Party as of midnight 19 May 2008 and became an Independent
Kucera, Mr Robert (Bob) CharlesMLA10 February 2001Yokine2008
L'Estrange, Mr Sean KimberleyMLA9 March 2013Churchlands2021
Lambert, George JamesMLA15 August 1916Coolgardie1941
Lamond, AlfredMLA22 March 1924Pilbara1933
Lander, Titus (Peter)MLA3 October 1911East Perth1914
Lane, Zebina BartholomewMLC11 September 1903Metropolitan-Suburban1908
Langsford, Joseph WoodMLC5 January 1904Metropolitan-Suburban1911
Lapham, Stanley EdwardMLA14 February 1953North Perth1974
Country Party 1921–1923 Ministerial Country Party 1923–1924 Nationalist 1924–1927 Country Party 1927–1960 Originated financing and purchase of premises for Country Party,Latham House
Latham, Charles GeorgeMLA
14 December 1946York
East Province
Central Province
Lathlain, William FrancisMLC22 May 1926Metropolitan-Suburban1932
Liberal President Harvey branch 1968–1969 Member Carnarvon branch for nearly 20 years
Laurance, Ian JamesMLA30 March 1974Gascoyne1987
Laurie, RobertMLC6 December 1901West1912
Labor Delegate for 30 years to Fremantle District Council
Lavery, Frederick Richard HughMLC22 May 1952West1971
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP),1978 Vice president,Subiaco–Wembley branch,1982–1987,delegate,Curtin Electorate Council,1982–1988,member,Administrative Committee,1985–1988 Proxy delegate,ALP National Conference,1986 Member,ALP National Social Justice Strategy Committee,1987–1988 Federal President,ALP,1 January 2004–31 December 2004
Lawrence, Carmen MaryMLA8 February 1986Subiaco1994
Labor Member South Fremantle and Fremantle Central branches of Australian Labor Party Delegate to Fremantle District Council
Lawrence, Phillip RichardMLA14 July 1951South Fremantle1960
Liberal Independent 1904–1905
Layman, Charles HenryMLA28 June 1904Nelson1914
Layman, GeorgeMLC31 October 1884Vasse1888
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party,1998 - present
Leadbetter, Hon William (Bill) LewisMLC4 April 2017East Metropolitan2017
Leahy, David JosephMLA23 April 1938Hannans1948
Labor Joined party,1983 Secretary,Carnarvon branch,1983–1987,president,1988
Leahy, Hon Kevin JohnMLA
4 February 1989Northern Rivers
Mining and Pastoral
Opposed to Forrest
Leake, GeorgeMLC
7 September 1886Roebourne
West Perth
Leake, George WalpoleMLC24 December 1890Nominated1894
Leake, Luke SamuelMLC19 October 1870Perth1886
Lee Steere, James GeorgeMLC
28 November 1890Wellington
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1955, Kalgoorlie branch
Leeson, Ronald ThomasMLC22 May 1971South-East1983
Lefroy, Anthony O’GradyMLC24 November 18751877
Liberal till 1917 then National Country Party 1920–1921
Lefroy, Henry BruceMLA2 August 1892Moore1921
Country Party Secretary,Wyalkatchem branch 1928 Secretary,Mt Marshall District Council 1928–1940 Suspended from party for five months,1965 for issuing unofficial how-to-vote cards
Leslie, Hugh AlanMLA20 November 1943Mount Marshall1949
Liberal—Independent for a time in 1986 President Mobrup branch and Forrest Division Liberal Party State vice-president,Member State Campaign Committee and Policy Committee Member Federal Council
Lewis, Alexander AshleyMLA
16 December 1972Blackwood
Lower Central Province
Lewis, Charles Joseph MooreMLA3 October 1911Canning1914
Country Party Branch secretary, District Council secretary and conference delegate for many years Chairman Parliamentary Country Party 1960–1961
Lewis, Edgar Henry MeadMLA20 September 1958Moore1974
Liberal Foundation vice president Booragoon branch,previously president Applecross branch
Lewis, Mr Kennon (Richard) RichardMLA8 February 1986East Melville1996
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party
Lewis, Hon Mark WilliamMLC5 April 2013Mining and Pastoral2017
Liberal Joined party in WA,1967 Member,Port Lincoln branch,1957–1967 Member,Kalgoorlie Central Division,1968–1972 (one time vice chairman) Committee member,Kalgoorlie–Boulder branch,Perth Central branch,1972–1974,Perth branch,1974–1984 Member and committee,Sandstone branch,1983–1989 Delegate,State Council and member,Finance Committee from 1984 Chairman,Mines,Fuel and Energy Committee,1981–1983 Member,Moore Division from 1989
Lightfoot, Hon Philip (Ross) RossMLA
8 February 1986Murchison-Eyre
North Metropolitan
Member of the WA Labor Party,union representative
Lilburne, Mr Paul RobertMLA13 March 2021Carine
Country Party
Lindsay, John (Canaan)MLA22 March 1924Toodyay1933
Greens WA Co-founder, convenor WA Greens, South West Greens, policy coordinator
Llewellyn, Hon Paul VincentMLC22 May 2005South West2009
Forrest Party
Locke, Ernest Charles BavageMLA3 May 1897Sussex1901
Liberal Joined party 1965 President Boyup Brook branch 1998–2001 Deputy president Forrest Division 2000–2001
Lockyer, Hon Philip HarryMLC22 May 1980Lower North1997
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1981 Branch Minutes, assistant and secretary Randwick, NSW Many times conference delegate both in NSW and WA Delegate to National Conference 1992, 1998 Member WA State Administration Committee 1991–2000 Vice president WA State branch 1999 Chairman Economic Committee 1995–1999
Logan, Hon Francis (Fran) MichaelMLA10 February 2001Cockburn2021
Country Party
Logan, Leslie ArthurMLC12 April 1947Central1974
Logue, MajorMLC11 October 1870Geraldton1874
Country Party
Loton, Anthony LloydMLC18 November 1944South-East1965
Loton, William ThorleyMLA
12 December 1890Swan
Central Province
East Province
Nationals WA
Love, Mr Ronald (Shane) ShaneMLA9 March 2013Moore
Lovekin, ArthurMLC15 November 1919Metropolitan1931
Lukin, Henry (Harbottle)MLC11 July 1899East1901
Lutey, John ThomasMLA19 August 1916Brown Hill-Ivanhoe1932
Labor until 1917 Then National
Lynch, Patrick JosephMLA24 June 1904Mount Leonora1937
Liberal to 1917 then National
Lynn, Robert JohnMLC22 May 1912West1924
National President National Party 1930
MacFarlane, James (Mortimer) PattersonMLC22 May 1922Metropolitan1942
MacKay, Donald McDonaldMLC27 July 1896North1902
Liberal Joined Young Liberals 1964 Became state treasurer of Young Liberals Tangney Division vice-president for three years
MacKinnon, Barry JohnMLA19 February 1977Murdoch: Jandakot1993
Liberal Joined party,1945 Member,Bunbury branch from 1951,secretary
MacKinnon, Graham CharlesMLC22 May 1956South-West1986
Greens WA Joined party 1998 Held various positions including Convenor Fremantle Greens 1999–2002,convenor State and federal election campaign committees,2000–2001 Delegate to Australian Greens,2001–2004
MacLaren, Hon Lynn EllenMLC15 February 2005South Metropolitan2017
Liberal Member Greenwood branch of the Liberal Party and branch representative Cowan Division 1989–1990 President Marangaroo/Alexander Heights branch State Councillor 1991–1993 President Warwick branch and member State Executive 1993–1994 Vice president Cowan Division 1990–1993,President 1993–1994
MacLean, Mr Iain DouglasMLC
14 December 1996North Metropolitan
Member,University branch of the Australian Labor Party,1976
Member,Perth branch,1979
Founded Highgate branch 1981,variously secretary,vice-president,president and membership officer
Delegate,Perth Electorate Council,1979-1993
Member,Curtin,Perth and Canning Electorate Councils
Delegate,State Executive,1981,1984–1991
Convenor,Housing Policy Standing Committee,1985-1987
Delegate,National Conferences,1994,1997
MacTiernan, Hon Alannah Joan GeraldineMLC
22 May 1993East Metropolitan Region
North Metropolitan Region
South West Region
Member of Australian Labor Party since 2013
Makur Chuot, Hon AyorMLC22 May 2021North Metropolitan
Male, ArthurMLA13 November 1905Kimberley1917
Country Party to 1923, Nationalist until 1929 then Country Party
Maley, Charles CrowtherMLA12 March 1921Irwin1929
Liberal in 1905 Country Party to 1923 Ministerial Country Party and Nationalist until 1929 Then Country Party
Maley, Henry KennedyMLA29 September 1917Greenough1930
Maley, WesleyMLC22 May 1900South-East1909
Mann, Henry WilloughbyMLA12 March 1921Perth1933
Ministerial (Majority) Country Party in 1924, National in 1927, Country Party from 1930 until March 1949, Independent until May 1949 then Liberal and Country League Member Beverley branch Primary Producers’ Association Led breakaway move from Country Party to form the Liberal and Country League in May 1949
Mann, James IsaacMLA12 April 1930Beverley1962
National until 1945 Then Liberal
Mann, William JosephMLC22 May 1926South-West1951
Liberal Joined party 1946 Foundation member Harvey branch and president 1983
Manning, Ivan WemyssMLA25 March 1950Harvey1974
Country Party
Manning, William AlanMLA7 April 1956Narrogin1974
Greens (WA) Joined Alternative Coalition 1988 and then foundation member Greens (WA) in 1990.
Margetts, Hon Diane (Dee) ElizabethMLC22 May 2001Agricultural2005
Labor Inaugural president Wickham branch,Australian Labor Party 1973 President Pilbara Electorate Council 1974–1977 President Fremantle branch 1978–1986 Vice-president Fremantle Electorate Council 1979–1986 Delegate to State Executive 1977–1990
Marlborough, Mr Norman (Norm) RichardMLA7 June 1986Cockburn
Marmion, William EdwardMLC
22 November 1870Fremantle1896
Liberal Member of Liberal Party since 2001 Senior vice-president Curtin Division 2007–2008
Marmion, Mr William (Bill) RichardMLA6 September 2008Nedlands2021
Liberal Vice-president Murray Coast branch of the Liberal Party Contested Fremantle 26 May 1990 (by-election)
Marshall, Mr Arthur DixMLA6 February 1993Murray
Marshall, FrederickMLA7 April 1956Wembley Beaches1959
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party,2014 to present Office bearer in various positions and several branches: Safety Bay/Rockingham,Baldivis,Balcatta,Kwinana,Central Convenor,Health Policy Committee,2017 to 2019
Marshall, Mrs Magenta RoseMLA29 July 2023Rockingham
Liberal Member Maylands branch
Marshall, Robert James PercivalMLA20 February 1965Maylands1968
Marshall, Thomas Henry (Harry)MLC16 July 1894West1959
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1915
Marshall, William MortimerMLA12 March 1921Murchison1952
Labor Joined Australia Labor Party 1993 Membership officer,1995–2000
Martin, Mrs Carol AnneMLA10 February 2001Kimberley2013
Member,Liberal Party from 2008 onwards
President,O’Connor Division
Martin, Hon Steven JohnMLC22 May 2021Agricultural
Marwick, WarrenMLC26 September 1910East1912
Liberal Inaugural member Gascoyne and Murchison branches of Liberal Party,also member at various times of Swan and Carnarvon branches Joined National Party (NP) in 1990s
Maslen, Dudley JohnMLA24 October 1987Gascoyne1989
Mason, Clayton TurnerMLC18 July 1884Nominated1885
Liberal Joined party in 1984 Variously president Busselton branch, treasurer Capel branch Member Joint Policy Committee and delegate to State and Division Councils Resigned to become Independent Liberal 16 February 2004
Masters, Mr Bernard (Bernie) KentMLA14 December 1996Vasse2005
Liberal Member local branch
Masters, Gordon EdgarMLC22 May 1974West1989
Matheson, Alexander PercevalMLC29 June 1897North-East1901
Mattiske, Reginald ClairMLC9 June 1956Metropolitan1965
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1941
May, Donald GeorgeMLA31 March 1962Canning1977
Labor Secretary Collie branch of the Australian Labor Party 1935 Secretary South West District Council for many years
May, Henry (Harry) ThomasMLA17 February 1947Collie1968
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (WA)
Mazza, Hon Ricky (Rick) JohnMLC5 April 2013Agricultural2021
Liberal President, Kalgoorlie Central Division 1970–1974 Chairman, Women’s Divisional Committee State vice-president, 1973–1974 Member, Rural Committee 1968–1974
McAleer, MargaretMLC22 May 1974Upper West1993
Labor Secretary,South Fremantle branch 1905 and Metropolitan Council,1920 of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) Member,ALP Federal Executive,1915–1923
McCallum, AlexanderMLA12 March 1921South Fremantle1935
McCulloch, Herbert AlexanderMLA26 February 1949Hannans1956
McDonald, FrancisMLA24 April 1901Cockburn Sound1904
McDonald, John JamesMLA21 October 1911Gascoyne1914
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party since 2003 Past delegate,State Executive Past delegate,State Conference Past delegate,Perth Federal Electorate Campaign Committee Past vice president,Northbridge Labor branch Past president,Curtin Electorate Council Past vice president,UWA Labor Club
McDonald, Hon Laine CourtneyMLC27 September 2016North Metropolitan2017
Nationalist then Liberal Vice-president Nationalist Party 1936–1943
McDonald, (Robert) RossMLA8 April 1933West Perth1950
McDowall, CharlesMLA11 September 1908Coolgardie1916
McGinn, Hon Kyle OwenMLC22 May 2017Mining and Pastoral
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1968 Variously member University,North Beach and Scarborough branches Member National Executive Delegate to National Conference Member National Economics Policy committee Trustee WA branch
McGinty, Mr James (Jim) AndrewMLA26 May 1990Fremantle2009
Joined Australian Labor Party 1984
President,Safety Bay/Rockingham branch,1992–1996
President,Brand Electorate Council,1994–1996
McGowan, Mr MarkMLA14 December 1996Rockingham2023
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party 1981–1983 and from 2003
McGrath, Mr John EdwinMLA26 February 2005South Perth2021
Member,Australian Labor Party since 1983
McGurk, Ms Simone FrancesMLA9 March 2013Fremantle
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party since 1984 Former vice president,Manning sub-branch Treasurer,Labor Women
McHale, Ms Sheila MargaretMLA14 December 1996Thornlie2008
Labor President Northam branch of Australian Labor Party for 21 years
McIver, Kenneth FinlayMLA23 March 1968Northam1986
McKail, JohnMLC18 October 1870Albany1871
Liberal then Country Party from 1914 Ministerial Country Party from 1923
McKenzie, CuthbertMLC22 May 1910South-East1922
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1970 Secretary Belmont–Rivervale branch 1971–1972, president 1972–1974 Delegate from ARU to State Executive 1971–1987 and to eight State Conferences 1971–1986 Life member WA branch 1999
McKenzie, Fred EvanMLC22 May 1977East Metropolitan1993
McKenzie, Robert DonaldMLC30 May 1904North-East1916
McKernan, HughMLC16 July 1894Central1896
McLarty, EdwardMLC16 July 1894South-West1916
McLarty, John PollardMLA28 June 1904Murray1909
Nationalist until 1945 then Liberal and Liberal and Country League Leader of the Liberal Party 14 December 1946–1 March 1957
McLarty, (Duncan) RossMLA12 April 1930Murray-Wellington1962
Labor President Kalgoorlie Branch Australian Labor Federation (ALF) 1910 vice-president ALF (Eastern Goldfields District Council), president 1912–1916
McLeod, GeorgeMLA4 February 1914Kalgoorlie1914
Liberal Inaugural president Wyalkatchem branch of Liberal Party 1953 Inaugural president Koorda branch 1980
McNee, Mr William (Bill) JohnMLA19 February 1983Mount Marshall
Country Party until 1977,Independent for two years Member,National Party from 1979
McNeil, ThomasMLC22 May 1977Upper West1989
Liberal Joined party circa 1949 Between 1961–1974 was variously member of State Council,State Policy Committee,Federal Council and Federal Rural Committee 1969–1973 Member,State Campaign Committee,1974–1977
McNeill, NeilMLC22 May 1965Lower West1983
Country Party until 1974 then NA and National Country Party until 1978 National Party 3 November 1978–1982 National Country Party from 1982 Joined Country Party 1 May 1956 President Mt Marshall District Council 1960–1963, Moore Division District Council 1964–1972
McPharlin, Walter RaymondMLA2 September 1967Mount Marshall1983
McRae, Alexander JosephMLC23 May 1883North1888
Labor Vice-president Parliamentary Labor Party 29 March 2005–6 September 2008
McRae, Mr Anthony (Tony) DavidMLA10 February 2001Riverton2008
Liberal President, Bridgetown branch President, Forrest Women Vice-President, Forrest Division 3rd State Vice-President State Councillor Member, Rural and Regional Policy Committee
McSweeney, Hon Robyn MaryMLC22 May 2001South West2017
Oppositionist Supported Leake and James ministries
McWilliams, George FrederickMLA5 October 1901North Perth1904
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1960 Chairman,West Perth branch,later president Perth Division,Chairman Joint Policy Committee 1966–1975 and 1986–1990 Member,State Council,State Executive and delegate to several federal conferences after leaving Parliament Chairman,Policy Committee
Medcalf, Ian GeorgeMLC22 May 1968Metropolitan1986
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1953 Secretary, Subiaco branch 1960–1968 Secretary, Curtin Division 1962–1968 Member, State Council 1962–1968 Delegate, State Conference 1960–1968 Member, Education Policy Committee 1962–1968
Mensaros, AndrewMLA23 March 1968Floreat1991
Member,Liberal Party
Branch member,Dunsborough since 2006
Branch secretary,2012-2014
Branch president,2014
Secretary,Forrest Division Women,2014
Committee member,Liberal campaign for Warren Blackwood,2012-2013
Mettam, Ms Elizabeth (Libby)MLA18 October 2014Vasse
Labor Member,WA Labor from 1998 Office bearer in various positions and many branches: University branch,Dianella/Yokine branch,Craigie branch,Balcatta branch,Curtin Electoral Council and Stirling Electoral Council Member,State Executive,current Assistant State Returning Officer
Michael, Mr David RobertMLA11 March 2017Balcatta
Michel, Mr Kevin Joseph JudeMLA11 March 2017Pilbara
Liberal 1911 Independent 1916–1930 National 1930 Independent National 1936
Miles, George James Gallop WardenMLC18 September 1916North1950
Liberal Joined party in 2000 Held various positions as branch president, divisional vice-president, state councillor
Miles, Mr Paul TerranceMLA6 September 2008Wanneroo2017
Labor Vice-president,Eastern Goldfields Labour Federation,1912 Delegate,Australian Labor Party (ALP) (WA Division) Member,Fourth General Council (Tenth Labour Congress),1919
Millington, HaroldMLC
21 March 1914North-East Province
Mount Hawthorn
President,Mount Lawley Branch,Australian Labor Party
Millman, Mr Simon AlexanderMLA11 March 2017Mount Lawley
Independent National 1918 Ministerial Country Party 1923–1924 then National
Mills, JoshuaMLC22 May 1918Central1924
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1987 and rejoined 2000 Delegate State Executive 2000-2005 Delegate State Conference 2001, 2002 and 2003 Delegate National Conference 2004 Deputy State returning officer 2003-2005
Mills, Hon SheilaMLC22 May 2005South Metropolitan2009
Liberal Member Subiaco branch of Liberal Party 1972–1974, member committee Rejoined Dongara branch March 1988
Minson, Mr Kevin JohnMLA4 February 1989Greenough2001
Liberal Member,Liberal Party from 1991 Member,Committee Dalkeith branch from 1992,branch treasurer 1994–2004,branch vice president 1996–2001,branch president 2001–2004,branch secretary and immediate past president from 2004 Vice president,Curtin Division 2001–2002 and 2003–2008 Member,Liberal Constitutional and Drafting Committee and Appeals and Disciplinary Committee 2001–2009 Chairman,C&D and A&D Committees 2003–2009 Member,State Council 2000–2009
Mischin, Hon MichaelMLC22 May 2009North Metropolitan2021
Mitchell, Ms Andrea RuthMLA6 September 2008Kingsley2017
Country Party Member of Country Party for 24 years Unendorsed Labor in 1943
Mitchell, Clayton Clealand BickleyMLA31 March 1962Stirling1971
Liberal until 1917 then National
Mitchell, JamesMLA27 October 1905Northam1933
Forrest Party
Mitchell, SamuelMLA26 May 1897Murchison1901
Independent Independent member from 9 May 2024 Member,Legalise Cannabis Western Australia Party from February 2021 to 9 May 2024
Moermond, Hon SophiaMLC22 May 2021South West Region
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1951 Secretary of various branches including Mundaring Sought endorsement for Toodyay 1968
Moiler, JamesMLA20 February 1971Toodyay1977
Moir, Arthur McAlisterMLA14 September 1951Boulder1971
Various party designations or Independent prior to 1917 then National
Molloy, Thomas George AnstrutherMLA13 January 1892Perth1894
Labor Member Executive Metropolitan Council of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) Member ALP Propaganda Committee 1934 Representative Coastal Co-operative Bricklayers at ALP Conference
Moloney, John DanielMLA8 April 1933Subiaco1936
Liberal until 1917 then Nationalist
Money, Griffin CantMLA29 September 1917Bunbury1924
Forrest Party Later Liberal until 1917 then Country Party
Monger, Frederick CharlesMLA24 December 1890York1914
Monger, John HenryMLC24 December 1890Nominated1875
Monger, Joseph TaylorMLC23 June 1875York1880
National Party
Montgomery, Hon Murray ScottMLC22 May 1989South West2001
Ministerialist Imperialist then Conservative in England
Moore, Newton JamesMLA28 June 1904Bunbury1911
Liberal President,Tom Price branch of Liberal Party 1974–1976 Inaugural senior vice-president,Kalgoorlie (North) Division 1974–1975,president 1975–1976 Member,State Executive 1975–1976,State Council 1975–1976 and from 1980
Moore, Hon Norman FrederickMLC22 May 1977Lower North
Mining and Pastoral
National then Liberal President,Kalgoorlie branch Liberal Party
Moore, Richard GreensladeMLC29 October 1932North-East1936
Moore, Samuel Joseph FortescueMLA24 June 1904Irwin1914
Labor One time State organiser for Australian Labor Party (ALP)
Moore, Thomas JamesMLA MLC28 April 1913Forrest1946
Moore, William DalgetyMLC24 December 1890Nominated1894
Moorhead, Frederick WilliamMLA13 October 1899North Murchison1901
Ministerialist to 1901 then Independent, Member,Independent Country Party
Moran, Charles JohnMLA9 July 1894Yilgarn1905
Morgans, Alfred EdwardMLA4 May 1897Coolgardie1904
Morrison, JamesMLC24 December 1890Nominated1894
Liberal Member Kalamunda branch of the Liberal party for 10 years, president three years, secretary one year Vice president Hasluck Division four years, president Hasluck Women’s Division one year Member State Council four years, Membership Services Committee one year
Morton, Hon Helen MargaretMLC22 May 2005East Metropolitan2017
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party
Morton, Mr Nathan WrayMLA9 March 2013Forrestfield2017
Moss, Matthew LewisMLA MLC22 May 1895North Fremantle1914
Labor Member,Cockburn branch,2007 to present Member,Jandakot branch,2011 to present
Mubarakai, Mr YazMLA11 March 2017Jandakot
Labor until 1917 Then Nationalist
Mullany, John FrancisMLA3 October 1911Menzies1924
Munday, Ms Lisa AnneMLA13 March 2021Dawesville
Labor President,Eastern Goldfields District Council Australian Labor Party (ALP) Member,ALP Federal Executive,1923–24,1932–1934
Munsie, Selby WalterMLA3 October 1911Hannans1938
Labor until 1894 Later Liberal
Murphy, William AlfredMLA9 June 1910Fremantle1911
Liberal Liberal organiser in Forrest Division 1946–1947
Murray, JamesMLC2 June 1951South-West1965
Labor Convenor State Parliamentary Labor Party, Country Labor from 2005
Murray, Mr Michael (Mick) PhilipMLA10 February 2001Collie-Preston2021
Liberal Member Rossmoyne/Shelley branch of the Liberal Party from July 2006 Deputy chairman Liberal Party Policy Committee 2006
Nahan, Dr Michael (Mike) DennisMLA6 September 2008Riverton2021
Liberal until 1917 then National Endorsed by Country Party in 1920 but did not stand Previously chairman National Federation in Western Australia
Nairn, William RalphMLA21 October 1914Swan1921
Country Party then National Country Party (NCP) and National Party Foundation executive member Young Country party Held every position at branch level with NCP Delegate to District Council, Division Council (president Forrest Division Council) and State Conference
Nalder, Cambell CrawfordMLA8 February 1986Narrogin1987
Country Party Secretary, Wagin branch late 1930s to 1940s
Nalder, Crawford DavidMLA15 March 1947Wagin1974
Nalder, Mr Dean CambellMLA9 March 2013Bateman2021
Liberal Joined party 1973
Nanovich, MichaelMLA30 March 1974Toodyay1983
Nanson, John LeightonMLA24 April 1901Murchison1914
Nathan, Charles SamuelMLC11 January 1930Metropolitan-Suburban1934
Labor Treasurer Fremantle Council, Parliamentary Labor Party (PLP) 1903–1904, vice-president 1904–1906, president 1906 Honorary Secretary Federal Members’ Branch, Australian Labor Federation (ALF) 1916 Secretary Metropolitan Council ALF (WA branch) 1921–1923 Acting Secretary Australian Labor (ALP) (WA branch) 1922 Delegate Metropolitan District Council 1929–39, representative on ALP State Executive 1931–1932, vice-president 1933 Perth representative, ALP Triennial Conference 1935 General president ALP State Executive 1939
Needham, EdwardMLA28 June 1904Fremantle1953
Nelson, Wallace AlexanderMLA24 June 1904Hannans1905
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1975 Secretary and president Kambalda branch President Kalgoorlie Electorate Council and several State Executive Committees Resigned from ALP 23 August 1999 to sit as an Independent
Nevill, Hon Mark WarriedarMLC22 May 1983South-East; Mining and Pastoral2001
Newman, EdwardMLCMay 1870Fremantle1872
Newton, John VerdunMLA20 November 1943Greenough1943
Liberal Joined Liberal Party March 1988
Nicholls, Mr Roger KeithMLA4 February 1989Mandurah2001
Nicholson, JohnMLC23 March 1918Metropolitan1941
Nimmo, Leslie CharlesMLA15 March 1947Mount Hawthorn1968
Liberal Foundation member Dalwallinu branch 1961 and Dandaragan branch 1983 President Moora branch from 1964 for many years and variously president and secretary Member Moore Division Executive for 20 years,president for four years and senior vice-president for five years Member O’Connor Division Executive–secretary 2002–2008,and previously vice-president,two years and president four years Secretary-treasurer Durack Division 2009 Member (still current) State Council for 35–40 years,State Executive for 25 years and Federal Council for eight years State Vice-President for seven years Received Meritorious Award 1991,Distinguished Service Award 2005,Premier’s Award (Parliamentary) 1998 Member Rural Committee for 35 years,Chairman eight years
Nixon, Hon Murray DavidsonMLC22 May 1993Agricultural2001
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party
Norberger, Mr Jan-Henrik (Jan)MLA9 March 2013Joondalup2017
Nationalist then Liberal (from 1945)
North, Charles Frederic JohnMLA22 March 1924Claremont1956
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party as young man
Norton, DanielMLA14 February 1953Gascoyne1974
Nulsen, EmilMLA25 June 1932Kanowna1953
O'Brien, Bartholomew Cornelius* (Con)MLC30 January 1901Central1914
O'Brien, Everard McDonnellMLA8 November 1952Murchison1959
Liberal Various Offices of the Liberal Party of Western Australia from 1985 including State Executive, President Fremantle Division; President Cockburn Branch
O'Brien, Hon Simon McDonnellMLC22 May 1997South Metropolitan2021
O'Connor, MichaelMLA24 April 1901Moore1904
Liberal Independent Liberal in 1956 Joined party 1957
O'Connor, Raymond JamesMLA21 March 1959North Perth1984
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party, 2015 to present President, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Branch, 2016-2017
O'Donnell, Mr Kyran MartinMLA11 March 2017Kalgoorlie2021
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1992 President Wanneroo/Joondalup branch President Moore Electorate Council
O'Gorman, Mr Anthony (Tony) PatrickMLA10 February 2001Joondalup2013
Labor 1916–1918 general president Labor Party
O'Loghlen, Peter LaurenceMLA11 September 1908Forrest1923
Member,Australian Labor Party,WA branch from 2014
O'Malley, Mrs Lisa MargaretMLA11 March 2017Bicton
Liberal Joined party 1958
O'Neil, Desmond HenryMLA21 March 1959Canning; East Melville1980
Oats, WilliamMLA MLC4 May 1897Yilgarn1904
Country Party Country Party 1972–1976,National Country Party 1976–1985,Liberal from 1985
Old, Richard CharlesMLA30 March 1974Katanning1986
Liberal until 1956, then Independent Liberal Labor from 1962
Oldfield, Edward PeateMLA17 February 1951Maylands1965
Oldham, Charles HenryMLA5 May 1897North Perth1900
Labor Hon secretary Mt Magnet branch 1939 and president Murchison District Council, secretary of latter 1941 Australian Workers' Union (AWU) delegate to Eastern Goldfields District Council in 1940s President NSW State Branch Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1960–1970
Oliver, Cecil ThompsonMLA4 December 1948Boulder1951
Liberal Joined Liberal Party,1951
Oliver, Oscar (Neil) BlackburneMLC22 May 1977West1989
Labor Australian Labor Party member 1968–1981 Various times member of State Executive and State Administrative Committee
Olney, Howard WilliamMLC22 May 1980South Metropolitan1981
Liberal Resigned from the Liberal Party 19 June 2008 and became Independent
Omodei, Mr Paul DomenicMLA4 February 1989Warren; Warren-Blackwood2008
Onslow, Alexander CampbellMLC21 March 1881Nominated1883
Osborn, HenryMLA11 September 1908Roebourne1911
Liberal Secretary Forrest Division 1988–1990, president 1990–1992 Member State Council 1988–1992, State Executive 1990–1992 Treasurer Albany branch 2002–2003
Osborne, Mr Ian FrederickMLA6 February 1993Bunbury2001
Independent Country Party Independent Country Party 1944–1946, Independent 1946–1947, Country Party circa 1949–1970
Owen, Raymond CecilMLA29 April 1944Swan1965
Padbury, WalterMLC31 December 1872Swan1877
Labor Variously general president Australian Labor Federation (ALF (WA branch) 1915, 1919–1922 and secretary and president Metropolitan Council 1924 Trustee Australian Labor Party (ALP) Member ALP Federal Executive 1943–1944
Panton, Alexander HughMLC5 July 1919West1951
Member of Australian Labor Party from 25 November 2006
Papalia, Mr PaulMLA3 February 2007Warnbro
Labor Joined party 1968 Member numerous branch offices Member Administrative Committee 1976–1982, trustee 1979–1982 Member State Executive from 1971 Delegate National Conference 1975, 1979, 1986
Parker, David CharlesMLA23 February 1980Fremantle1990
Nationalist then Liberal
Parker, Hubert Stanley WybornMLA MLC22 May 1954North-East Fremantle1954
Liberal Member,Liberal Party,Willetton branch (1990),Kalamunda (1991) and Forrestfield/High Wycombe branches (from 1992 and president,1994) President,Pearce Women’s Division,1991 Member,State Council,1991–1994 and 2002–2007
Parker, Mrs Rhonda KathleenMLA10 September 1994Helena2001
Opposed to Forrest,1890–1892,1894–1897
Parker, Stephen HenryMLC22 May 1878Nominated1900
Parker, Stephen StanleyMLC25 July 1876Nominated1885
Parsons, Harold GeorgeMLC29 June 1897North-East1900
Forrest Party
Paterson, WilliamMLA3 December 1890Murray1895
Liberal to 1914 then Country Party
Patrick, WilliamMLC30 May 1904Central1916
Country Party
Patrick, WilliamMLA12 April 1930Greenough1943
Liberal Member of Liberal Party since 1980 Vice-president,Albany branch 1983–1984,president 1984–1987 (first woman)
Patterson, Hon Muriel GraceMLC22 May 1989South-West2001
Payne, Hon Shelley NicoleMLC22 May 2021Agricultural
Labor Secretary Boulder branch of Australian Labor Party 1971–1972, Armadale–Kelmscott branch 1976 Member State Executive 1973 and 1977–1998
Pearce, Robert JohnMLA19 February 1977Gosnells1993
Pearse, William SilasMLC MLA5 December 1890North Fremantle1895
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1971 Resigned 30 March 1995 and became Independent Previously secretary and president Como-Collier branch Member Swan Division Council Vice-president Tangney Division Member State Council
Pendal, Mr Phillip GeorgeMLC MLA22 May 1980South-East Metropolitan2005
Forrest Party
Pennefather, Richard WilliamMLA MLC3 May 1897Greenough1914
Country Party Member executive Primary Producers Association from 1935
Perkins, Charles CollierMLA21 November 1942York1961
Country Party Member of party for 42 years
Perry, Thomas OswaldMLC22 May 1965Lower Central1977
Greens (WA)
Pettitt, Hon Dr Bradley (Brad) WilliamMLC22 May 2021South Metropolitan
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1996
Pham, Hon Batong VuMLC29 November 2007East Metropolitan2009
Forrest Party
Phillips, Samuel JamesMLA27 November 1890Irwin1904
Phillips, Samuel PoleMLCJune 1857Non-official Nominated1872
Labor Joined party in 1968 Resigned and became Independent 21 April 1996 Senior vice-president Perth branch 1974–1975 Secretary West Perth branch 1976–1977 Junior vice-president Perth branch 1981–1982 Delegate to Perth Electorate Council 1976–1981; Stirling Electorate Council 1983–1986 and State Executive from 1976
Piantadosi, Hon Samuel MathewMLC22 May 1983North Central Metropolitan1996
Country Party National 1938 Progressive National 1942
Pickering, William GeorgeMLA29 September 1917Sussex1924
Liberal to 1914 then Country Party until 1923, Ministerial Country Party (MCP) 1923–1924
Piesse, Alfred NapoleonMLA3 October 1911Toodyay1924
Liberal Vice president Liberal League 1912 Independent 1930
Piesse, Arnold EdmundMLA4 November 1909Katanning1935
Piesse, Charles AustinMLC16 July 1894South-East1914
Independent Ministerialist
Piesse, Frederick HenryMLA2 December 1890Williams1909
Country Party Elected as Country Party in 1931 by-election, Independent Country Party 1932 and thereafter as Country Party
Piesse, Harold VivianMLC26 September 1931South-West1944
National Country Party Joined Country Party 1948; member of Country Party and National Country Party until 1983 Branch and division secretary
Piesse, Winifred MargaretMLC22 May 1977Lower Central1983
Pigott, Sydney CapelMLA23 July 1901West Kimberley1904
Liberal Member State Executive from 1967 Member State Council from 1967 Senior vice-president Forrest Division President Stirling Division, two terms Chairman Liberal Party Constitutional Committee Chairman Liberal Party Membership, Development and Training Committee
Pike, Robert GeraldMLC22 May 1977North Metropolitan1994
Pilkington, Robert RivingtonMLA22 July 1917Perth1921
Porter, Mr Charles (Christian) ChristianMLA23 February 2008Murdoch; Bateman2013
Potter, GeorgeMLC22 May 1922West1928
Labor Secretary Subiaco branch for 14 years prior to election to Parliament
Potter, Percival George CharlesMLA7 April 1956Subiaco1959
Liberal President Armadale branch; secretary Canning Division Council; member State Council
Pratt, Ian GeorgeMLC22 May 1974Lower West1986
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1994 Member Labor Women’s Executive, Young Peoples Policy Committee; Law Reform and Justice Policy Committee State Conference Delegate 2000, member State Executive and Administrative Committee 2001–2005 From 2007 member Executive Labor Women’s Organisation
Pratt, Louise ClareMLC22 May 2001East Metropolitan2007
Member,WA Labor from 2007 to present
Pratt, Hon Stephen JoelMLC22 May 2021South Metropolitan
Price, JamesMLA27 October 1905Fremantle1910
Labor In 1937 delegate to Metropolitan Council
Price, Richard WilliamMLA17 September 1909Albany1917
Member,WA Labor,2002 to present
Treasurer,WA Labor
Administrative committee member,WA Labor,present
Finance committee member,WA Labor,present
Price, Mr Stephen JamesMLA11 March 2017Forrestfield
Liberal Member Liberal Party Albany branch from 1981, president from 2002 State and Division Conference delegate
Prince, Mr Antony (Kevin) RoystonMLA6 February 1993Albany2001
Member,Australian Labor Party since 1987
Pritchard, Hon Martin BrianMLC5 May 2015North Metropolitan
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party 2016 to present
Punch, Mr Donald (Don) ThomasMLA11 March 2017Bunbury
Purkiss, William MortonMLA6 December 1901Perth1904
Joined Australian Labor Party February 1999
Quigley, Mr John RobertMLA10 February 2001Butler
Liberal Forrest Party in 1890s
Quinlan, Timothy FrancisMLA10 December 1890West Perth1911
Joined Australian Labor Party in 1984
Member,Black Mountain sub-branch
Member,ACT Branch Council
Member,Credentials and Disputes Committees
Member,Perth sub-branch 1988–1999,secretary/treasurer 1994–1996
Member,North Perth sub-branch 1999–2000
Member,Alexander Heights branch from 2000
Branch delegate,Perth Electorate Council 1988–2000 and Cowan Electorate Council from 2000
Vice president,Perth Electorate Council 1989–1990
Delegate,all state conferences from 1988 and to State Executive from 1995
Proxy delegate,National Conference 1998,member Disputes Committee 1995–1996
Member,Executive of Labor Women 1996–1999
Member,Administrative Committee 1997–1999
Member,Committee of Review from 2000
Delegate,State and National Conferences 2015
Quirk, Ms Margaret MaryMLA10 February 2001Landsdale
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1998 Member,Administrative Committee from 2000 Trustee,2000 Vice-president,Swan Electorate Council,2001
Radisich, Ms Jaye AmberMLA10 February 2001Swan Hills2008
Rainsford, George HenryMLC11 February 1928South1934
Forrest Party after 1895
Randell, GeorgeMLA MLC29 November 1890Moore1910
Labor Member Metropolitan Council Australian Labor Party (ALP) circa 1923–1930 (represented Shop Assistants’ Union) State Executive from circa 1928 Represented Amalgamated Road Transport Workers Union (WA branch) at ALP Triennial Congress 1935
Raphael, Howard StirlingMLA12 April 1930Victoria Park1944
Forrest Party, then Liberal
Rason, Cornthwaite Hector (William James)MLA3 May 1897South Murchison1906
Labor Member since late 1980s Representative on variety of Policy Committees and on Ministerial Advisory Committees
Ravlich, Hon Ljiljanna MariaMLC22 May 1997East Metropolitan2015
Labor Joined party 1980 Vice president Mandurah branch from December 1980, president June 1981, secretary December 1989
Read, John BellMLA19 February 1983Mandurah1989
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1982
Read, Keith JohnMLA4 February 1989Murray1993
Read, William RaymondMLA10 February 1945Victoria Park1953
Nationals WA
Redman, Mr Donald (Terry) TerrenceMLA26 February 2005Warren-Blackwood2021
Country Party then National Country Party Joined party 1965 State president 1974–1975 Left party 1978, member Liberal Party 1984–1987
Reid, David DonaldMLA20 February 1971Blackwood1972
Labor Independent Labor after 1905
Reid, FergieMLA24 April 1901Mount Burges1904
Reside, JohnMLA24 April 1901Hannans1902
Reynolds, Alfred GeorgeMLA15 March 1947Forrest1950
Rhatigan, John JosephMLA16 May 1953Kimberley1968
Richardson, Alexander RobertMLA4 December 1890North1897
Richardson, John ElliottMLC16 July 1894North1904
Labor until 1917 then Nationalist Secretary National Labour Party 1920-1924
Richardson, WalterMLA12 March 1921Subiaco1933
Ridge, Keith AlanMLA23 March 1968Kimberley1980
Riebeling, Mr Fredrick (Fred)MLA4 April 1992Ashburton2008
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1969 President then secretary University branch 1971 and 1974 Secretary then president Bentley branch 1975–1977 Vice-president Subiaco branch 1982 Secretary Belmont–Rivervale branch 1984–1986 Vice-president Swan Electorate Council 1987 Member State Executive 1971,1976–1977,and from 1982 Delegate to State Conferences 1973,1976,1981,1982,1984,1986 Delegate to Australian Young Labor (AYL) Conference and Swan,Tangney and Curtin Electorate Councils
Ripper, Mr Eric StephenMLA19 March 1988Ascot; Belmont2013
Liberal Joined party 1944
Roberts, George FrederickMLA29 October 1955Bunbury1962
Joined Australian Labor Party,1978
Held various branch positions including secretary and treasurer
Secretary,Federal Elected Council Members State Executive,1984–2003
Member,Administration Committee,1987–2003
Member,National Executive,1988–1991 and from 2002,various national policy committees
Senior vice president,WA branch,1997 and 1998–1999
President from 2000
Delegate,National Conferences 1988,1991,1994,2002
Roberts, Mrs Michelle HopkinsMLA19 March 1994Midland
Robinson, EdwardMLC16 July 1894North1896
Robinson, HerbertMLA29 September 1917Albany1919
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1957 Member State Council 1962–1968 State vice-president 1968,member Town Planning Committee 1964–1965
Robinson, Herbert RichardMLC22 May 1962Suburban; North Metropolitan1968
Liberal until 1917,then Nationalist Member executive committee Liberal League
Robinson, Robert ThomsonMLA21 October 1914Canning1921
Robson, RichardMLA12 July 1899Geraldton1900
Country Party Member,Central Executive Primary Producers Association
Roche, Hugh LewisMLC22 May 1940South-East1960
Independent Labor; Independent, 1921
Rocke, Samuel Mat(t)hewMLA29 September 1917South Fremantle1921
Labor Delegate from South Perth branch to Australian Labor Party triennial Conference 1935 Opposition Whip 1947–1950
Rodoreda, Aloysius JosephMLA8 April 1933Roebourne Pilbara1958
Liberal National from 1917
Rose, EdwinMLC22 May 1916South-West1934
Rowberry, Joseph NeonMLA25 January 1958Warren1968
Member,Australian Labor Party from 1997 President,Belmont branch,WA Labor Executive member,National Labor Women's Network
Rowe, Ms Cassandra (Cassie) MichelleMLA11 March 2017Belmont
Labor Member of the Australian Labor Party
Rowe, Francis JamesMLA26 March 1927North-East Fremantle1930
Rowe, Hon Margaret Anne BernadetteMLC22 May 2005Agricultural2007
Member,Australian Labor Party since 17 years old
Rowe, Hon Samantha HelenMLC22 May 2013East Metropolitan
Runciman, Ewart HenryMLA23 June 1962Murray1974
Nationals WA
Member,National Party,2011 to present Chair,Wagin Electorate Council
Rundle, Mr Peter JamesMLA11 March 2017Roe
Liberal Joined party 1947 Held official positions in Katanning and Kelmscott branches Secretary,Parliamentary Liberal Party,1971–1974
Rushton, Edgar CyrilMLA8 May 1965Dale1988
Member,Australian Labor Party since 1996
Saffioti, Ms RitaMLA6 September 2008West Swan
Sahanna, Hon Rosetta (Rosie)MLC22 May 2021Mining and Pastoral Region
County Party (CP) County Party until 1923,then Ministerial (Majority) County Party (MCP) until 1924 Nationalist until circa 1932,then County Party
Sampson, Richard StanleyMLA12 March 1921Swan1944
Member,Australian Labor Party
Sanderson, Amber-JadeMLA MLC5 April 2013Morley
Liberal Liberal until 1917,then National Country Party in 1922 President,Liberal Club from 1911
Sanderson, ArchibaldMLC22 May 1912Metropolitan-Suburban1922
Free Trade,1903 National,1918
Saunders, Henry JohnMLC16 July 1894Metropolitan1919
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party,1983–1989 and from 2005-
Savage, Hon Linda RosemaryMLC22 March 2010East Metropolitan2013
Liberal Nationalist 1917
Saw, Athelstan John HentonMLC6 June 1915Metropolitan-Suburban1929
Forrest Party/Ministerialist
Sayer, William FredericMLA24 April 1901Claremont1902
Labor until 1917 National Labour Party (NLP) until 1920 Country Party (CP) until 1923 Ministerial (Majority) Country Party (MCP),1923–1924 then Nationalist Secretary,Australian Labour Federation (ALF) (WA Division),1906–1911 (helped to arrange building of Perth Trades Hall)
Scaddan, JohnMLA24 June 1904Ivanhoe; Brown Hill-Ivanhoe; Albany; Maylands1933
Member,WA Labor,2005 onwards
Convenor,Conservation,Environment and Climate Change Policy Committee,2009-2012
President,WA Young Labor,2012
President,Australind Branch,2014-2018
Delegate,National Conference,2018 and 2021
Scaife, Mr David Anthony EdwardMLA13 March 2021Cockburn
Country Party Then National Country Party (NCP) then National Party State Secretary Young Country Party 1967–1968 Branch president NCP 1978–1985 Secretary Parliamentary National Party 1987–1989
Schell, Morton WilliamMLA8 February 1986Mt Marshall1989
Liberal Member of Liberal Party Member,Claremont branch from 1984 Vice-president from 1985 President,1987–1992 Vice-president,state Women's council,1986–1990 Convenor,State Women's Council of the Current Affairs Convention,1990–1991 Chairman,Curtin Women's Division of the party,1990–1993 Member,Curtin Division Council executive Member,Liberal Party policy committees for Family,Education and Women
Scott, Hon Barbara MaryMLC22 June 1993South Metropolitan2009
Scott, EdwardMLC10 December 1890Perth1891
Greens (WA) Member Strategy Group Convenor Fremantle Greens Convenor National Unity Group WA delegate to Australian Greens Conferences
Scott, Hon James (Jim) AlanMLC22 June 1993South Metropolitan2005
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Member, One Nation, 1998-2011 Member, Palmer United Party 2013-2014 Member, Pauline Hanson's One Nation, 2015 to present
Scott, Hon Robin DavidMLC11 March 2017Mining and Pastoral2021
Labor until 1917 Then National Labour Party (NLP) and National Railways Union delegate Eastern Goldfields District Council Australian Labor Party Secretary Kalgoorlie branch NLP 1917
Seddon, HaroldMLC22 June 1922North-East1954
Country Party
Seward, Harrie StephenMLA8 April 1933Pingelly1950
Country Party
Sewell, George MalakoffMLC18 August 1914South-East1916
Sewell, William HawkinsMLA25 March 1950Geraldton1974
Liberal Member of party 1966–1987 President Busselton branch 1972–1973, Mandurah branch 1985–1986 Government Whip 1977–1982
Shalders, Richard SteeleMLA30 March 1974Murray1983
Greens (WA) Member since inception,circa 1990
Sharp, Hon Christine (Chrissy)MLC22 May 1997South West2005
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party
Shave, Mr Douglas (Doug) JamesMLA4 February 1989Melville; Alfred Cove2001
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party Member,ACT branch,2000 President,Maylands ALP (WA Labor) branch,2007-2008
Shaw, Ms Jessica JaneMLA11 March 2017Swan Hills
Independent Independent Nationalist,1936–1943
Shearn, Harry VivianMLA15 February 1936Maylands1951
Shenton, GeorgeMLC12 October 1870Greenough1906
Opposed Forest Party
Sholl, Horace WilliamMLC MLA14 April 1888Roebourne1901
Opposed Forest Party
Sholl, Robert FrederickMLC MLA27 November 1890Gascoyne; North1909
Member,Western Australian Liberal Party,2009 onwards
President,Cowan Division,2011-2014
Member,Liberal party State Executive,2011-2014
Sibma, Hon Tjorn DirkMLC22 May 2017North Metropolitan
Liberal Member State Council 1970–1988 President Bunbury branch, Forrest executive and Forrest Division Council in mid-1960s
Sibson, JohnMLA7 April 1973Bunbury1983
Labor until 1922 Then Independent, later National
Simons, John JosephMLA12 March 1921East Perth1922
Liberal Member of Liberal Party since 2002 President branch 2002–2005
Simpson, Mr Anthony (Tony) JamesMLA26 February 2005Serpentine-Jarrahdale; Darling Range2017
Liberal Country Party after 1958
Simpson, Charles HerbertMLC22 May 1946Central1963
Opposition to Forrest Party
Simpson, George ThomasMLA10 December 1891Geraldton1899
Labor Australian Labor Party (ALP) until October 1981 then Independent Officer and delegate to State Executive and delegate to Metropolitan Council Senior vice-president ALP in WA Life member of ALP 1999
Skidmore, John EdwardMLA30 March 1974Swan1982
Sleeman, Joseph BertramMLA22 March 1924Fremantle1959
Western Australia Party Member,Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party Resigned from Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party on 11 June 2019 to become an Independent Joined the Western Australia Party on 12 May 2020
Smith, Hon Charles LeonardMLC11 March 2017East Metropolitan2021
Labor Joined Australian Labor party 1967 Secretary University branch,Boulder branch and Bunbury branch,also president of latter President Forrest Electorate Council
Smith, Mr David LawrenceMLA19 February 1983Mitchell1996
Smith, Edmund HoraceMLA27 October 1905Beverley1908
Labor Member Eastern Goldfields District Council 1929
Smith, Frederick Charles LeeMLA14 July 1932Brown Hill-Ivanhoe1950
Liberal Joined Mt Magnet branch 1992, senior vice-president 1994, president 1995 and 1996 Delegate to Kalgoorlie Central Conference 1993–1996, and to State Conference 1994–1996
Smith, Hon Gregory (Greg) DavidMLC22 May 1997Mining and Pastoral2001
Smith, Henry TeesdaleMLA24 April 1901Wellington1904
Liberal until 1917 then Nationalist
Smith, James MacCallumMLA21 October 1914North Perth1939
Labor Labor until 1917 (president local branch) then Independent (Ind) and Independent Labor (Ind Lab) 1922, Country Party 1922–23, Ministerial (Majority) Country Party (MCP) 1923–24, Nationalist from 1923/1924
Smith, John Henry (Kilkar)MLA12 March 1921Nelson1943
Smith, Matthew SkinnerMLC18 June 1886Nominated1887
Labor Joined Bunbury branch of Australian Labor Party December 1970, and held numerous official positions in the branch Delegate to Forrest Electorate Council most years from 1975
Smith, Philip JohnMLA19 February 1983Bunbury1993
Labor Senior vice-president Moore Division.
Smith, Mr Wayde ShannonMLA6 February 1993Wanneroo1996
Liberal Member of Liberal Party
Snook, Mr GaryMLA26 February 2005Moore2008
Sodeman, BrianMLA30 March 1974Pilbara1983
Independent Free Trade 1901–1903
Solomon, EliasMLA14 October 1892South Fremantle1901
Sommers, CharlesMLC14 May 1900North-East; Metropolitan1918
First elected as non party candidate but was a delegate from the Parliamentary Labor Party to the August 1901 Labor Congress
Speed, James MontgomeryMLC29 August 1900Metropolitan-Suburban1902
Opposed Forrest Party
Speight, RichardMLA24 April 1901North Perth1901
Spencer, WilliamMLC27 July 1896South West1901
Liberal Member of Liberal Party at various times from 1964
Sprigg, Mr Trevor RaymondMLA26 February 2005Murdoch2008
Country Party then Liberal Joined Liberal party circa 1972
Spriggs, George Clarence CharlesMLA19 February 1977Darling Range1987
Country Party later National Country Party until 1978 then National Party Joined Country Party,1950 Served as president and secretary,King Kalgan–Napier branch President,Albany District Council Delegate,Stirling District Council and State Executive Member,National Party Management Committee,1978–1985
Stephens, Matthew ErnestMLA20 February 1971Stirling1989
Stephens, Ms Rebecca SueMLA13 March 2021Albany
Labor President Kununurra branch Australian Labor Party 1978–1981 President Pilbara Electorate Council 1981–1982
Stephens, Mr Thomas (Tom) GregoryMLC MLA31 July 1982North; Mining and Pastoral; Central–Kimberley–Pilbara; Pilbara2013
Stephenson, Henry AlfredMLC22 May 1924Metropolitan-Suburban1930
Country Party
Stewart, Hector JosephMLC19 May 1917South-East1931
Liberal Joined party 1950
Stewart, Jack McKayMLA23 March 1968Merredin-Yilgarn1971
Liberal to 1917 then Nationalist
Stewart, JohnMLA29 September 1917Claremont1918
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party
Stojkovski, Mrs Jessica Mary ChristineMLA11 March 2017Kingsley
Stone, Edward AlbertMLC24 November 1879Nominated1882
Stone, Frank MendsMLC16 July 1894North1906
Liberal,Independent from 1922
Stone, PatrickMLA24 April 1901Greenough1926
Liberal Democrats Member, Liberal Democrats Party Australia, 2014 onwards
Stonehouse, Hon AaronMLC22 May 2017South Metropolitan2021
Member,Australian Labor Party,2018-
Secretary,Perth Labor Women Branch,2020-
Member,Social and Community Policy Committee,2019-
Stratton, Dr KatrinaMLA13 March 2021Nedlands
Liberal President Mobrup branch of Liberal Party Member Forrest Division Executive and Council
Stretch, Hon William (Bill) NoelMLC22 May 1983Lower Central; South-West2005
Liberal Joined Liberal Party April 1988
Strickland, Mr George JosephMLA4 February 1989Scarborough; Innaloo2001
Strickland, Harry CharlesMLC22 May 1950North1970
Stuart, Julian Alexander SalmonMLA13 November 1906Mount Leonora1908
Stubbs, Bartholomew JamesMLA3 October 1911Subiaco1917
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1945 Honorary secretary Norseman branch of ALP for 10 years For three years delegate from goldfields to State Executive
Stubbs, Robert Henry ClaudeMLC22 May 1962South-East1980
Liberal until 1914 then Country Party to 1923, Ministerial (Majority) Country Party (MCP) 1923–1924, Nationalist 1924–1927, then Country Party
Stubbs, SydneyMLC MLA22 May 1908Metropolitan-Suburban; Wagin1947
Labor Represented Locomotive Engine Drivers,Firemen and Cleaners Union on Collie District Council 1912,then on Fremantle District Council and from 1915 on Eastern Goldfields District Council
Styants, Herbert HenryMLA15 February 1936Kalgoorlie1956
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1989, worked at all levels of the party
Sulc, Hon PaulMLC24 December 1996East Metropolitan1997
Liberal Member of the Liberal Party Appointed president of the Mt Lawley branch of the Liberal party,October 2018 In South Africa member United Party and Progressive Federal Party (in Johannesburg City Council)
Sutherland, Mr Michael WilliamMLA6 September 2008Mt Lawley2017
Swan, Herbert GrahamMLA11 September 1908North Perth1914
Liberal Member Carnarvon branch Committee 1988–1989, vice president 1990–1995, president 1995–1996 Division State Councillor 1990–1994, vice president 1996 Member Northern Rivers Campaign committee 1989, 1993
Sweetman, Mr Rodney (Rod) NoelMLA14 December 1996Ningaloo2005
Labor Member,Australian Labor Party,1999 to present Sub-branch President,University of Western Australia,2002
Swinbourn, Hon Matthew DeanMLC22 May 2017East Metropolitan
Symon, DavidMLA28 November 1890South Fremantle1892
Joined British Labor Party,1969
Joined Australian Labor Party,1982
Treasurer,Brand Electorate Council,1985-1986,secretary,1986-1990
Secretary/treasurer,Vancouver–Denmark branch,1998-2000
Delegate,State Executive from 2000 and in 2002,2004,2007 and 2009 to National Conference
WA State President ALP,2007-2010
Talbot, Hon Sally ElizabethMLC22 May 2005South West
Vice president,Parliamentary Labor Party from 25 November 2008
Tallentire, Mr Christopher (Chris) JohnMLA6 September 2008Thornlie
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1956 From 1958,delegate,Metropolitan Council,Fremantle Electorate Council and State Executive (1961–1981) Variously secretary,Fremantle Electorate Council and branch office bearer
Taylor, Alexander DonaldMLA23 March 1968Cockburn1984
Labor Australian Labor Party until 1917,then Nationalist Drifted to Queensland where became involved with Labor movement
Taylor, GeorgeMLA24 April 1901Mount Margaret1930
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) 1974 Secretary treasurer and president Dianella branch Secretary Perth Electorate Council Member State Executive Trustee of ALP Member Administration Committee
Taylor, Ian FrederickMLA20 June 1981Kalgoorlie1996
Taylor, John HowardMLC27 July 1896East1899
Taylor, Mr Matthew (Matt) HowardMLA9 March 2013Bateman2017
Labor President Eastern Goldfields District Council 1942 and executive officer for nine years, Australian Labor Party (ALP) Delegate to six state ALP Conferences and two federal conferences
Teahan, John DenisMLC22 May 1954North-East1965
Teesdale, Frederick WilliamMLA18 October 1917Roebourne1931
Telfer, William FrancisMLA20 November 1943Avon1947
Joined party in 1990
President,treasurer and secretary Mandurah branch
Delegate,Brand Electorate Council from 1991
Delegate,State Executive from 1994
Delegate,State Conferences,1997,1999,2002
Templeman, Mr David AlanMLA10 February 2001Mandurah
Independent to 1905 Liberal in 1908
Thomas, Albert ErnestMLA24 April 1901Dundas1908
Thomas, James Henry EnglishMLC10 July 1883Nominated1884
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1975 Secretary of WAIT (Western Australian Institute of Technology),Queens Park and Warren branches Secretary and junior vice-president Tangney Electorate Council Membership officer Kalgoorlie Electorate Council Delegate to State Executive for two years
Thomas, Hon Robert (Bob) JohnMLC22 May 1989South West2001
Member,National Party 1990-1998
Member,Liberal Party from 1999
State council member from 2011
President,Forrest Division 2012-2016
State executive member,2012-2016
Chair,Policy Committee,2013
Thomas, Hon Steven (Steve) CaldwellMLC MLA26 February 2005South West
Labor ALP member until 1917 then Nationalist President,Political Labor League,Bunbury
Thomas, William LemenMLA1 March 1911Bunbury1917
Labor Joined Young Labor Association 1967, University branch 1968, subsequently member of Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT), Bentley, Mt Pleasant, and Welshpool branches of Australian Labor Party (ALP) Variously delegate to Curtin, Tangney, Swan and Fremantle Electorate Councils 1970–2000 Delegate to State Executive and all state conferences since 1973 Western Australian delegate to Federal Conferences 1982–1992 Senior vice president ALP WA branch 1982–1989 Chairman ALP Conservation and Environmental Committee 1980–1990
Thomas, Mr William (Bill) IanMLA8 February 1986Welshpool; Cockburn2001
Liberal Joined Liberal Party,1963 President,Kalamunda branch,1965–1969 Vice-president,Moore Division,1965–1969 Member,State Council 1965–1969 Independent from 29 September 1989
Thompson, Ian DavidMLA20 February 1971Darling Range; Kalamunda1993
Labor till 1977 then Independent Joined Australian Labor Party (ALP) in 1932 Executive member Fremantle District Council 1947–1963 and delegate to State Executive Vice-president Fremantle branch ALP Disputes Committee 1942–1953, trustee 1953–1963
Thompson, RonaldMLC7 February 1959West; South1980
Country Party
Thompson, Sydney Thomas JosephMLC22 May 1960South1974
Liberal until 1917 then Country Party
Thomson, AlexanderMLA21 October 1914Katanning1930
Country Party. Joined party 1940
Thomson, Jack McIntoshMLC22 May 1950South1974
Nationalist to 1922 then Country Party Independent Nationalist in 1924
Thomson, JohnMLA12 March 1921Claremont1924
Thomson, Joseph AngusMLC22 May 1902Central1908
Member,Liberal Party of WA since late 1990s
President,Durack Division,2019–2021
Thomson, Hon NeilMLC22 May 2021Mining and Pastoral Region
Country Party
Thorn, LindsayMLA12 April 1930Toodyay1959
Forrest Party
Throssell, GeorgeMLA MLC2 December 1890Northam1910
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party spokesperson, 1997-1998 Party Leader, 2016-current
Tincknell, Hon Colin RichardMLC22 May 2017South West2021
Member,Australian Labor Party since 2001
Member,Willagee sub-branch
Member,Board Labor Business Round Table
President,WA Labor since 2004
Tinley, Mr Peter CharlesMLA28 November 2009Willagee
Liberal Joined Geraldton branch of Liberal Party 1965, became president Secretary, vice-president and president Dianella branch President Fremantle Division from 1984 State vice-president from 1987 Member State Executive 1984–1988 and delegate to State Council for several years
Tomlinson, Hon Derrick GordonMLC22 May 1989East Metropolitan2005
Toms, John MervinMLA7 April 1956Maylands1971
Joined Australian Labor Party 1949,Maddington branch
Tonkin, Arthur RaymondMLA20 February 1971Mirrabooka1987
Member of WA Labor since 13 July 2015
Member,Western Suburbs Branch
Member,Perth Labor Women
Member,State Parliamentary Labor Party Branch
Tonkin, Ms Christine MaelisaMLA13 March 2021Churchlands
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party, 1923 Established branch at Forrest Grove Delegate, State Executive
Tonkin, John TreziseMLA8 April 1933North-East Fremantle1977
Totterdell, JosephMLA25 March 1950West Perth1953
Liberal Member of Liberal Party from 1967
Tozer, John CarmichaelMLC22 May 1974North1980
Labor Member of the Australian Labor Party Trustee 1993–1995 State vice president 1996
Travers, Hon Kenneth (Ken) Dunstan ElderMLC22 May 1997North Metropolitan2016
Forrest Party after 1894
Traylen, WilliamMLA29 November 1890Greenough1897
National Country Party then National Party Ran as an Independent at the 9 March 2013 election as he was failed to win pre-selection by the National Party for the Agricultural Region.
Trenorden, Hon Maxwell (Max) WayneMLA MLC8 February 1986Avon; Agricultural2009
Liberal Various official positions in Tangney Division
Trethowan, Anthony MarkhamMLA1 February 1980East Melville1986
Labor Secretary Murchison District Council 1920s During 1930s vice-president then president Eastern Goldfields District Council
Triat, Lucien JohnMLA18 March 1939Mount Magnet1950
Labor Joined Swan View branch of Australian Labor Party 1968,transferred to Mundaring 1982
Troy, Gavan JohnMLA19 February 1983Mundaring1993
Labor Member,Communist party for a time in 1960s Joined Australian Labor Party 1974,remained member until 1987 Independent in 1989
Troy, John RobertMLA19 February 1977Fremantle1980
Troy, Michael FrancisMLA28 June 1904Mount Magnet1939
Independent Member (intermittent),ALP from 1990 to 2023 Suspended from the Australian Labor Party Member,Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party 9 October 2024 to 17 December 2024. Resigned from Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party on 17 December 2024 to become an Independent
Trump, Hon Austin (Aussie) LettsMLC20 March 2023South West
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1985 President,Armadale branch 1986–1988 Vice-president,Brand Division 1986–1988 Member,State Council 1987–1988
Tubby, Mr Frederick (Fred) CharlesMLA7 May 1988Dale2001
Liberal Joined Liberal Party from 1949 Member,Morawa branch Conference delegate
Tubby, Reginald JohnMLA1 November 1975Greenough1989
Independent Founder and president,Daylight Saving Party WA,from 2016 Day Light Saving Party registration cancelled in accordance with the Electoral Act 1907 Sitting as an Independent as of 20 February 2023
Tucker, Hon Wilson RobertMLC22 May 2021Mining and Pastoral Region
National then Liberal from 1945
Tuckey, HobartMLC22 May 1934South-West1951
National Party of Australia
Turnbull, Dr Hilda MargaretMLA4 February 1989Collie2001
Labor President,Australian Labor Federation
Turvey, Philip JosephMLA3 October 1911Swan1914
Labor to 1917 then Nationalist
Underwood, Rufus HenryMLA23 July 1906Pilbara1929
Independent Member,WA Labor from 2011 Resigned from WA Labor Party 29 November 2017
Urban, Mr BarryMLA11 March 2017Darling Range2018
Liberal Foundation member and treasurer Gidgegannup branch of Liberal Party 1985–1986 Member Swan Valley branch from 1986,secretary 1986–1988,senior vice-president 1989–1990,member committee 1991 Vice-president Moore Division 1986–1987,senior vice-president 1987–1989,delegate Moore Women’s Division 1985–1989,vice-chairman Mundaring Campaign Committee 1986,member Morley–Swan Campaign Committee 1987 President Pearce Division 1989–1992,Liaison Officer for Division Campaign 1989–1990 Member State Executive from 1989,delegate to State Council 1987–1991 (proxy delegate 1986–1987),member State Council Membership and Training Committee 1991 In 2003 member Gidgegannup branch
Van De Klashorst, Mrs June DorothyMLA6 February 1993Swan Hills2001
Labor Member,Nedlands branch Delegate,ALP Federal Conference at Teragul in 1975
Vaughan, Grace SydneyMLC22 May 1974South-East Metropolitan1980
Forrest Party until 1895 Free Trade 1903
Venn, Harry WhittallMLA2 December 1890Wellington1901
Liberal until 1917 then National Party
Veryard, JohnMLA27 December 1905Balcatta1921
Vosper, Frederick Charles BurleighMLA4 May 1897North-East Coolgardie1901
Labor Vice President WA Branch of Australian Labor Party, member State Executive, Administrative Committee
Waddell, Mr Andrew JohnMLA6 September 2008Forrestfield2013
Walcott, Robert JohnMLC22 November 1870Nominated1872
National Party of Australia Joined party 2000
Waldron, Mr Terrence (Terry) KeithMLA10 February 2001Wagin2017
Legalise Cannabis Western Australia Party
Walker, Hon Dr Brian FollettMLC22 May 2021East Metropolitan
Liberal Independent Member,Carnarvon branch 1975–1992,Dalkeith branch 1982–2008,president 1994–2001 and other positions previously including senior vice president,secretary and State Conference Delegate (from 1984) Senior vice president,Curtin Division from 2000 and State Councillor 1997–2000 Served on numerous campaign committees from 1983 to 2001 Independent from 8 February 2008
Walker, Ms Susan (Sue) ElizabethMLA9 June 2001Nedlands2008
Protectionist in NSW until 1895,then National Federal Labor from 1905
Walker, ThomasMLA27 October 1905Kanowna1932
Wallace, Francis PatrickMLA3 May 1897Yalgoo1904
Forrest Party
Walter, John RussellMLA11 December 1903Nelson1904
Labor 1937 secretary Albany District Council
Wansbrough, Arthur WilliamMLA22 March 1924Albany1936
Country Party
Wansbrough, Charles PrangleMLA21 October 1914Beverley1930
Ware, Francis JohnMLA27 October 1905Hannans1911
Independent Country Party until 1936 then Country Party
Warner, Frederick LyttonMLA8 April 1933Mount Marshall1943
Labor Member of party in the mid-1970s and from 1992
Warnock, Ms Diana MurielMLA6 February 1993Perth2001
Warton, Charles NicholasMLC3 December 18861890
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party December 1975 Junior vice-president, secretary and treasurer Wanneroo branch Secretary Moore Electorate Council 1982 Delegate or proxy to State Executive from 1982 Delegate to State Conference 1982, 1984 and 1986
Watkins, Jacqueline PatriciaMLA19 February 1983Joondalup1993
Greens WA Member since inception,circa 1990 Convenor and co-convenor,policy working group and environmental working group 1992–1995
Watson, Hon GizMLC14 December 1996North Metropolitan21 May 2013
National then Liberal National Independent 1928, Independent 1931 Vice-president National Party 1933 Vice-president Liberal Party 1948
Watson, Henry KeithMLA8 May 1948Albany1968
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party,1976 Member,Australian Labor Party,1986-1996
Watson, Dr JudythMLA8 February 1986Canning1996
Labor Joined party 2000
Watson, Hon Peter BruceMLA10 February 2001Albany2021
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1964, Maylands branch, Wembley Downs 1966, Albany 1967 Resigned from party in 1990s
Watt, Leon HaroldMLA30 March 1974Albany1993
Watts, Alfred John HenryMLA28 June 1904Northam1905
Country Party
Watts, Arthur FrederickMLA31 August 1935Katanning1962
Nationalist unendorsed in 1939, Independent 1941
Wells, Herbert EdwardMLA12 April 1930Canning1933
Liberal President Stirling Division 1976–1980
Wells, Peter HenryMLC22 May 1980North Metropolitan1986
Nationalist then Liberal from 1945
Welsh, Frank RobertMLC MLA8 April 1933North1954
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party circa 1981 President,Bunbury branch for three years,also vice-president President,Busselton branch,1988
Wenn, Hon Douglas WilliamMLC22 May 1986South West1997
Member of the Australian Labor Party
West, Hon Darren LeghMLC5 April 2013Agricultural
Member,Australian Labor Party,1981-1983,2008 to present
Branch secretary,Warwick/Greenwood,1981
Branch president,Morley,2009-2011
Whitby, Mr Reece RaymondMLA11 March 2017Baldivis
Whitcombe, FredericMLC22 May 1898Central1900
Country Party
White, Frederick RichardMLC21 October 1967West1973
Labor Joined party 1983 and again member 1996–2001 Variously branch president,treasurer,Electorate Council and State Executive delegate Member Economics and Industry Policy Committee
Whitely, Mr Martin PaulMLA10 February 2001Roleystone; Bassendean2013
Country Party then National Country Party (NCP) then National Party (NP) and National Party of Australia (NPA) Joined Young Country Party circa 1960, then Narrogin branch of Country Party, held all offices at branch level President Narrogin District Council for several years President Canning Division Council and later inaugural president O’Connor Division Council Delegate to State Council for many years Member NCP Management Committee and later NP management Committee Finance Director NCP and later NP Chairman NCP Phoenix fundraising campaign
Wiese, Mr Robert (Bob) LaurenceMLA9 May 1987Narrogin; Wagin2001
Liberal Member United Australia Party 1931–1936 Joined Liberal Party 1946
Wild, Gerald PercyMLA15 March 1947Swan; Dale1965
Wilding, Thomas HenryMLC22 May 1908East1914
Willcock, John CollingsMLA29 September 1917Geraldton1947
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party circa 1943
Willesee, William FrancisMLC22 May 1954North; North-East Metropolitan Province1974
Williams, Charles BennettMLC22 May 1928South1948
Liberal Joined Liberal Party 1953 President Bunbury branch, and of Forrest Division (1973–1974)
Williams, Maurice CliffordMLA1 September 1962Bunbury1973
Liberal Joined Liberal Party,1947 (52) Inaugural president,Mt Lawley Young Liberals Member,Clontarf and Rossmoyne–Shelley branches Liberal party
Williams, Rex (Tony) GeoffreyMLA19 February 1977Clontarf1989
Liberal Joined party 1966 Secretary Floreat branch 1967 Treasurer Curtin Division 1967–1971 Member British Conservative party 1956–1965, branch president
Williams, Richard John LloydMLC22 May 1971Metropolitan1989
Liberal Joined party 1946 President Bridgetown branch 1950–1954 Secretary Forrest Division
Willmott, Francis DrakeMLC10 September 1955South-West1974
Country Party
Willmott, Francis Edward SykesMLA MLC21 October 1914Nelson1926
Nationalist then Liberal
Willmott, William Henry FrancisMLA12 February 1938Sussex1947
Labor until 1906 then Independent Liberal from 1908
Wilson, Albert JamesMLA24 June 1904Forrest1908
Wilson, Arthur AlanMLA11 September 1908Collie1947
Wilson, Francis FordMLA28 June 1904North Perth1905
Liberal; Nationalist 1917
Wilson, FrankMLA6 May 1897Canning1917
Labor Joined Australian Labor Party 1969 Member Balga branch Resigned from the party 1993
Wilson, Keith JamesMLA19 February 1977Dianella; Nollamara1993